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Everything posted by SoxFan562004

  1. Not everyone's cup of tea, but the ROH All Star Extravaganza tomorrow night is crazy. The Dragon Lee v. Kamaitachi match taking place in the U.S. is crazy, their Arena Mexico matches have been awesome. The ladder match has a chance to be something unreal, although could be one where it's too crazy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Star_Extr...za_VIII#Matches
  2. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 27, 2016 -> 09:01 PM) The Miz-Ziggler feud and main event program are beyond awesome right now on SD. Many factors involved, but the 2 hours v. 3 hours of Raw makes a HUGE difference, and not having Stephanie berate babyfaces (well, everyone actually) to cringe worthy heights just about every week on your show really helps as well.
  3. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 09:04 AM) Trying out MMA is all the rage right now! I don't think he'd actually do that but he's got the background to potentially be successful. He wrestled at 165 at Kent State, I'm sure he's bigger now (listed at 218, so I'm sure around 200) but to realistically fight, he'd have to be at 185 likely, which, in MMA, the lower you go, deeper divisions get, and UFC for sure, and maybe even Bellator, wouldn't see him as a big enough draw to justify it. Also he's 36, starting any serious striking at 36 is a real issue.
  4. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 27, 2016 -> 11:49 AM) So TNA officially on its deathbed bed. Basically have to decide this week whether to sell to Corgan and co or WWE. And it sounds like WWE is the only one in position to buy. Yeah, heard the update as well. What's strange is I believe Billy told ESPN he has the money there's just other issues, not sure what those are. He did say if he got it, he'd change the name. Probably right move, he'd still have the talent and the TV contracts to re-boot. Imagine if WWE buys them it will be mostly for tape library and I assume they'll take some wrestlers. They already were sniffing around Matt because his deal runs out in Spring and Jeff would still be a draw (assuming he's clean, which all reports indicate he is). We shall see, it will be an interesting few days.
  5. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 26, 2016 -> 09:52 AM) Jericho is hotter right now than Zayn. Sami will have his time. Just cuz a guy loses doesn't mean he's being buried. Fans these days will respect good workers and Sami is one. Bayley just pinned Charlotte clean. Her coming up and winning the belt right away would do nothing. She is going to be the top woman for years to come. I didn't say Bayley had to win, just don't think she should have done 2 jobs in a row. Seeds are planted early with fans, while their casual fan base is getting smaller and smaller, it's still bigger than the hardcore fans that would tend to favor a good worker despite how he or she is being booked. By no means is it at the level of the fiasco from WCW, but if you haven't had the chance, I recommend reading or listening to the audiobook of Death of WCW by Bryan Alvarez and RD Reynolds. Again, by no means at the Kevin Nash/Vince Russo level of absurdity, but lots of interesting lessons in there.
  6. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Sep 25, 2016 -> 10:30 PM) I thought the matches were good. The endings were horrific though. And Cesaro and Sheamus fought I believe last night in Chicago. So technically, they're going to have an 9th match. seemed to be a decent amount of botched spots tonight throughout matches. Nothing crazy (although I don't know how to categorize Cesaro landing on his flipping neck since he's apparently OK) but just a bit off. I don't get the Jericho beating Sami thing at all. I know the plan is likely a Jericho/Owens/Rollins 3 way at Hell in the Cell, but Jericho is a 45 year old 3/4 timer and Zayn could be on the swing up if booked correctly. However, we'll continue to see it, like Bayley will get same treatment, to most workers who don't fit Vince's format/look. I believe Cesaro and Zayn have been working many house shows, they just say it's not part of the series.
  7. QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Sep 18, 2016 -> 11:25 AM) So, what does this all mean? TNA = dead down the line? Similar to WCW? Depends. They still have tv, but last handful of tapings they scrambled last minute to cover costs. Any new owner has to figure out more revenue if it's to go on. All they really do is tv and it's not enough to cover expenses
  8. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 17, 2016 -> 07:48 PM) What? I seriously thought this was a joke when I heard it earlier. I'm going to listen to Wrestling Observer Radio on CTA over to riotfest and I believe they give more detail, but wwe is mostly interested in the tape library.
