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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by southsideirish

  1. I have a feeling that Kenny Williams would have already had this deal done if this is all it takes to get Cabrera in a White Sox uniform. If not, he should be fired NOW and I am not a KW hater as many of you know. This is a no brainer. He is possibly the best hitter in baseball and plays good in the field. You have so many possible options if you do this trade. Keep or trade Crede. Keep or trade Konerko. Keep or trade Garland. We would finally be adding a known commodity - a known superstar - in the prime of his career with 2 years left on his contract. NO BRAINER!!!!!!!!
  2. Then he will sign with someone else. He wants 5 years. Someone will give him 5 years. Pretty simple.
  3. A lot of managers defy common baseball sense every day, but they have superior talent. Maybe you don't watch many other games than the Sox. You find it laughable that we watch every game and think he is good. I find it laughable that you think the opposite. Opinions. Who says and how do you know he mishandles his players? You? Who are you to know or say? You are not in the clubhouse or his boss. YOu have no idea what is going on. You are just another message board poster. Who cares?
  4. Wrong. Go look at how different the team actually is. I think you will be surprised.
  5. How many could have won with that 2005 team. That was a hell of a job. Who thought that team would win 99 games and lose only once in the playoffs on the way to a World Series Championship? Of course he had nothing to do with that. Only the bad things, right? Last year his bullpen literallly fell apart. Ask Jim Leyland and the 2007 Tigers how that feels.
  6. I watch almost every game. I believe he is a very good manager. I don't think he is the greatest manager, but I think he is far from an inferior or atrocious manager. Just sayin'.
  7. Who doesn't agree with that philosophy. You would first have to come to agreeance that Ozzie is an inferior manager, which I and many others don't agree with. I am sorry you don't, but that is not my problem.
  8. Like the Ditka Dome? I too love the idea of Bo Jackson being around the clubhouse all the time. Wouldn't he be a better addition to this team than Harold Baines? Did the loss of Rock Raines hurt this team? How has Razor Shines fit in?
  9. Clearly the easiest name and the first player that comes to my mind is AROD. Will he get him? I don't know. He is a good fit for this team and KW has always wanted him. I think it would be nice to have the best player ever on the White Sox and have him break the all time home run record here. Jerry Reinsdorf also has a history of paying big for position players (Carlton Fisk, Albert Belle). I say there is a good chance AROD is with the White Sox next year and for years to come.
  10. I believe it depends on the situation. Everyone (ok a lot of people) thought these lacrosse kids raped this stripper. A lot of people thought they were a bunch of rich white punk college frat boys who thought they could get away with anything. They were seen as guilty in the public's eye before any other information came forward. Then it comes out that this woman is psycho. After their season is cancelled and they are thrown off the team. They will have this to carry around with them no matter what, just because they were accused of it. Isn't that cruel in intself? This case here is what hurts women in all rape cases. Rape cases are usually just who you believe. Then when a woman like this claims rape and it comes out that she is a psycho liar looking for some money it hurts the woman in the public's eyes. Don't you think? That has a lot to do as to why you are more likely to win a battle of public opinion fighting off a rape charge than animal cruelty. It is really just an impossible comparison and it really shouldn't be compared.
  11. I am not jumping to any conclusions. The case was dropped because she couldn't proceed and she didn't want to take the stand and have all of her sexual activities told to the court. She didn't want to say why she had another man's jizz on her panties the same night she was bopping Kobe. She didn't want her identity revealed. Then she goes ahead and files a civil lawsuit to get a monetary settlement. She still had to reveal her identity, but this way she gets what she wanted - money.
  12. Sorry if the post seems angry. I am not angry at all. I am just trying to find out how killing and rape are equal. Both are terrible crimes, but not equal. Vick and his band of idiots had these dogs rape each other and they killed them for various reasons. It is not a true apples to apples comparison.
  13. It turned out that neither Kobe's accuser or the Duke lacrosse team's accuser was raped by either party. Both were liars. Since when is killing = to rape anyway?
