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  • Birthday 08/17/1978

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  1. http://www.suntimes.com/news/24-7/911336,r...s042308.article What's going on here? All the cockroaches come out at once or what? This and the 3 dozen shootings over the weekend?! This place is starting to look like Baghdad.
  2. I think the 1st thing the new President should do is strip all subsidies from the big oil firms and put the proceeds toward a viable alternative to oil. This dependence on foreign oil has got to end someplace.
  3. You know what's funny? After all that posturing, and campaigning, and spent money and all the rest, Hillary only made a really small dent in Obama's lead. Honestly, I don't see how she can win the nomination except by hanging on until the convention and then using her connections to totally screw Obama in some back room deal.
  4. Thread should be changed to "It's the oil stupid" cause that's what's causing most of the problems these days.
  5. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 02:14 PM) Interesting Miller trivia: MGD and Miller High Life are the exact same recipe formulation (and both are 4.7%), but High Life is heat pasteurized while MGD is microfiltered under refrigeration............... ...........and they both suck ass. I can't believe they serve that crap at ball games and such.
  6. Delta Airlines..........You fail at LIFE. http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/industr...a_575096_8.html Fuel prices be damned. How do you lose almost 6 and a half billion in 1 freekin quarter?! In a few years there will be only 3-4 airlines and we'll be paying through the nose to fly.
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 07:09 AM) I'd like make an honorable mention for my favorite, Icehouse! LOL! A buddy of mine drinks that crap and we make fun of him all the damn time
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 08:21 AM) Both have got to stay in until mathematically eliminated. But even then, pledged is not the same as legally bound, if I understand it correctly. I think I have been saying for six months is goes to the convention. Which I am really looking forward to. This convention will be the most watched in history. The biggest train wreck of a convention in history to boot.
  9. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 07:17 AM) The theory is, with quiet hybrids, then blind people could be hit as often as those idiots talking on their cell phones. What if the blind person WAS one of the idiots talking on his cell phone?
  10. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 06:31 AM) It depends on the environment. If you are trying to attract customers, you may not want to offend your customer base. The Scrubs will never have a shortage of drunk idiots, no matter how bad they are or if their tee shirts have slanty eyes or not.
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 08:00 AM) It's about blind people. I don't have research to back me up on this but I will bet you my last nickel that blind people get hit by vehicles far less than idiots on cell phones or people who just never learned to look both ways before they cross the street.
  12. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 05:59 AM) 2 hits and 2 rbi in a game does suck. Even a broken clock is right twice a day........oh wait, how bout that bases loaded popup....... Uribe is the ultimate rally killer. I don't give a crap about how good an arm he has. Get rid of his ass.
  13. QUOTE (Wanne @ Apr 22, 2008 -> 11:31 PM) This game seemed destined for horses***tyness from the 1st inning. Just had that feeling. Plus...failure to drive in runners on 2nd and 3rd in consecutive innings really slowed down the train. It never helps when you have double digits in runners left on base. That was f***ing sorry. We shoulda knocked out Wang early and won in a laugher.
  14. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 06:37 AM) I would have to agree. The Soxtalk drinking game is slowly being created We'll have to discuss that tonight.
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