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Everything posted by SoxFan562004

  1. sorry if this has been mentioned already, but I see it traces back to a WSI poster, however about 2 weeks ago extreme hack Jonathan Hood was on ESPN 1000 killing some time and out of the blue started saying how he couldn't look at AJ's numbers this year and not think that he may be doing PEDs. I turned it off basically right away, but he was introducing it as a topic, so possibly that started something that led to this.
  2. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 27, 2012 -> 01:41 PM) Fight Bones? Or Chael? from my understanding, neither, he was going to fight at 205, but not against Bones or Chael.
  3. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Aug 24, 2012 -> 04:35 AM) Machida declines the fight with Jon Chicken Bones Jones, Vitor Belfort (???????????) to face Jones at UFC 152... I guess it's an odd choice, but at a certain point Jones has to fight and there aren't a crap-ton of options right now. No point in a Rashad rematch Shogun got a 45 day medical suspension on his last fight which means no way could he have taken next week's fight and the later Sept. card would have been questionable. Machida turned it down Phil Davis... guess he could have, but really no point in that fight Gustaffson - UFC probably don't want to risk him right now then rounding out the top 10 I'm just glancing at, Bader coming off a loss, Te Huna kind of a mix of Davis and Gustaffson reasons and Mousasi is in SF and there's goofy contract issues with that. Biggest potential wildcard I thought of would be Glover Teixeira, only one UFC fight, but he is a vet that had visa problems, however that's a DANGEROUS fight for any 205 and Shogun even turned it down because of the risk of losing to a non-established name. I'm just making an educated guess here, but there's no chance in hell Greg Jackson lets Jones take that fight on 8 days or one month notice, in fact, the way Jones is running his career, if Glover performs the way I and many others think he will, Jones will be dodging him for awhile. So they were left with asking a lighter HW to drop to 205 on either 8 days or 1 month notice or look at big 185'ers. He won't fight Chael, so that leaves Boetsch, Bisping and Belfort... Belfort makes the most sense I guess. Even if you wanted to get goofy and stretch for something that had a 1 in a million shot and sign Fedor and have him drop down to 205, there's no way you can strike a deal with his management with them having that much leverage. I'm sure I'm missing a few guys who could be in the mix, but there's no obvious options.
  4. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Aug 22, 2012 -> 08:47 AM) I think most schools start in the last or second to last week in August now. It seems like it gets earlier every year, though. yeah, CPS started going earlier a few years back I believe, and I have friends/family with kids going back today, and that's the latest, several have been in since last week. I think the low attendance has more to do with premium pricing though, Sox sold a lot of tickets on the discount Mondays etc., against far lesser "marque" teams than the NYY.
  5. solid two wins and nice to see Liriano settle in and go 6 with only 2 runs. on a side note and not taking anything away from the Sox because I'm not sure how it would of lined up if he was healthy, but the NYY really need Captain Cheeseburger back, the Rays are a chargin'
  6. QUOTE (Cerbaho-WG @ Aug 18, 2012 -> 02:44 PM) Castro gets $60 million: http://espn.go.com/chicago/mlb/story/_/id/...xtension-source First thought: that's a terrible contract. at first thought I thought it was neutral, then I looked at his numbers... they have to be banking on him getting better, which he certainly can since he's so young... but he has to improve. It will be a interesting to see if he can stick at SS
  7. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 17, 2012 -> 03:15 PM) That's the thing, you probably aren't getting anything useful back for soriano with that contract. It is basically just "get him out of here" at this point, and everyone knows it right, I heard that Cubs will eat all but 3m a year, except that it's not like for just this year and he's off the books for the team getting him, I believe he has 2 more years left.
  8. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Aug 16, 2012 -> 08:51 PM) And who had the most impact? Not even our big guns like Paulie or AJ. Dunn, Wise and freakin' Tyler Flowers Yeah, we aight. a guy who is tied for the ML lead in HRs isn't a big gun?
  9. Really nice win. This stretch of roadgames have sucked and I am happy the Sox are, at worst, 2.5 games up. That is really impressive to me.
  10. QUOTE (Feeky Magee @ Aug 1, 2012 -> 12:32 PM) Score X runs in the top of the inning Concede the same number in the bottom ??? Profit we can replace ??? with "be a first place team"
  11. QUOTE (YASNY @ Aug 1, 2012 -> 12:27 PM) Too many unearned runs allowed lately. They gotta put a stop to that stuff. I'll give them the slight benefit of the doubt that the ridiculous 16 out of 19 games on the road or whatever it is has taken a little toll.
  12. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 29, 2012 -> 06:46 PM) Unless they pick up at least half the money, that's lawl-worthy. just rumors, but I've heard if the Cubs have any notion of trading him at any point they will have to pick up well over half of the money.
