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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by southsideirish

  1. KW offered Fukudome $51 million for 4 years. He signed Ramirez for less than 1/10th of that. I'm thinking no other team offered Ramirez anything near what the offers for Fukudome were, but maybe I'm wrong and Ramirez really wanted to play for the White Sox so he left $47 million on the table. He may turn into a decent player, but to think he's better than or anywhere near the player Fukudome is would be absolutely ridiculous.

    Where did I say that he is better or anywhere near the player Fukudome is at this point in their careers? Can you point that out to me please Dick?

  2. I am not in the front office - therefore I couldn't tell you. As I said, my best guess, would be that a player with a 47 OFP would take the roster spot of a similar player or provide organizational depth. And nothing I say is against club policy. Who am I hurting by enlightening you? My superiors might even smile & laugh when reading what I'm writing. Because I'm simply stating the truth - while if you truly held up Ramirez to be what he was being written to be - then hit .265-.310-.375 next season - you'd lead the people behind the signing to the gallows. Its not my place to know how or why this signing took place. I'm simply providing his accurate MLB scouting report.

    As someone hired to shore-up the player development department (Minor League Player Development & Amateur Players), this would seem like it would fit under what you should know. Shouldn't you know why this signing was made and what they expect out of this player long-term? I know your not front office, but someone that was hired to shore up player developement - minor leage and amateur players - this seems like it would fall under that category and you should know something about it. I truly hope your superiors are smiling and laughing when they read what your writing. I wish no ill will towards anyone. I really do appreciate your feedback and posting - I am just not sure why the White Sox would want it and why you feel the need to do it; however neither is my business and, like I said, I appreciate the information and posts.

  3. Sorry, my apologies Southsiderirish that wasn't meant to be a response to you as a clueless angry person, I just meant the White Sox fanbase who really is clueless for the most part, who won't read on forums, discuss players, check rotoworld for updates, and think critically and in-depth about their team, but instead watches WGN and reads Jay Mariotti entirely for their Sox updates. That wasn't meant to be a shot at you or anyone on this forum.


    Not a problem. There is no need to apologize.

  4. My best estimate is that a 47 would serve a role that player who is no longer with or will not be with the team had. And - it's much more possible Ramirez starts the season in the minor leagues. And I have no fear of what I say - because nothing that I say is libel, nothing is illegal, nothing is against MLB or club policy. I know the difference between important information & information to be given to the public. Would you like me to say that OFP on Ramirez is 75 just to make you feel good? You'll quickly find out the truth & my words won't have much acclaim. Speaking matter of factly is never an issue.


    Hell, I don't care what you post. I asked you opinion as to what the White Sox were looking from him for a reason. What do they see him becoming? Did they really sign him with the intensions of him becoming their future utility player or do they have greater expectations for him? I also don't see the point of someone in the White Sox organization posting things like this on a message board, although I do appreciate it, I am not sure why the White Sox would want that to happen or let it continue.

  5. Scouting Grades

    Hitting - 60

    Power - 40

    Arm Strength - 60

    Fielding - 50 (OF); 55 (SS)

    Speed - 60


    This is the scouting report I saw posted earlier.


    Now, for the layman, this is the 20-80 scouting scale. Whereas 50 is MLB avg. A player with this OFP would be a 54 - where a 55 is a potential All-Star during peak seasons.


    The MLB Scouting Bureau - which provides scouting reports filled out by scouts that work for MLB (none of this is available online), and various other organizational reports from other teams have this scouting score on Ramirez


    Hit - 45

    Power - 35

    Arm - 60

    Field - 35 INF 45 OF

    Run - 55


    OFP: 47


    47 would represent a fringe player who may be a starter on 2nd division teams, but is a utility type on 1st division teams. Omar Infante's number: 47. He is maxed out in that - his tools are playable as is - meaning if he were to get 'bigger' he will increase other tools while decreasing in other areas. Meaning - if he got "bigger", he will lose range & speed - negating his defensive ability in positions such as CF & 2B while increasing in power, etc - but his OFP remains the same.


    Kosuke Fukudome - yes, he was injured - but it was not a major injury and he has displayed thru physicals that he is 100%.


    Fukudome's OFP according to the reports turned in by all 30 MLB teams:


    65 hit

    55 power

    65 arm

    65 defense

    50 run


    60 OFP.


    60 is a starter on all first division teams with All-Star capability. Players with 60 OFP: Alex Rios, Aramis Ramirez, Nick Markakis.