  14. What is worse raping or killing? If you are comparing apples to apples, wouldn't a more fair example be OJ instead of Kobe or the lacross players? Did OJ receive this kind of backlash? Wasn't he fired almost immediately? Didn't all of his sponsors run away and hide? And he was found innocent. Do you think if Vick is found innocent that he will still find a job in the NFL? Or how about Rae Carruth. He hired some people to kill his wife/gf/fiance and his unborn child in a hitman like style as he watched. He is in jail for life. There seems to be a distinct difference between the examples you have given with Bryant and the lacrosse players and the Michael Vick case. First it was the local district attorneys going after both Bryant and the lacrosse players. The Feds are going after Vick. The Feds build a much stronger case against people and it is much more difficult to escape the feds. It is most highly unlikely that the Feds will indict someone without a strong enough case against someone. It could be likely, for political and other reasons, that a local DA will go after someone without enough evidence. Kobe didn't kill anyone. The lacross players didn't kill anyone. Dogs don't lie. Dead dogs don't lie. Marked up dogs from fighting don't lie. He and his band of idiots electrocuted, hung, and tortured these dogs to their death. They made these dogs perform acts that they otherwise wouldn't have done. They had these dogs rape each other in order to breed them. He and his band of idiots did this to the lives of innocent animals. Kobe's accuser seemed like a liar or seemed to have wanted to set him up. The case seemed to have proved that to be the case. She had something mentally wrong with her. I am not a Kobe fan at all, and to be honest with you I can't stand him, but there was something wrong with this case from the beginning. The lacross accuser was mentally messed up. However, the Duke lacross players were kicked off the team and the team's season was thrown out the window. Isn't that pretty f***ed up? And they were found innocent of the entire thing. Mike Tyson was found guilty of raping a woman and hasn't been the same since. Has anyone forgiven him? Wasn't he seen as guilty right from the start? So far I can't find a good point about your and the reporter's argument. Is raping a woman ok? No. Is fighting and killing dogs ok? No. They are both wrong. I don't see how ranking them serves any purpose.
  15. The team should probably not be described as "great," but that starting batting lineup sure can be. They sure can hit.
  16. It wasn't crap or nothing. THis is why you are not the GM, thank God. The Yanks just hit our worst 2 starting pitchers. You are judging the White Sox entire rotation on them? How do you know? Have you seen everyone? How about signing some free agents instead of just looking inside the organization? So Kenny traded away piss poor minor league talent and mediocre talent for things that actually helped the team win? WOW! What a horrible GM. He gutted the farm system? It was obviously loaded with some prime time talent then, right?
  17. The best available package for Dye was Hansen and Pena. You wanted him gone for that heap of stinking garbage? What are the offers KW is receiving for Garland and Vazquez? How do you know either of them could have brought back a nice package if you have no idea what was/is being offered? In other words, how do you know KW "f***ed up big time" unless you know exactly what was offered. Plus I would keep Vazquez to go with Buehrle and Danks. There isn't a reason to trade Vazquez at this point unless you get something offered that is just outrageous. Garland could and should be dealt, but the deal must be right. He shouldn't be dealt just for the sake of trading him. That would be ridiculous.
  18. I have no idea why you beleive this to be true. Why would you think they can get more for him? How does Tad have any value at all?
  19. Why would they pay for him when there is actually a good player out there in Loretta that can help so much more? Loretta should bring something back in return - he is actually a good player. Iguchi? Please. It looks like the Sox were just making room for Richar to come up and get some playing time, which is great with me.
  20. Ok, then what exactly? Please tell me. I am sure the Phillies could look for other options than Iguchi if they wanted to pay more. How about someone that is actually good, like Loretta?
  21. He is in the last year of his contract, hitting .250 with 6 HRs and 30 RBI, and is poor defensively. What were you expecting. Please tell me. Instead of jsut saying how bad it was, offer up something inteligent to the conversation.
  22. The mets have trouble letting anyone minor leaguers go for a "rent-a-player."
  23. Yeah, because Jermaine Dye and Iguchi are comparable players. Genius.
  24. Again, what did you expect for a poor defensive player in the last year of his contract, hitting .250 with only 6 home runs and 30 RBI. What exactly?
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