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Everything posted by SoxFan562004

  1. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:28 PM) Ken Rosenthal ‏@Ken_Rosenthal Source: #Reds get Broxton. wow, him and Chapman at end of game, that will be nasty.
  2. QUOTE (Caesar @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 02:21 PM) Sorry, but he is. I can't stand that asshole. I hate when that clown is gooning around in Wrigley in his Cubs jacket, then they try to pass him off as "neutral". Corey McPharin (sp?) is a big Sox fan and the only way you would really know is because he got chocked up when they won the WS and he was talking about his dad, not because he's a meatball like Kaplan. Biggest joke in Chicago media, and that's saying a lot
  3. Not that I don't believe it, but source please, and if I'm missing it, sorry, on a webinar, so split attention! lol
  4. QUOTE (GoGoSox2k2 @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 01:47 PM) being as we havent heard one word about the white sox today leads me to believe kenny is working on something pretty big.. hes in stealth mode and i love it echoing another posters thoughs in a separate thread, I think KW may add a complimentary piece, but I think his big moves are done, and that's OK, he's added a lot for very little.
  5. Heyman is now caught up in Dempster's ability to say No again to any other team... I don't see that being an issue, he would have about what, 8-10 starts left? He seems pretty firm that if he isn't going exactly where he wants he's staying in Chicago. Anyone familiar enough with NYY farm system so if/when prospect names come out we can say "decent" or "steal for Cubs?"
  6. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 01:27 PM) Heyman just keeps wondering why there is no market for Soriano, as if he has no idea about his albatross of his contract. he's been on that badwagon for literally 2 months, and you're right, he acts completely clueless and like the rest of MLB is missing out on some fantastic bargin in passing on Soriano. I would imagine he has strong contacts with Cubs and Boston (guess it makes sense with the front-office situation) since he does some A LOT of talking about them out-of-the blue
  7. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 12:39 PM) This is why I don't really care about Olney...he seems to suggest stupid crap like this from time to time. Most of these guys, Heyman is big with this too, mention the popular teams to drive up the people who follow them/click on their links etc. Buster probably needed a unique Cubs item to throw out
  8. will be interesting to see the prospect that goes. Sounds like Cubs got some good prospects in the 2 deals last night, but their hope for Dempster was a top prospect, if they don't get Webster or the other name that is slipping my mind Dempster kind of screwed them.
  9. QUOTE (Frank_Thomas35 @ Jul 30, 2012 -> 11:00 PM) Cubs are busy tonight. My guess Dempster deal to LA gets done tonight. there's zero point in them hanging on to the players they're getting rid of. Even if they don't get top guys, they're best off just getting prospects than running Reed Johnson, Soto, etc., out there the rest of the year.
  10. QUOTE (Baron @ Jul 30, 2012 -> 10:55 PM) He may be talking about Garza. how much could they reasonably get for him with his health? They'd be better off holding on to him in the off-season.
  11. Gammons on MLBN said he thought League would be going to the Giants 2nite. Didn't mention White Sox
  12. Cubs offerred Dempster for Alan Webster and Dodgers said "no." Say LAD may prefer Garza, but at this point they're not willing to trade a whole bunch. Cubs will end of moving pieces, but it looks more and more like the haul they expected for some of their vets isn't going to happen, poor them. In tweets recently Heyman has also said there is seemingly little to zero market for Soriano. http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/blog/jon-heym...to-prefer-garza
  13. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Jul 25, 2012 -> 03:51 PM) And he will continue to take the $12.5M the cubs will have to pay him. The money is one thing, but ultimately he's costing them a chance at getting a legitimate pitching prospect. Even if he ends up at LAD there's no way they are going to get top value since they've lost so much leverage.
  14. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jul 10, 2012 -> 01:01 PM) Totally reasonable if they had come from somebody not employed by the Yankees. You don't get to trash your company in public, not matter how true your statements are. yeah unfortunately you're right on this since a lot of MLB media glosses over A-Rod's questionable numbers and when a HOF mentions it the story does fuel honest debate about the weird position MLB will be in as he continues to break records, but instead on who said the comments.
