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Pale Hose Jon

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Everything posted by Pale Hose Jon

  1. I know it is an insider article, but could anyone give me the gist of the ESPN.com article on what Depaul will due to replace Leitao
  2. QUOTE(whitesoxfan56789 @ Apr 14, 2005 -> 11:03 PM) http://www.gridironfans.com/bang_cartoons/JG4gf.htm I love how Peyton is Brady's b****, that was really well done.
  3. The CBA will also undergo some changes, with max dollars becoming a lot less. But i do think this heart issue, will kill any chance of a max deal.
  4. red sox are 3-5, yet they are 7th, this list blows
  5. This game is over before 3 minutes to go in the first quarter
  6. I love the Big Frank Icon, i wonder what Frank thinks about it
  7. Pale Hose Jon

    First Jobs

    Go to you rlocal rec center and become a baseball or softabll umpire, thats where i started and it pays great.
  8. The bulls are trying everything they can to NOT win this game
  9. QUOTE(knightni @ Apr 4, 2005 -> 12:07 PM)
  10. Bonderman has 5 k's through the first 2 innings
  11. Sweet jesus lay off Knocking KWF, sure you may not agree, but there is no need to gang up. Just use the Ignore button, it makes life easier
  12. Boy i wish that the sox had the bullpen and starting pitchers that the cubs do. I guess i am really scared that when the trib comes out with their annual All chicago team, that the sox won't be represented at all. I'm prediciting a World Series Gosh Mark Priors Calves are so big and muscley. I think someone should start the official Mark Prior Fan Club
  13. They cavs haven't won a road game since January
  14. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 31, 2005 -> 04:19 PM) we are going to have one great Soxtalk reunion when we all punch our ticket to hell Green?
  15. They also do a really good job of describing how anti american terrorism began
  16. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Mar 31, 2005 -> 08:57 AM) I don't think it's changed that much at all. People were making the same comments about GOP being too closely aligned with the Christian Right when Bush lost to Clinton in '92. Two years later, Republicans gained control of Congress and haven't looked back since. Reagan was a very devout Christian as well and used the same moralist ("Evil Empire") rhetoric when discussing the Soviet Union that Bush uses in reference to Iran and North Korea. Had the Constitution allowed, he almost certainly would've been elected to a third term. Death of the GOP, my ass. This "neoconservatism" label is just something that liberal, anti-Christian media outlets like the NY Times use to drag conservatives through the mud. They're scared stiff because a major media outlet (Fox News) is pushing a conservative agenda to counter their liberal agenda... and it's working very well. They used to call the first bush rubberz, on capital hill, becuase he wanted to put a condom machine in every bathroom in the Capital Building. Can you even think about that happening these days. If you want to see a great film on how neo conservatism and the chrisitian right developed watch the Power of Nightmares. Yes the movie is biased (made by the BBC) but you can clearly see how neo conservatism developed, and how they used christians to rise to power
  17. Pale Hose Jon


    the saying is friends don't let friends drive drunk. And i firmly believe in this. If one of your buddies has had to much just find someone who isn't drinking and ask them to drive the drunk home. At parties we do this stuff all the time down here in school. Drunk Driving accidents don't need to occur.
  18. Hawk says that Jose Valentin was one of the best baserunners he had ever seen.
  19. Now that me and Jessie have disagreed, i know that my opinion on the matter is correct. Jessie you make all of us liberals turn our heads down when we even hear your name.
  20. I guess it is the fact that the bears only play 16 games. It just makes every game more worth it. I love the sox though
  21. Damn they are back, no more kerr-less fun
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