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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by southsideirish

  1. Zito and Zambrano are pitchers and Soriano is not a LFer, so it can't be compared. Ichiro (5 for 75) is far and away above Hunter, yet Hunter got paid like Ichiro. Vernon Wells is better than Hunter as well and 3 years younger. The Angels indeed ruined it.
  2. That as stupid, which was my point. 5 million dollars on a setup man that could be on a non contending team. I just hope this team can resemble something of a contender. The White Sox should be able to play some really good defense if Rowand signs. Their OBP has to be better than last year and our 2005 team. The bullpen could turn into a strength. Starting pitching could be a weakness - that all seems to depend on the kids. All and all I am going to go into the season with optimism, as always, but I can definitely see the holes and this team needs some things to fall in place to be able to compete with Detroit and Cleveland.
  3. Really? The standard was set for CFers based on Hunter's contract from the Angels. Other agents will use this as a base for their clients. Boras, for instance, has said Druw Jones won't accept less per year. It is a very valid argument.
  4. Where is bingo? The post is nonsense. The prospects we would get back for the players he wants to trade away will most likely be worthless. Uribe and Crede would be salary dumps at best. Those players are worthless and would most likely bring back worthless prospects and nothing decent. That is not how the White Sox would be able to rebuild. Ridiculous.
  5. I am not worried about anyone b****ing about something. This group of White Sox fans will find something else to b**** about if it isn't this. If it is not one thing it is another. b****ing about stuff is what this group of White Sox fans do best.
  6. I really don't know what everyone is complaining about. 13.75 seems to be a bargain for a CF right now. What was Gary Matthews' contract? 5 for 50? Is Rowand worth 3.75 million more than him? He seems to be. Blame the Angels for setting the ridiculous price if you don't like it. 5 for 50 for Matthews Jr? 18 million per for Torii Hunter? I don't think I will like the prospects I get in return for Crede, Uribe, Aardsma, MacDougal, or Masset. Those prosects will most likely not be anything we can build a farm system with. Those players are worthless right now.
  7. That was not my point. Jones is not a difference maker either. He is not the type of player that is a perfect fit for this team either. The White Sox have overpaid this offseason. 5 million per for a set up man. They were ready to overpay for Torii Hunter, but someone wanted to overpay him by even more. They seem to want to spend, but certain contracts are beyond overpaying. Torii Hunter's contract is one of those. That is an obnoxious contract. Jose Guillen at 12-13 million per is an obnoxious contract. Andruw Jones' will most likely look the same. Boras won't have his client be paid less per year than Hunter. Pick your poison - 13.75 million dollar Rowand or 18-20 million dollar Druw Jones. I will take Rowand. Plus we don't have the same resources as the other teams you named do. For one - their tickets are priced much higher than ours. At the same time the White Sox still spend somewhere in the top 5-10 teams. Go figure.
  8. What can you get for Konerko in return? How about Dye? Can you get the same type of player back as you would in the 2nd or 3rd round of a MLB draft? If so, then maybe that is something the White Sox will look into if they really aren't competing come the trade deadline. Just a suggestion. They have time to see if this will work or if they indeed have to blow this whole thing up. I do think he would be really stupid to have a 5 million dollar/year setup man on a non-contending team though.
  9. If you are the White Sox you should be thinking that you have to do both. Aaron Rowand if not great and probably not worth 13.75 per, but Druw Jones will be getting more than that. Rowand is the best option available and is a big upgrade over what the White Sox currently have. If the White Sox could get Bedard without giving up Fields then they should get it done. They should throw every minor leaguer worth a damn at the Orioles for Bedard and see if they will take Uribe as well. A 1 through 4 of Bedard, Vazquez, Buehrle, and Contreras is pretty nice expecially with the leather this club should be throwing around. Now - who leads off? Carlos Quentin? Danny Richar? Another 2nd baseman? Eckstein? Chris Burke? That is the only position I can see the White Sox trying to upgrade as well as fill the leadoff role. I don't really want Cabrera hitting leadoff. What to do. What to do.
