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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by southsideirish

  1. Already did. Read above you. Jackass is a personal attack, no? Or can you call someone "like a jackass?" I am not sure how this actually works.
  2. Oh Christ. First - there is no backtracking. Find something where I said it is a fact and that I have inside knowledge or that I know someone. Please do that. No backtracking at all. It was always my opinion, which I stated at the beginning. I said I know this. Then I said I have a feeling. Then I said I have a feeling that I know. Go check it out - right from the beginning. Wow - issues. You caught me trying to look cool on a message board again. This is the place I go to look cool. You are right. You are right again. I feel like such a jackass because Hunter, Hicks, and Daniels ate dinner last night. Damint, why did that have to happen? Why all the anger? I can't explain it logically. Maybe it just is what it is and we will find out between tomorrow and Monday. That is pretty simple, right? Please get this poster to stop attacking me personally and get him back on his meds. He needs some help.
  3. WOW!!!!! HA HA HA! You came up with this on your own? I am no source. I never claimed to be in my 3-4 years here. I have never hid. I don't have excuses. What a laugh. This is getting crazy. What a theory that was. No, I don't care. I am not a message board hound like some of you 5-10 + thousand post guys. It is not my life as it is for some of you. I really don't care. E-cred?!?!? HA HA!! I had to look that one up. This is getting hysterical.
  4. I do? Have you seen this thread? I think you better look again. I don't care. I find it wierd that you would take that as a fact or how you would determine this to be a fact from me when I stated at least twice during these posts that I have no sources and it is just what I believe. I told others to believe what they want. Where would I get this knowledge to make it seem like a fact? You care Dickie. I don't.
  5. Wow, Dickie is on top of things tonight.
  6. "If by some time you mean by next Monday you would be correct. They will announce the Torii Hunter signing Monday or sooner. Book it." Again, where do I claim sources? Where do I post it as fact? I posted this on the message board yesterday - Monday. Cowley had it the same day, not a day before - I just looked it up. Maybe we have the same sources, eh? Like I care about getting egg on my face from a message board. Who cares.
  7. Again, where did I claim I knew anyone or that this is anything more than specualtion on my part? Where? I have been a poster on here for 3-4 years and have never claimed inside sources. A deal is done. I believe that. It is done. It will be announced between tomorrow and Monday. I believe that as well. You can quote me on that as well. So when this happens and I am right - you can see who knew what. If I am wrong - then guess what - I was wrong. Big whoopdeedoo. Why someone would take what I posted as fact is beyond me - especially since I claimed no sources and said that from the beginning.
  8. If you think so - good for you. Opinion - nice.
  9. where did I? Please show me this. I want to see where I said "he's signed, announcement tomorrow," or anything like that. I want to see this. I want to see where I said anything more than I was speculating. I want to see where I said that this was fact and that I have sources. I want to see this. I said from the beginning to believe what you want to believe. I said from the beginning that I had no source. I said from the beginning that I believe it will be announced on Monday if not sooner. I will tell you something - stop placing words in my mouth. If you have a problem looking at a post on a message board and determining if it is fact, fiction, or opinion, then either ask or get help. I will post how I want to post - not how it is best for you.
  10. Again, believe what you want to believe. I am telling you that I believe he is already signed and an anouncement will come by Monday, but quite possibly even sooner. My guess it will either be announced tomorrow or Monday. We already have him. My opinion. My speculation. I never claimed anyone told me or I got an inside source, I am just voicing my opinion. How does that lead me with egg on my face? Now if I claimed an inside source, like others on here, and nothing happened, then I would have egg on my face. Now, it is just one person's opinion against anothers. So be it.
  11. It is just as good as anyone's "inside source."
  12. That's right. I do. I will have all the credit. If I did have sources, I would not go around claiming I did. I find those people that claim to have inside sources to be very pompous and arrogant. Take or leave the information I gave you. It is upt to you. I don't care. I am just a poster on a message board - no big deal to me.
  13. What are you talking about? I never once said I have an inside source. I am posting pure speculation base on how things are going. I claim no inside sources whatsoever. Just remember where you heard it first. The deal is done.
  14. Do you have proof of this or are you going by radio and newspaper reports? I would like to see your proof that this happened. Pictures?
  15. Probably because you are a pessimist. I am telling you it is done. Believe it or not, we already have him. They are just waiting to announce it.
  16. If by some time you mean by next Monday you would be correct. They will announce the Torii Hunter signing Monday or sooner. Book it.
  17. I have a feeling that I know a deal is done.
  18. You can quote me on this. The deal is done. Torii Hunter is a Chicago White Sox. It will be announced between now and next Monday. There is no doubt about it.
  19. I have a feeling he is already signed and that a deal will be announced between now and Monday. I would actually bet on it. PM me if you would like to bet.
  20. Come on. You can do this with every player on every team if you go that route. This is stretching it a bit. Point is that not many players of use have come from the White Sox farm system. People would complain a lot about all the prospects KW was trading to get proven players in return. Not many, if one, have turned out to be much of anything.
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