    Now, please keep in mind that both players will undergo "transitional" seasons this coming year. The game they are about to play is much bigger, faster, and more powerful.


    The point of this: Fukudome has an OFP of a well-above average MLB player. Ramirez is a fringe-avg. player.


    Position Players (not pitchers) do not get 48 M and another get 4+ M for no good reason fellas. Ramirez is a known quantity. All 30 MLB teams have seen him play and have the report above in on him. You don't "steal" a player for 4+ M when all teams have their reports on the player turned in.

    Since your a White Sox insider and in player development you must know the reason the White Sox signed this guy. Do they want him to be a utility guy or are they looking at him as a future Centerfielder or shortstop? I really don't know why you posted all that you posted. You do know that they can find out who you are even if you don't post your name on this site. Wouldn't some in the White Sox organization not want stuff posted that you have posted?

  6. Please everyone, lets not mistake a player who's MLB FOP Score (Future Overall Projection) matches Omar Infante with a player like Kosuke Fukudome. Fukudome may not hit like crazy in his first season (a transitional season), but to expect less than .300-.390-450 with extremely, extremely solid defense in RF from Fukudome for years 2-4 of the contract would be a mistake. Fukudome is a legitimate ballplayer. Ramirez does have some potential, he does. But he is not a 'young' 22 years old. His body is maxed out and his OFP matches Omar Infante. Can Ramirez be an integral part & nice utility player on a good AL team? Definitely. Is he Alfonso Soriano? Simply put: Not at all. Nice utility players are a good thing to have though. Don't put 'all of your eggs in one basket though' and expect perennial All-Star stuff. I simply work in Pro-Scouting in the new player development department and am not in the front office to hear decisions, etc. But, as a "fan" & helping to give some fans an "intelligent direction" - be happy that you have a nice utility-type - not a future All-Star. I'm not trying to 'sour' this, but corral expectations - I know you're thirsty for a nice move - but make sure to put all transactions into perspective. A player who can help spell at 2B/RF/CF is a nice thing to have. But to think that Ramirez is a player near the talent of Fukudome is a reckless baseball perspective.

    Your body maxes out at 26? I really don't think that is true. Can you please post a link that compares this guy to Omar Infante? I would really like to read it. I have read a lot of good things about this player and I like it.

    Fukudome is coming off of surgery on his throwing elbow and he missed half of the 2007 season. He has been compared to Jacque Jones - average all around except for defense where he had to be moved to RF because he couldn't play SS or 3B. I am hardly sold on the guy and think the Cubs drastically overpaid for him. I for one am glad the White Sox didn't get him. There is no way he would have been a good CFer for the White Sox. He basically said that by wanting to play RF instead.

  7. No, because we have more pitching depth than position player depth, and signing Prior actually hurts the cause of fixing that. I still would rather take a flyer on Dallas McPherson if we're signing a non-tendered guy.


    Good point. Isn't McPherson's agent Boras? I thought I read that somewhere.

  8. I agree. If I sign Prior though I insist on an option, then if he pans out you can trade him next offseason or before the 09 deadline. If not you both walk away at the end of 08. With the arms that we have returning in the rotation we are going to need someone who can come in and spell one of the starters or likely take one of the rotation spots if someone does not live up to expectations, which is a likelihood between Floyd, Danks, and Contreras. If you can sign him for < $5 mill it is a good get, add an option at around $8 mil and get a deal done.

    This is the exact reason why he doesn't want the option included and why he didn't re-sign with the Cubs. They insisted on the option year. This is the reason you will not be able to sign Prior. You insist on it and he walks away and signs with someone else. He is banking on having a great year and he wants to cash in on that great year. Smart move if he can do.

  9. I think if KW was really in win now he would do what it takes to acquire Roberts/Bedard... ship whatever prospects besides Fields.... than take 1 year flyers on id say Colon and Prior. Not saying I would agree with that approach but that would be only way I could give this team a chance of contending next season.


    You are an idiot if you go after Roberts right now. He is a steroid freak and you don't know what else he was taking, even last year. I was all for Roberts, but not any longer. You can't trade for a guy like that. It would be like saying that you accept steroids or other performance enhancers and that there is nothing wrong with it.