  9. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 15, 2016 -> 11:20 AM) Speaking of TJP, Sapolski got excited about his win and released his match with Riddle from over the weekend: Riddle will probably be in WWE rather soon and is going to be an absolute star. So, as silly as it may sound to some, WWE is obviously aware of him, but they're hesitant due to marijuana failures when he was in UFC and his pro marijuana stance.
  10. QUOTE (scs787 @ Sep 15, 2016 -> 10:41 AM) Bringing up Aries would be awesome. If not Aries, they should turn Ciampa heel(turn on Gargano to set up a #1 contenders match) and just turn him into the psycho bad ass he is. Is Kalisto on Raw? He's with Smackdown, which makes no sense.
  11. QUOTE (scs787 @ Sep 15, 2016 -> 07:58 AM) CWC Spoiler........ ......Love seeing TJP win it. Gargano, Ciampa, and Swan were already over with the crowd and Ibushi/Sabre aren't signed so it makes sense to get someone else over and TJP is the right choice. Yes, with the last 4 TJP was the only logical choice. Ibushi and Sabre apparently haven't signed, and Metallik has dates in Mexico to wrap up, so while he's signed, he won't be full time right away. Even outside of the logical choice, TJP is a good one, good worker and a good face to kick the division off with. Wish they'd bring Aries in as the heel challenger right away.
  12. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 14, 2016 -> 08:30 AM) Yes, the DB/Alexa interaction was great. Alexa has become so comfortable talking from when she first came to NXT. I'll watch that segment again and again. If it has Alexa, I'd watch it on mute again and again.
  13. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 12, 2016 -> 02:48 PM) Rumor has it that both Gargano and Ciampa will be in the cruiserweight division. For a little bit I'm sure they'll both work NXT and raw. Kendrick is going to be in the division as well. Sabre and Ibushi are the two main guys that aren't signed who I wouldn't be shocked to see down the not so distant road. I'm sure they'll pursue Ricochet when his LU contract is up too. There are a lot of people in NXT that should be on the main roster but yes, while they're a touring brand they're not going to gut the whole roster. I'm sure Joe gets one more match with Nak and then gets moved up though. This is one of those unofficial/official things. The issue is he's in Ultimate Lucha 3 that won't air until June, then theoretically there's a window he still couldn't appear on TV for someone else for a set time after that. He's told LU he isn't coming back and he'll work U.S. indys and NJPW until he can go to WWE (again, all can change, obviously). There's a chance WWE and Ricochet may push the no compete as he's masked in LU so an argument can be made there's no market confusion, but we shall see. BTW, I should list it more, but I generally get anything I put here from Wrestling Observer, either Meltzer's newsletter or the radio shows/podcasts with him and Alvarez (or some of the ones Alvarez does with others).
  14. QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Sep 12, 2016 -> 07:43 AM) I agree, the two champs are awesome right now. WWE now needs a good guy, a face. John Cena's been that guy for quite some time. Rollins is OK, I think. Reigns fails miserably. Over on SD you don't have much going on. I could see Slater be that guy with some molding over time (he seems very likeable in his character). When Nakumara comes up, he could be great. The thing that drives me crazy is Smackdown and Raw have thin rosters, Raw is made worse that it's 3 hours, that will be partially helped next week when the Cruiserweight division starts (From what I've heard is Metallik (who has been tearing it up in his wrap-up shows in CMLL), Gallagher, Cedrik Alexander, Tozawa (!!!), Swan, Perkins have been signed, obviously could be more. Gargano and Ciampa are under deals, but not sure if they'll stay in NXT and continue feud with the Revival) but won't be given a whole hour. (Sabre likely won't sign and Ibushi can if he wants, and would win it if he did, but supposedly doesn't want a WWE exclusive deal, which could all be a work at the end of the day). They have Nak, Joe (his injury is a work), Aries, Roode, the Revival, Ciampa and Gargano (and I'm sure I'm missing others) that can step into the main rosters and provide very good work, however, NXT is such an independent touring brand, they need them for the house shows and keep the brand with established names.