  13. QUOTE (shakes @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 04:51 PM) I get that. That's why I said it was a good trade. In my eyes, some have gotten too excited. I wouldn't call it robbery. We are reminded around here time and time again, that the White Sox farm contributions haven't been that big of a deal because they are bullpen arms. Goldstein was adamant today that Vizcaino will be a bullpen arm, and he is coming off TJ surgery. I will hold my enthusiasm. Lord Theo made the trade, it will be spun as a steal. I think the Cubs did good getting return for vets that have zero reason to be on that team at this point, but not getting Delgado from Braves or either of the two top guys they wanted from the LAD probably wasn't ideal and Dempster directly held that up, specficially the Braves.
  14. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 03:15 PM) Rangers beat guy: Evan Grant ‏@Evan_P_Grant Sources: Rangers send 3B Christian Villanueva and RHP Kyle Hendricks to Cubs for Dempster. Anyone have any read on level of these prospects, Cubs were shooting for moon (and got it with Delgado) with Braves and LAD.
  15. QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 03:03 PM) 2 class A pitchers to Cubs Makes sense for Cubs, even if they end up not being great prospects, they had to move him, zero point in him staying on the Cubs. Cubs and fans have to be ticked he cost him Delgado, unless one of these two are a high prospect (of course media will spin it like they're a young Ryan and Seaver combo)
  16. really interested to see what type of prospect they got for him. Unless NYY had a huge boner for him, Cubs had basically zero leverage.
  17. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:56 PM) Giants wanted him but AS(s) vetoed that. There might be another team out there that wants him. He could Be a good DH. Why didn't he want to go to SF? Outfield too big? Just loves playing for the northspiders? right, might be other teams out there who want him, but Cubs are dealing with a potential disaster if they don't move Dempster, so it makes sense a vast majority of resources go into that then dealing with Soriano, who you can move for 30 more days. Basically there is no rush to move Soriano, it can happen if a team wants him bad enough.
  18. I think he'll be a Ranger or Yankee in the next few minutes, but wow, if he stays the Cubs media spin machine will throw him under the bus, it will be interesting to witness. Although as I said, I think they move him, it's far too big of a risk to offer him something for compensation since he would have zero problem staying, they need to get something for him, even if it's a fringe prospect.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:49 PM) Dylan Hernandez ‏@dylanohernandez Source: the #Dodgers are out on Ryan Dempster. They HAVE to move him though right? I mean Tex or NYY will give them something for him. It's bad enough they lost out on Delgado because of him. They will get compensation though if he walks though, yes? Not sure his status.
  20. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:41 PM) If Tiggs want him, don't they risk losing him. Chubbies could deal him to another team before the deadline. I guess, but it all depends how bad Tigers want him, also, it will be somewhat of a quirky trade to work-out due to the fact Cubs are going to have to eat a ton of that contract, so it's not likely a trade that can get turned around quickly. Soriano is not the type of player that any team is clamoring for, might be a good add for some team, but nothing that any GM is going to have a meltdown over IMO.
  21. QUOTE (Real @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:41 PM) Sale has dead arm, Quintana and Floyd are getting lit up recently, and Liriano and Humber are huge question marks let's stay put!!! yeeeeeeeeahhhhh!!! I mean yeah, ideally it would be nice to add another SP, but who in that realm is getting moved? Dempster, but he's being a drama queen and possibly Garza, who has a legit question mark about his health. It would be AWESOME to add the King or somebody of that ilk, but realistically that's likely not happening for any team.
  22. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:37 PM) Yeah that sounds right. What is the advantage of waiting. Just wanting more time to iron out details? Could Soriano veto a Trade after clearing waivers. He has full no trade clause, doesn't he? Advantage would be Cubs are working to trade Dempster that teams want enough and his contract is friendly enough that they don't have to work out contract details. Easier for them to focus on Dempster/Garza when they won't clear waivers and forced to deal with one team, where as Soriano will fly through waivers and they have an extra 30 days.
  23. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:35 PM) He's a pretty useless hitter. wow, I knew he fell off, but he went from being an above average bat the last two years to a total suck-hole. http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/s/sanchga01.shtml
  24. Heyman has "Gaby" going to Pitt, imagine it's Gaby Sanchez
  25. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:29 PM) Wouldn't the Tiggs rather make the deal before waivers. Then they could have the cubbies pay part of his salary? Not that I care. Soreyano can barely run and is sloppy on the field. Kinda funny how the SCORE just repeats stuff like this about 15 Minutes later. Lol. someone who is a little more familiar with the process could correct me if need be, but Soriano will clear waivers, no team is dumb enough to take that money, then Cubs and Tigers can work out a deal that would include Cubs eating some of that $$$
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