  10. I haven't heard Singleton that much but DJ is awesome. He's not the brightest baseball person in the world but he's improved a ton and he's just entertaining to listen to, imo. Hawk has been the problem for years now, he's the one who refuses to hold actual conversations and he's the one who produces the dead air.


    I love Hawk because of his passion for the Sox but as an announcer he's pretty brutal at the moment.


    one word - WOW

  11. The bold part I agree with.


    As for the rest, I really don't think Hawk would act that way with a guy in the booth that he respects and will tell him when he's wrong. BTW, that's exactly what Stone did when he was on with Hawk.

    I used to think DJ was getting better, but I don't know anymore. I don't think he brings anything interesting to the broadcast to actually tell fans something about the game.


    You are correct. If you remember the Drysdale days you will recall that Hawk and Drysdale were a great team and it seemed like they respected each other a bunch.

  12. So you've actually heard DJ without Hawk? Because I heard him do a national game last year with someone else, and I have to say, I thought he sounded pretty good. I think Hawk is what destroys DJ, really. Those two just have zero chemistry of any kind.


    I probably saw the same game you did and I couldn't stand him. I have yet to hear DJ have chemistry with anyone. To each their own I guess. We share different opinions. I really can't stand him at all. I tend to tune him out.

  13. The problem with Farmer is that he's a color guy (and a pretty good one) trying to be a play-by-play guy. DJ is pretty decent, especially when he's not working with Hawk. Chris has not adjusted well to this field.


    I can not stand DJ with or without Hawk. He is absolutely horrible. I haven't heard anyone as bad as him. He made Chip Caray tolerable.

  14. DJ and Chris are fine. Farmer is the problem.

    Bulls***. DJ is the worst in the business. Farmer is actually pretty good and can be amusing. He complemented Rooney very well and they were a great broadcast team. Singleton is not bad and definitely not as bad as DJ, but he can definitely be upgraded. Farmer is definitely not the problem.

  15. There are still people who believe in Mr. Bonds.


    Half of Americans in 2006 believed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction when we invaded in 2003.


    Dennis Kucinich believes he saw a UFO. And his pockets are the doors to another dimension.


    If something is remotely believable, you can get half this country to buy into your story without really trying hard.


    And for Brian Roberts, who's gradually approaching Free Agency or being traded to a money team...getting people to believe you aren't one of the bad guys, that you only tried it once...is probably worth tens of millions of dollars.


    In all cases - naive people.

  16. If I was named in that report but I wanted people to still believe in me, perhaps the best possible thing I could do would be to claim I just used it once or twice, like all of them are doing now. That way, I could still claim that the numbers were my own, I could still claim to be a decent human being, and I could take advantage of the fact that people will forgive you if you admit a mistake. Even if I'd used as much as Bonds, I might still say "Yes, I just used it one time" if they didn't have the laundry list of checks on me, and I might be able to get away without a suspension or without too many boos.


    But who believes them when they say this? You would have to be pretty naive. I think it is the wrong way to get people to believe in you.

  17. Man this s*** is getting so lame..


    First of all, if Roberts injected steroids ONCE and then said "This is wrong" and never did it again he would get zero benefit from it. You cant just squirt one needle into yourself and turn into a stud you have to take cycles of it.


    So if he really did only do it once and never again he doesnt even need to be on this list, he didnt do anything to enhance his performance via steroids.


    Yeah, if someone says that they did something only once after being caught then it is usually much more than that. I am pretty confident that he did it a lot more than one time. I am not saying that it helped his performance in anyway, but I wouldn't say he is honest or coming clean about this. Who knows what he has used since then to help his performance in anyway possible. I guess it was more than the red contacts after all.

  18. This is what I don't get. You think Jose, Danks and Floyd are going to last many innings?

    I don't. And even Vas has had the history of getting lit up after five.

    We need some inning eaters.


    Also, I don't think many of us would have minded dealing him, but I think we got

    robbed. We got an old ss whose contract is running out.


    That is odd that you think the White Sox got robbed. Most that follow baseball can't figure out what the hell the Angels are doing getting another starting pitcher and giving up a hell of a SS - one of the best SSs in the league, plus throwing in cash. They got an overpaid #3 or 4 starter for one of the best SSs in the league plus threw in some cash to the White Sox. BRILLIANT!

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