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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. I'm loving more and more what Ozzie is doing to the mentality of the players AND the coaches on this team. Letting this team have some fun playing the game, should really help us. The team will be more relaxed, etc. I see a repeat performance to what happened in 2000; however, hopefully the result comes out a bit better.
  2. Ha yeah, that wasn't liquified enough.....Definitely Mz. Portman....
  3. Another bulls*** thing about this game we just won was since we won a close one and all, we rushed the court after the game. My friend and I lost our phones somewhere in the process of running down onto the court or in the mob of people, but anyways.... We asked a cop if he had seen any phones being picked up, and he said: "No, but I saw one of your rowdy fans go over and taunt the Huntington North crowd and their cell phone fell out and someone in the Huntington North crowd kicked it and destroyed it." And then he said "That's what you guys get for being so rowdy." This guy was being such a f***in' jackass... And after that, my friend said..."No sir, that's what we get for winning." The f***in' cop arrested him!!!! What a jackass!! :fyou ....I haven't heard anything yet, but he should be allowed to get home. He's 17 as of now, but he turns 18 on Sunday.....Crazy s***.....
  4. "To the school that has no equal, our dear old South Side High...." South Side Archers are the 4A Northrop Sectional Champions!!!!!! We beat Huntington North in a classic OT battle 60-58!!!! We play our regionals in Marion next Saturday. EDIT: I just read that Muncie Central won the sectional at their school, and we'll be playing them next Saturday in Marion. Muncie Central is the school everyone knows from the Milan Miracle story, that came up short.
  5. I play the corners, but I spend the most of my time at 3B.
  6. Wow....That's sweet as hell...I'm getting jealous I made mine on Microsoft Paint
  7. On varsity for my 3rd and final year, and we started practices etc. last week.
  8. Well that team in my avatar has to at the least win 2 games in the BTT to even get invited to the NIT. This would put them at 15-15 if they won 2 in the BTT and lost the 3rd. They have to at the least, have a .500 record to get in the Not Invited to the Tourney
  9. The first thing I thought about when I saw he resigned w/ the Chisox this offseason, was how great this is for Miguel. Sandy has to be one of the best mentors you can have teaching you the tricks and trades of the catcher position in the game today.
  10. Solid outing by Rauch! He's my guy for the 5th spot. This is sweet, 3-0 in ST!
  11. After voting, I see that I'm going w/ the majority.... I feel it'll be Rauch.
  12. Definitely agree. Welcome to the board, Reddy! I love the sig!
  13. Wow...That's pretty crazy. I feel bad for Anaheim if Colon doesn't do too well and makes that contract look worse than it already does.
  14. Oh, and T.O. was so respectful and did nothing to disrespect San Fran? Please..... He's been bad mouthing them all offseason, talking about management and making attacks at players. If T.O. really wanted to be a FA, he and his dumbass agent could have filed the papers........
  15. I don't feel the least bit sorry for this guy. He's making millions of dollars, and he goes to a team that can contend for a Super Bowl. Yet, somehow he is STILL upset. T.O.......... :fyou and shut up.
  16. I don't know if any of you get ESPN mag, but you have to look at it on a newsstand or something to see this interview. It's in the back, but next to that Britney Spears comment he made, they have a picture of Britney Spears, but her face is replaced w/ Ozzie's. It's such comedy!
  17. Dan Patrick: Who were your baseball idols growing up? Ozzie Guillen: Like everybody else, my idol was Roberto Clemente. Oh, and Dave Concepcion. DP: A fellow shortstop. He should be in the Hall of Fame, right? OG: He should be. He needed to promote himself better. DP: That's interesting. What advice will you give your White Sox players as far as handling the media? OG: The media is not your enemy. They will help you and your career. Just tell the truth, even if they don't want to hear it. DP: Should we take the designated hitter out of the game? OG: They should keep it the way it is. If you take the designated hitter out of the American League, there are a lot of guys without a job. DP: Don't you think that if all pitchers hit, it might change the way they pitch? OG: Well, I do like when pitchers hit, because if they drill somebody on purpose, we have a chance to drill them back. DP: Favorite singer. OG: Ruben Blades. DP: Would you like Janet Jackson to sing the national anthem for your home opener? OG: I'd rather have Ruben Blades. DP: Okay, Ozzie, now we know you're campaigning for president of the Ruben Blades fan club, but if you couldn't get him, would you like to have Janet. OG: Why not? A lot of people would show for the game? DP: They might leave right after the anthem. OG: Their loss. DP: Meanest person you ever met in baseball? OG: Albert Belle. But he was more misunderstood than mean. Actually, he's one of my favorite players. He wasn't a hypocrite. I respect that. DP: But he was mean. OG: But he wanted to be good. DP: Did you ever fear wearing number 13? OG: No. That's the number of my hero, Concepcion. I don't believe in superstition. DP: You don't believe in 13 in Venezuela? OG: No, because whoever wears that number has a great career. DP: Most overrated player. Who is the Britney Spears of baseball. OG: I don't know. You know what? I want to be overrated like Britney Spears. DP: That makes me feel funny, Ozzie. OG: Me too.
  18. I've heard the possibility of this....They're thinking it could happen in the summer, right? If this is the case, I'll do whatever I can do to avoid driving.
  19. Hope you had a great one Flash and Molto!
  20. Yep...It's also out on the GameCube.....I can't freakin' wait for this game.....Now it's just finding the time to play, when I get it....
  21. Though we have Shingo and Marte, I feel Koch will rebound enough to keep this spot and save about 25 games or so.
  22. I don't want to look too much into the ST stats, but it's great to see Koch had a great first outing. I feel that if he comes back and has a successful year, we might have one of the deepest bullpens in the league. I understand Shingo blew his first save, but it was his first outing in America etc. I bet the nerves rattled him a bit, I feel he'll be a great person in the pen.
  23. Wow...I haven't been home all day w/ baseball and a sectional game. The first thing I did was look on the ESPN2 Bottomline to see how we did. I was so psyched to see that we had two successful games, and start the ST season 2-0!!
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