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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. greasywheels121


    I've had fun w/ it, but I'm ready for college. 3 more days this week and 5 the next
  2. I hate pop anymore; I'm all about the juices and water.
  3. Yeah. That was pretty crazy; I respect Miles though he's moved on from our organization.
  4. Tell them to get some Indian helmets now.
  5. I hate Buck and McCarver. Just love the Hawk and DJ and Hawk and Wimpy combos. It's what I've grown up with.
  6. I hate WCIU because I don't get it in NE Indiana. I get the other Chisox games on FSN and WGN though.
  7. I want Willie in CF. Rowand's had his chance. We've shown that we can blowout teams w/out A-Row's presence.
  8. None yet. But I'm going to 2 games in July. That's more than I ever get to go to in a season with where I live.
  9. I'm not sure. He did well the day he got to do it this year. I wish we could put him in the 2 spot and take A-Row out of the lineup.
  10. Zach from IN In the end, do you want to be in the starting rotation, or would you like to just stay in the pen if you continue your success there?
  11. We don't need it all at once. Just a little bit at a time; calm down. f***ing Blue Jays though.
  12. I think he can. There's no reason he can't continue pitching like this if he avoids injury. I'm so glad the fans don't have much of a say in what the club does. There were a few of us who supported Scho during ST, when he was trying to add another pitch to his bag of tricks. We all just looked at that 502335.42 ERA and thought he didn't deserve a chance. He's good for this team; how long do we have him for? I hope we re-sign him when this contract is up.
  13. So that was Scuehler's doing. Pretty nice move.
  14. This game's on ESPN too. I get to see it on 2 channels; Comcast used to block out games like this. However, this year they've been nice, and I'll have Sox broadcasts on ESPN and FSN.
  15. Beautiful. Sox salvage the last game by winning, err I mean DESTROYING Minnesota 11-0.
  16. Buerhle had an awesome line...6.2 innings of shutout ball, 7 Ks, 0 BBs; lowered his ERA just under 4 now.
  17. There should be a law that we have to win a game each week by 10+ runs. I'm enjoying this....
  18. Hawk just made a good point about the pitching for the Sox in the series. We should have swept them. Scho, Loaiza, and Buerhle all had great outings on the bump.
  19. Buerhle's a hustler. Hasn't given up a run in his last 2 starts now. Adkins coming in.
  20. I hope Ozzie realizes that A-Row should sit the bench and the lineup we have today should be our everyday lineup from now on. Uribe needs to be in there; Willie and Jose deserve to be in there also with what they have done.
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