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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by southsideirish

  1. QUOTE(29thandPoplar @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You may very well be right. However it all depends how you look at it. Maybe it proves the players are incapable and not very bright. I would definitely say this is more of the case than anything else. I think certain players are incapable of doing this or are looking out for themselves during their contract year and are trying harder to put up power numbers. Uribe definitely does not seem to be the brightest bulb.
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True, but as you know, it's a lot easier to replace one coach than 9 players, etc. True, but you don't have to replace all 9. No one is asking for that to happen. Konerko is good, Thome is good, Crede (when healthy) is good, AJ is good. They bring a lot to the table besides just hitting. Certain players should be replaced as they are a FA at the end of the year anyway - Iguchi, Dye, Pods. Then others should be replaced because they suck - Uribe. CF is upgradeable as well. There are 5 guys right there that this team would be better off without and could easily be upgraded. Replacing these four alone would make for a better lineup if the right players are brought in. Then replace the entire bullpen besides Jenks and the team is better. The right moves just have to be made. Firing the hitting coach is window dressing. Upgrading position players is possible on this team and would actually be making a change. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just a random thought. Let's fire Joey Cora. It's Ozzie's best friend, and he has enabled many of Ozzie's brain farts (ie Pagan). What Pagan brain fart? Uribe blocking the base path? If the play was really dead at that point then the ump should have called it dead right there instead of allowing runners to keep running all over the place. 2nd Uribe did Pagan a favor as he would have been out at third anway. Pie was heald up with no where for Pagan to go. This was a huge blunder by the umpires. By Ozzie? How?
  3. Just asking - but could they get Coco Crisp in return as well? Are they still down on him or no?
  4. QUOTE(southsida86 @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> IMO if you make this trade Buchholz has to be involved. If this team had any sort of offense and any sort of bullpen then Buehrle would have about 9 wins and an ERA under 3 because of all of the inherited runners that the bullpen lets score. Bucholz and Lowrie - deal done. Bucholz has been compared to Chris Carpenter and Lowrie to Michael Young. That would be nice!
  5. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Should've never fired the last guy then if you're going to pull the same ole bs. This guy might actually be worse. Exactly right. Now you see why firing someone is a cover - something to make the common fan think that something is changing - but things remain the same. If Walker is fired Manny Trillo will replace him. It will be exactly the same.
  6. QUOTE(southsida86 @ Jun 16, 2007 -> 12:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All I have to say is that this guy better be really, really good at the major league level to justify taking him over Porcello. That may change in a month or two, if Porcello decides to go to UNC. If that is the case, then KW made the right choice. That being said, I like the idea of a power lefty in our minor league system. Though he's raw for a college player, He's only 20, compared to most college guys in the draft this year who are 21-23. I'm hoping that they can fine tune his delivery so that he has a consistent 94-97mph fastball. Can anyone post a full scouting report on his secondary pitches? I'd like to know if his slider is more of a sweeper(79-84mph) or power(85+mph) and whether or not there is a big discrepancy in his fastball-changeup speed a la Johan Santana. If your fastball is at 94 and your Changeup is at 77 then you'll get a lot more batters out in front of the change. Supposedly there are many organizations mad at the way the Tigers have been doing business. Each draft slot is supposed to be paid the slotted amount of money. You may pay more - but you must go to the commisioner and ask for permission - which is always granted. This was supposed to stop draft picks from asking for too much - in other words from Boras for asking for too much or more that the client is worth. The Tigers have been overpaying for the last couple years and that is how they are landing these guys. They are making a lot of enemies from what I understand. So to say the White Sox should have drafted Porcello instead is ridiculous thing to say unless you have some sort of knowledge as to what is going on and why. There is a reason why other organizations passed on Porcello and it is not because of UNC.
  7. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 12:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know it was rumored but I have a hard time believing we could have got Billingsly for Dye. Im more than fine with recieving the draft picks from him if we cant get a trade done. Buehrle and I guess Iguchi are the guys who need to be moved. And if at all possible Thome and Contreras too. Conteras, Vazquez, Iguchi, Buehrle, Uribe, possibly AJ if the Sox can land Saltamachia. Thome only if you are offered something great.
