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Pale Hose Jon

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Everything posted by Pale Hose Jon

  1. And you get to hear the coaches yelling at the players, this is great
  3. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 24, 2005 -> 11:44 AM) There's this quote by Thomas Jefferson ... hold on. Get real. How the hell can I present "evidence"? "The constitution and the laws of their predecessors [are] extinguished then in their natural course with those who gave them being.... Every constitution then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right.” - Thomas Jefferson
  4. Here is how i asked my current gf out. Trust me, Girls love flowers
  5. They are currently making one for the pacific http://imdb.com/title/tt0374463/
  6. I have decided to refrain from commenting on this for atleast a day as these were former classmates of mine, and i have a "slightly negative" opinion of them. But i have lost all faith in my future profession.
  7. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Mar 13, 2005 -> 02:29 PM) :finger :finger :finger DUKE Wow, the refs blew a HUGE call on GT. I don't know how many knobs JJ had to slob, but that was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE call, and basically destroyed GT chances to win the game. I hope Duke gets killed in the torney. :finger DUKE Even Dukie V was saying that it was a horrible call.
  8. he's been busted before for drugs, and i don't know if this move was a good one. but it is only a minor league deal
  9. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 11:29 AM) You're right. We should go to war with ALL of the countries that abuse human rights. Yeah, or we could use the thing that is above our shoulders and realize that their are other means of inducing change than WAR. WAR should always be the last resort, and it clearly was not in this case
  10. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 11:18 AM) OK, then how about Saddam's rap sheet of human rights violations, his repeated violations of UN resolutions, etc.? As far as human rights violations go, Sadam isn't even top 20 in the world. Nearly half of the countries in Africa have far worse human rights violations. But we sit here on our "morals and ethics" and watch MILLIONS die. Insted of intervening in the Sudan, we sat here and talked about how Sadam was such a bad man. As for UN resolutions, america is in no place to talk considering that we allow Israel to continue to violate dozens of UN resolutions. Sure Sadam was bad, but i mean come on, we can't fight one war based on this premise while ignoring all the other attrocities going on around the world.
  11. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 12:39 AM) He didn't claim that "terrorists" were in Iraq. Just an evil dictator committing attrocities. Try reading next time. I did some research and nearly every list of the worst dictators in the world show crown prince abdullah of saudi arabia ahead of sadam hussein. So using your reasoning we should invade Saudi Arabia correct? Most of the 9/11 hijakers are from SA, it is the most oppressive country in the world. But wait, SA is one of the US's best friends. We love them, yet they have the #2 ranked dictatorship in the world. http://archive.parade.com/2003/0216/0216_dictators.html
  12. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Mar 2, 2005 -> 11:56 AM) Probably not. I think its funny though that these people are trying to invent rights for people when they don't exist. They dont seem to understand that the only connection that terrorists rounded up in Afghanistan and Iraq have with the United States is that they were caught while engaged in combat with our soldiers. They have no rights under the Constitution and if I'm not mistaken they also have no rights under the Geneva convention since they are not part of any standing army or part of any government. As i recall, and i may be wrong, but i thought that the prisoners in abu grave(sp) were all there for minor offences like shoplifting and other misdmeanor offences. They traced the identity of most of the victims from the pictures back to simple car thiefs, not terrorists.
  13. Rex, Make sure you check out Matt Bolt, our first baseman, i went to high school with the guy. He can flat out play
  14. QUOTE(shagar69 @ Feb 20, 2005 -> 01:51 AM) i got some pasiouze altready cctauly.. i wen to one world, which si 6 nuback for a latge pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im eathin tha ts*** righ now actually!!!!!!!!!11 You got pizza while drunk, why not pokey sticks?
  15. girlfriend, 3 months, dinner and a few gifts yesterday
  16. I am sooooooooo pissed tbs stopped showing saved by the bell at 11 am. Why in the world would i want to watch ED, give me a break TBS
  17. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 11:47 AM) Old, old news Sadly it is old news, But Alford decided to bring his ass back for another turn on the merry go round. I hope Pierre has A LOT of sex in prison
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 08:40 AM) I'm unimpressed... I heard the bird was reading from cue cards.
  19. The Chancellor of his school was right, this is free speech, while i may not agree with the opinion, i have the option of merle not listening to it.
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