  10. I am freaking shocked. I think this is an awesome deal for the Twins. Young is going to be a stud and a more than capable replacement for Torii Hunter. I think that the Sox can now cross Crawford off their list as they will no longer be moving him.
  11. I also don't recall Riske being good at all with the White Sox in 2006. I don't know how he put up good numbers with the White Sox because I was hodling my breath every single time I saw him come in to pitch. I recall him being mediocre to bad.
  12. You don't think that Rowand's motorcycle crash took some toll on his body? I would say that whole thing aged his body pretty good. He shattered his left collarbone, broke two ribs and suffered a punctured lung in that accident. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin.
  13. So what is going on with this? Is it official yet? What are the terms? If no, how long does it take to pass a physical? This is insane. Is this another Bruce Levine reporting hoax?
  14. That sounds perfect to me. Where do I sign up for this? Then we can trade Crede.
  15. Why couldn't he have gone after both Hunter and Crawfor and gotten them both? Crawford is LF and wouldn't be taking a position away from Hunter. The Sox still need a CF even if they get Crawford. Owens is not very good defensively in CF. That would be a mistake.
  16. I stand corrected. He wasn't hurt last year and I thought he was. Isn't it wierd that Rowand's best offensive year comes during his contract year? He never came close to those offensive stats before. Plus, why do you think he would give KW a discount? I doubt he will. Who cares about what it would cost to get Crawford, just get him. They need young pitching? Give them some young pitching and throw in Jerry Owens. That sounds good to me. I also don't have a reason for Jones having such a poor offensive season last year. I don't watch their games. I just know he has been more consistent over the years than Rowand and he has proven much more.
  17. They say Matthews LF, Hunter CF, Vlad RF, Anderson DH. That is 2 years in a row that they have severely overpaid for a CFer. Will they regret this decision as they did the Matthews Jr. decision? By the way, for those of you who think they could get out of the Matthews Jr deal because of the HGH situation, think again. They were about to do this last year when it first came out and they were told that they would be in for a long tough fight with the players union if they tried it. There isn't a clause in Matthews' contract about HGH or performance enhancing drugs.
  18. I agree. Wanting to give someone who is 30 years old and never played MLB baseball and someone that I have never seen personally play 3 years and 30 million dollars sounds absolutely ludicrous. Especially when I see comparisons to Jacque Jones and he is not a CFer. What makes someone want to do that when they have never seen the person play and just reads scouting reports from scout.com?
  19. Evil said he has heard the same comparisons so he stated he has also read where he is compared to Ichiro. I asked for a link. That is what my statement was about. I will try to find a link for you. I have heard it many times on the radio, but I will see if I can find a link to a report for ya. A RF lefthanded hitter hitting 5th in the lineup with a .265 average and 15 HRs sounds a lot like JJ to me though. I will get back to you with a link if I can find one.
  20. THey gave 5 years, 11 million per to Matthews last year and 5 years 18 million per this year to Hunter. That is a lot of overpaying.
  21. I don't see wherer it compares him to Ichiro plus the report likes him much better in RF than it does in center. If need be is not a ringing endorsement.
  22. 2 years younger, hurt a lot, and had one good offensive year in a contract year. Give me Andruw Jones or Carl Crawford before we pay 14 million for Aaron Rowand.
  23. No one is taking on Matthews' or giving up prospects worth a damn for Matthews. Plus the Marlins are asking for 4 young players in return for Cabrera. More than one of those pitchers would be going in a trade for Cabrera plus Willits and Wood. For the White Sox to get Cabrera they would have to give up Fields, Owens, and 2 young arms.
  24. I wouldn't mind this at all. Sign Jenkins and trade for Crawford - if Crawford is a legit CFer. That would be a huge upgrade to this team.
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