  15. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 10, 2016 -> 10:53 PM) Knew it would happen but was hoping it wouldn't. He won't be back in the UFC, maybe he tries fighting again but after that he has no drawing power. I was semi joking about it with Brian but my odd prediction of the day is that he's headlining a NJPW ppv with Daniel Bryan in a few years. Anywho, this isn't a wrestling thread so sorry about that...this Werdum-Browne fight has been bizarre. If he went in there against anybody with even one amateur fight, he was at a significant disadvantage. Their only chance for a "competitive" fight, and maybe using the build-up series to chronicle his opponent, would be to find someone similar to me or several people I know that have trained BJJ and other aspects of MMA for years, but never did anything above sparring. You could have shown Punk with his full time training and his opponent balancing a regular life and training for a fight. So many issues with that as well, but he was an amateur going for his first fight, should have fought similar. As far as UFC goes, 100% agree, honestly, I think they signed him just to keep him from Bellator. Hindsight is 20/20 but they should have just scrapped the idea after his second injury earlier this year, paid him whatever they would have had to for the contract and at that point, his heat was down enough if he would have went to Bellator it wouldn't have been earth shattering. With that said, if he fights again, it will be in Bellator, IMO
  16. QUOTE (zenryan @ Sep 10, 2016 -> 11:52 PM) Well congrats to Overeem, he let CM off the hook for the most embarrassing performance of the night. I almost felt bad for him after the replay showed no tap. Rogan has asked UFC that he stop interviewing fighters that just got KO'd. His thought, and I agree, is there's no way they have all their capacity about them and they're bound to say incorrect things.
  17. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 5, 2016 -> 07:21 PM) That opening 20 minutes was just fantastic from everyone. and unfortunately the show later was the opposite of fantastic...
  18. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 1, 2016 -> 10:41 PM) Ibushi and Kendrick is another must see from the CWC. The burning hammer was ridiculous. I actually slightly preferred the Metalik v. Tozawa match, but basically a coin toss on those two matches. Bottom line the whole show is fantastic. They actually had a botched finish, as refs are instructed to call matches as shoots, and Ibushi got counted out after the neck breaker on the turnbuckle. Live, Regal came out and said Kendrick shouldn't win on an illegal move and restarted the match. That was obviously edited out for the Network show.
  19. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Sep 1, 2016 -> 07:41 AM) http://www.todaysknuckleball.com/al/chicag...-sale-quintana/ Alright, if that's the way you want to go Jerry, no more p****footing. No half measures. You either spend like a boss or tear it down at this point My thoughts exactly. It's obvious with his advanced age JR wants to win now, I understand that, but 100% agree, then this off-season he needs his baseball people to ID 1-2 FAs or player via trade and you do what you have to do to make it happen. Can't be 99% in on that strategy.
  20. QUOTE (Whitewashed in '05 @ Aug 23, 2016 -> 03:42 PM) The fans would definitely eat up that matchup. It's not a great matchup though. Nick hasn't had a win since 2011. I'd rather see Conor back to 145 to defend his belt. Enough of this interim champ crap. He either goes back or he gives up the belt. Not that Dana isn't one to flip-flop, but that is his current stance. If Connor doesn't fight Aldo next (or another FW due to an Aldo injury or the like) he vacates.
  21. I'm going to the Sox/Miami series in two weeks, but I'm single as can be so no realistic (i'm very cautious) chance of getting anyone pregnant. I still plan on going.
  22. Per Meltzer, Heyman agreed to new deal, will be at Raw tonight.
  23. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 06:58 AM) I'm seriously shocked their putting Finn in that match. If they wanted to stick with this new era thing, Finn is your first Universal Champion, with help from The a Club maybe. Seth goes face. Spitballing Could be, seems like the Club and A.J. had a nice act going, so splitting the Club and having them go alone at Raw was a bit of a surprise, but Finn was set-up as such a babyface, not sure if turning him that quick would be best. Either way, at minimum I'd think they'd have to keep him as a "cool" heel because the Demon gimmick has far too much marketing potential.
  24. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 06:11 PM) Heyman contract up. Hope, they re-sign him or pay him per appearance. they need a mouthpiece for Brock now more than ever, so logically Paul's in a great leverage spot, but after the draft, I don't equate logic with VMK at this point.
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