  15. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 10, 2012 -> 11:19 AM) Tampa was the same way, no one really thought they'd ever be good. then they got good. It's all about smart drafting and management. well, you have to throw in there some "luck" for lack of a better term. Guys need to stay healthy and develop at the right/similar time for any team looking to do it on a shoe string budget developing from the minors up. A team like the Cubs will have a little more leeway since ultimately they can fill in a few gaps with $$ (Theo and Boston obviously used smart management and drafting in Boston, but they also had two steroid fueled monsters that helped them A LOT, one that "they", I believe it was the previous regime, got in FA for a hefty price). http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/814725...ic-run-futility Good story about how KC is struggling with a low-budget/prospect model. (Article does note that it can all turn around next year, but dealing with the here and now).
  16. Leaving a temp position I was at for 11 months for a temp-to-hire position. The new one is a much better opportunity for my career and significantly better pay, but still amazing how attached you can get to people you work with 40-50 hours a week.
  17. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 1, 2012 -> 11:32 AM) TNA starting their own Hall of Fame. If Dixie ever had an original idea, it would be the first. How many HOFers can a 10 year old company have? Puppet the Psycho Dwarf and the garbage can sketch MUST be one of the first inductions.
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 1, 2012 -> 08:03 AM) By the time they could be good, he will also be a free agent. also what's his defense been like this year? I know he wasn't spectacular at SS, and they might have decided he's not going to get a whole lot better.
  19. Contact the SA's office and find out what SA is handling it. Let them know you're interested in seeing the case through and if and when you need to be in court. That may save you some time if the first date is only a plea date and the SA can let the defendant and/or their attorney they won't be dismissing it without a trial or some sort of plea. There's a small chance the SA may contact you or if you can't get a hold of anyone go to the court date listed, but SAs are going to take cases where the victim is showing an interest in the case far more than a case that comes and goes with no victim interest.
  20. there's also a player like DeAza. The Sox picked him up and he's in his late 20's and contributing... they didn't develop him but KW and the staff have to get credit for identifying him as low cost player who will contribute at the MLB level. Obviously I would like the Sox to have a better minor league draft to MLB system, but that should not totally overshadow this regimes ability to identify low cost mid level outcasts that come in and contribute.
  21. if anyone pulls the "we'll call the cops" routine, call them on it. You don't have to pay tip, let them call the cops, no rational police officer is going to risk a false imprisonment charge over a tip at a restaurant. You would pay the bill and leave.
  22. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ May 25, 2012 -> 12:00 PM) Ricketts was on Mully and Hanley this morning He did not sound real assuring also Mully and Haugh who was sitting in, are terrible at interviewing people. They could not get a concise question out. Yeah I caught most of it as well... Ricketts sounds a little lost in his answers, I'll give Mully and Haugh a slight pass because I don't think Ricketts has any solid answers, he bought a team at their tip top peak value in a broke state that isn't going to hand money over to him for free and he completely lost his leverage by not even head faking a move to Schaumburgh or the 'burbs. One question I will give Mully credit for asking was after T-bone went on a 1-2 minute ramble about how unfair the position the Cubs are in with taxes, landmark status, etc., Mully flat out asked him "well didn't you know this when buying the team?" Ricketts basically said they did but believed something would get worked out.
  23. QUOTE (G&T @ May 24, 2012 -> 08:06 AM) Most states have "aggravated DUI" based on various factors including BAC levels. Yeah, IL has felony DUIs with factors from previous ones to driving without insurance/license other factors. It's been awhile since I dealt directly with DUIs on a regular basis, but I believe it's at the SA's discretion whether to felonize them, then even if they are they can still plead down to a misdo DUI in a felony court room. For the first post, if this was IL and in certain counties, he would be going to jail and his license would probably be gone for a looooong time. Now it depends how the others were resolved. In IL you can amend to a reckless, but then it depends what charge you actually plead to. If it's a number with a DT in the middle, then it's kind of hard to hide, but if it's a DUI charge and plead to a reduced charge with a TR number, it's basically like they never had a DUI. Some counties in IL, at least 3-4 years ago, had people pleading sign an affidavit saying they've never pled to a DUI anywhere else, but not sure if that was ever challenged or common these days.
  24. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 19, 2012 -> 04:04 PM) Looks like AJ ph 8 times last year, I assume a handful of those were day games after a night game. It could be Robin is just taking a 12 game stretch with with 3/4 first place teams at .500 and rolling with it.
  25. Overeem pissed hot, crazy high testosterone levels, JDS fight up in the air and Dana is irate.
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