  8. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 23, 2007 -> 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> where have you ever heard him say this? I want a source. If you listen to him on the Score he states this ALL THE TIME. Now if you can tell me where he teaches this lift and pull approach I would love to know. I have not heard it once and I have never seen it in print. The only place I ever see it is on this message board from posters such as yourself and SSI71. I think it is a made believe thing that this message board has taken and run with. It is nonsense. I want a source of this nonsense.
  9. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 23, 2007 -> 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, that is what all the hitters do on the big league club it seems... And this is because Greg Walker is telling them to do this, right? I am trying to get this straight, because I have never ever heard or seen Walker say this. If you listen to his interviews he says the total opposite - up the middle and go the other way - don't worry about HR or power as it will come.
  10. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 23, 2007 -> 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would really like to see Fields go with the pitch. He has been pulling the ball, rather then going with the pitch and hitting it to all areas. I don't think he has a single hit to RF this whole season, and maybe 2 or 3 to centerfield. Greg Walker, how does he still have a job? Greg Walker is telling him to pull the ball instead of hitting it to the other field or up the middle? I'm just asking because you are making the assumption that he does, but how do you know?
  11. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There ain't a chance in hell Schuerholz makes that deal, you're probably not even going to get Saltalamacchia alone for Buehrle, you're f***ing crazy if you think they'll be trading their starting firstbaseman in Thorman (#7 prospect), their backup plan at first in Salty (#1 prospect) and their top pitching prospect in Harrison (#3 prospect) for 2.5-3 months of Buehrle. Then they don't get Buehrle. That is pretty simple.
  12. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It would be nice getting a top 5 pick in the draft for once. Odds are we would end up with a Dewon Brazelton or Bryan Bulliongton though. Why is that nice? Why is that ever nice? The only way you pick that high is if it is a trade or your team really sucked the previous year. I don't ever want my team to really suck. This is never nice.
  13. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Saltalamacchia, Harrison, Thormon. signed sealed delivered if you ask me... have your Mark and eat him too. I would do that deal, but then what do you do with AJ? DO you try and trade him? I would love to have Thormon in left, Saltamachia behind the plate, and Fields at 3B. That would give the Sox a good young core. They still need to look for that speed though. Maybe that could be found in an Ichiro signing. On a separate note - I would much rather have KG than Bryant.
  14. QUOTE(quickman @ Jun 21, 2007 -> 07:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> if they can get that many high prospects who will play next year, then trade him now! Don't wait. This season is done, get the best deal and trade him. The season ticket holders need to figure out if we are going to renew next year! Who are these players that the Marlins and Rockies can offer? I am just wondering. Are we looking for more pitching? What?
  15. I am reading that the Marlins and Rockies are showing interest in Buehrle as well. With all of these teams showing interest they should be able to get 3 high prospects for him. Now that is a lot. I am torn between trading him for the prospects and re-signing him now. That is a lot in return for one player. Does anyone know what the Marlins or Rockies would have to offer in return for Buehrle?
  16. QUOTE(knightni @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Send LA Vazquez or Contreras for God's sake! Re-sign Buehrle! Exactly what I was thinking. Send them Contreras and Dye for something we can use. Maybe they can get Billingsley in return that way and another younger prospect in return. Then re-sign Buehrle. That is not a bad rotation at all then. Buehrle, Garland, Vazquez, Danks, and Billinglsey. I doubt they will trade Vazquez, but maybe someone will want him if the Sox think Gavin Floyd can work out.
  17. It is the only entertainment anymore. It sucks trying to watch this crap on the field.
  18. QUOTE(knightni @ Jun 20, 2007 -> 03:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't believe that you just typed "than your right" in one sentence. My high school English teachers would die a little inside if they visited here. B) No doubt about it. So how long does he have to "play" baseball until he can sign with an NFL team? Damn, he could have been the next Ed McCaffery.
  19. As usual Hendry gets a TON of value for his players. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Awesome! How is this guy a GM for a major league team?
  20. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jun 20, 2007 -> 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No comparison at all here -- apples and oranges, really, but if you choose to be ignorant to the fact that minor league statistics do, in fact, have some bearing on future performance, that's your choice. Doesn't make Hitless wrong, though... far from it. AH HA! Some bearing. That is the key verbage there. It is not something I would base an opinion on a player I have never seen play in my entire life. It does - make hitless wrong. He based his entire opinion on a couple of stats. That is wrong.
