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  1. In a suite, perhaps. That's it. I'd put money on it.
  2. Okay man, the least that you could do is keep it relevant. You think that Crede will ever have is infant at a game again unless they're in a suite? He learned his lesson.
  3. And how is that a bad thing?
  4. Hey, whatever man. I'll dring an 1/8 of jack and I'll still have more sense than to jeopardize an infant's life.
  5. One thing is for certain, though. His wife wasn't paying attention. And this is what I'm saying. We're talking about an infant here who's head is about as fragile as an egg, for Christ's sake. Like I said earlier in this thread, a 5 or 6 year old kid could withstand something like this. Plus, what's the point of the infant being there if he can't enjoy it? What's next? Are you going to take him to the movies? The zoo? The circus? Maybe go bowling? What's the point? Hire a babysitter. And I'm pretty f***ing far from uncompassionate, or otherwise, I'd have never said anything in the first place. Of course I feel bad for Crede, and I'm not going to hold this against him considering that they were behind a net, which is fine as long as the person with the infant pays attention to every pitch. I was also pretty drunk last night, so I might not have taken this as seriously as I did if the situation were otherwise. Still a moment of clarity, regardless.
  6. Uh, hello? Am I alone in this world? For Christ's sake, Crede's infant child just got hit in the head this afternoon!! Are you kidding me with this "struck by lightning" bulls***? And all of that other s*** that you're talking about is AVOIDABLE, just like what happened this afternoon. If you're an intelligent parent, you won't leave plastic bags lying around by an infant. Obviously, a car accident, given the circumstances, might not be avoidable, but most are. All I'm saying is that you have to minimize risks in this life. It's what intelligent people do. I will always hold this against Crede, or any other schmuck who would bring his infant child into the lower level. I might trust a male who was into the game if he held the infant, but 9 times out of 10 it's a female who is holding the kid, and this is not to say that all females dislike baseball, which is obviously not the case, but the vast majority do. They're not watching the hitter. They ain't paying attention to jack s***. Think about it.
  7. That's right on the money in terms of attitude and work ethic, but Rowand will never be as good of a player as Dykstra was back when the Phillies made their run in the early nineties. That guy was phenomenal when he peaked. An all star.
  8. Nonsense. He has 5 hits in 15 at bats. Now, I ain't no mathematical genius or anything like that, but that comes out to .333, correct? And you're hoping that he wakes up?
  9. And if anyone ought to know better, it would be a baseball player. This ranks right up there with Steve Irwin dangling his infant son in front of crocodiles. If someone like Big Frank were to hit a foul laser beam with all of his weight, and it happened to hit an infant in the head, is that kid still breathing? HELL f***ING NO.
  10. Look. Anyone who sits in the lower level on the 1st or 3rd base side with an infant is just asking for trouble. You can't deny that. And what's worse? His wife was probably day dreaming or some s***. If that kid would have died, I'd lose sleep over it. All thanks to some f***ing airheads that don't know any better.
  11. Seriously, how stupid can you be if you have an infant within the first couple rows at a baseball game? At least a 5 or 6 year old kid can withstand something like that, but an infant? If this is any indication, Crede is a f***ing idiot. And nobody can defend him.
  12. The guy has 50 wins, and he's only 25. What, do you think that arm injuries are imminent? He doesn't throw hard. Buehrle's intelligence, control, and gold glove caliber defense are his keys to success, not his fastball. So he had a s***ty first half. Big deal. Every great starter that I can think of right now has experienced turmoil at some point. He's a much better pitcher now than he was in his 19 win season because of it. Put down that fantasy baseball guide that ranks him below guys like Hideo Nomo and Vincent Padilla simply because he had a s***ty first half. It's ridiculous. And even though it's irrelevant to this discussion, Mark Buehrle is perhaps the coolest guy on the team. Frank shouldn't have dissed him like that at the casino.
  13. .260 on base average He could start on my all time white sox scrubs team, along with Jerry Dybzinski, Mike LaValliere, Dan Pasqua, Warren Newson, etc. I started following baseball in the early eighties, so I'm sure that you're fully aware of all the scrubs who played on the Sox before that era, as you named yourself after one.
  14. Dude, is that your real name, or are you just another gay Derek Jeter fan? Let me know.
  15. Put the White Sox in Fenway, and cheat just like they do (HOME OPS vs. ROAD OPS confirms this), and we'll set new slugging records as well. There were a lot of stories in regards to them cheating in Fenway last year, and yet, nothing ever came up about any other team cheating. They'd come to Chicago and get a couple runs per game, if that. David Ortiz would have to hit some lucky homers for them to score any runs, period. But when they're at Fenway, they're scoring like 10 runs per game? That's funny. Someone is telling these guys what pitch is on the way, just like the 1951 Giants, who admitted to cheating later on. Meanwhile, the Sox are going into the Bronx and putting up 10 runs per game. The better offense, undoubtedly.
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