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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Maybe I'm missing something, but what's the Golden Birthday? Happy Birthday Steve, hope it's a good one!
  2. If you guys win this, I won't be surprised at all. It's hard to coin it as an upset when you're at home during conference play. Look at NC State. They beat Duke at home this weekend, and they just lost at Clemson tonight.
  3. IU's up on Minnesota 39-30 at the end of the first half..... We're surprisingly going inside a lot, and Leach has 17 points. I just read a little blip on the Big Ten on ESPN talking about bubble teams and what not.....They say that Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan State are locks. Here's the link to the article and what they say about the Big Ten.... Bubble Watch
  4. True....That is a big difference and all, but where would the Red Sox salary have been if the A-Rod and Mags deals went down in December? Like Cheat said, it really seems like it's just sour grapes. If his intent is to stick up for us little guys, I'll take that.
  5. The Red Sox have a $130M payroll. They're complaining because.....?
  6. Wow is baseball great or what? The Yanks just get richer...The sCrUBS get Maddux...and Thomas wants a trade?
  7. Google is your best bet, but this is probably the best site you'll find.... Chicago White Sox pictures (1901-present)
  8. And that it is. I don't know if I'm more partial to it because PTI came out before Around the Horn, and that Around the Horn seems to be the exact same thing. I just think Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon are awesome. I love when they start going on a rampant on something and Kornheiser is just a clown. But I only catch the end Around the Horn, because I want to see PTI.
  9. At the end of the PTI, they said Steinbrenner has not had any convos w/ Greg Maddux....
  10. It was mentioned in that article about the elementary school's winning website about the White Sox and education. Reinsdorf was asked about that at the school or something.
  11. We do need a cap or something. I don't care if it costs us a year of baseball, this game has some serious issues. I mean look at the Blue Jays and Orioles. They both had great offseasons, but they're in a division where they play the Yankees and Red Sox 19 times a piece. They have little to no chance of making the playoffs in that division. We're awfully lucky to be in the AL Central.
  12. If they're not realizing that now...Do you really think the addition of two more players will turn on the light bulb?
  13. I say we have it worse. We're always overlooked. It's not the attention I WOULD want, but the media is always talking about when will it happen for the Red Sox and Cubs. I know it's only a one year difference, but the Red Sox have won a World Series more recently than we have. At least we don't blame our troubles on a goat or a trade.
  14. It can't be that bad when you're making a quarter of a billion dollars....
  15. It's 18 if they get Maddux. This is complete and utter bulls***. I know as a Sox fan we're supposed to not pull for the sCrUBS in anything, but I'd much rather have they get them rather than the Yanks. This is really unbearable now. We're complaining that we're over budget at $65M. The Yankees' infield costs $76M. They would have to be well over $200M w/ the addition of Maddux. How is this fun? We have like two behemoths (Yanks and Red Sox) and 28 underdogs. I still don't see anyway people can argue this is good for the game. The luxury tax does absolutely nothing. The Yanks can afford to pay the $32M they did in luxury taxes, and if you divide that amongst the teams, each team only gets a little over $1M. So in 25 years we can sign A-Rod to a one year deal. I can't wait....
  16. #7 OSU is running away w/ this game on the road at state rival Oklahoma 61-49 w/ just under 2 minutes left....
  17. As he's falling kick him. Kick when he's halfway down...
  18. If the Yanks lose...They need to make a reality show of George's offseason. You listening FOX? I'd watch....
  19. I could care less what sCrUB fans think.... But if NY got Maddux on top of A-Rod, Lofton, Vasquez, Brown, Flash, Quantril, Sheffield, etc..... C'mon now......
  20. If the Yankees sign Maddux.............
  21. ....I must have went to the site 2 seconds before they made the update. They've been great at updating the e-mails lately.
  22. He definitely will. Look at what he did from the All-Star break all the way to the end of the season. He was on his game and very consistent.
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