  21. QUOTE(hitlesswonder @ Jun 20, 2007 -> 09:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, KW shouldn't have signed Iguchi or drafted Poreda since he had never seen either play. All he did was look at stats and get the opinions of his scouts. I guess that was nonsense, too. What organizations think Richar can start? The DBacks don't or they would have kept him. Anyway, there's no reason you should trust my opinion -- feel free to ignore it. As for "who am I" to judge a player solely off stats and reports on the web -- stats don't tell the whole story but they are a concrete summation of what a guy has done in the minors. They have a basis in reality. People routinely post opinions to this board, and all across the web, that are based on far less. If soxtalk is going to start enforcing standards for what amount of evidence allows a person to express an opinion there will be far fewer posts. HA HA HA!!!! You aer comparing yourself to KW? His scouts give him their reports and opinions and KW does the rest. He gathers a bunch of information before making a decision. He is not just looking at stats. The Dbacks have a ton of middle infielders. Richar is blocked. The DBacks were a team that could start - but they like Upton and Drew better. I will ignore it. They are a concrete summation? Bulls***. If others do this based on far less then others probably ignore those opinions as well. No one said you weren't allowed to base an opinion - but how about this - have some more information first. You should know a little bit more before having an opinion on a subject. Do you do this with every other subject? Do you read a couple of lines of a book and determine that it sucks. Do you watch a couple minutes of a movie and decide it sucks?
  22. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 05:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not the biggest Adam Dunn fan, as I think he is overrated with people going as far to claim he is one of the top ten hitters in the game, but I'd take him over Podsednik. I really hope the Sox figure out that Pods and Erstad aren't that vital to the Sox's success and shouldn't be counted on for anything. They don't look vital - however, their style of play is. Getting on base and speed helps an offense score runs a great deal. It can really give a boost and spark an offense. The White Sox are missing that big time.
  23. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Almost all of those players are average or below. The few that aren't like the outfielders will sign for way beyond the Sox range. I'll bet right now that the Sox don't sign any free agent that'll get anyone excited. Unless, Rowand excites you. If it is true that it will only cost San Diego a Justin Hampson and Clay Hensley - then why wouldn't you jump in and try to make a better deal than that. Those players aren't very good and if that is all it will take to get Dunn, why not try it?
  24. QUOTE(IowaSoxFan @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think that if you can wrap Dunn up he would be a good replacement at DH for Thome when he leaves after next season, if that means a year of him struggling in LF I am all for it as long as we can get him extended as part of the deal. Then Fields has next season as a utility player rotating between 1B, 3B, and LF giving everyone a day off. Dunn is only 28 and has many productive years left, and if you can add someone like Miguel Cabrera as a FA when Thome walks in 2009 that is a pretty formidable core to a lineup. I also think Ichiro is getting old, and I dont think he will even consider Chicago as an option especially if we are in rebuilding mode. Ichiro sure doesn't look old when he plays. I do not want Fields to be a utility guy. I want him to be an everyday starter when he gets up here. If all you have to give up is a Justin Hampson and Clay Hensley - then why wouldn't you do that? What is that comparable to in the Sox minor league system? Something like that for Adam Dunn? I would do it in a hearbeat. I wouldn't even care if I re-signed him or not. Neither one of those pitchers excite me at all.
  25. QUOTE(hitlesswonder @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not sure which guy you are referring to, but with Collaspo the wife-beating thing is the reason I wouldn't want to see the Sox deal for him. If Richar is who you are referring to, what reports project him as a starter in the bigs? Let me know -- I'll be happy to read them. No, I haven't seen him play, but looking at "just some stats" his numbers aren't that good. Plus people who post here and have seen him play were not wildly impressed. Sickels didn't even rate Richar a C prospect coming into this season. Maybe he'd be OK in a Cintron-like role, but what do you see that makes you think he should start in the bigs? The I don't trust your opinion if you are just reading some stats. I couldn't care any less if you are impressed by them or not. I never said he should start. I said a couple of organizations think he can. Then again, I don't think Iguchi can start at the moment either. Who am I to judge a player that I have never seen play? Who aer you to do the same? To base an opinion off of stats alone is nonsense. http://diamondbacks.scout.com/2/494556.html
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