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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. Well he sure didn't do anything with Charlotte that next year.
  2. Then PK ripped a double, but Crede flew out. Garland gives up a leadoff double in the bottom part of the 3rd.
  3. Rooting for a team soley based upon where you live is gay. :fyou Homers Damn straight, been in Cali all my life and I'll never root for the damn Lakers.
  4. Damn right Baggs. Whenever I see games in Anaheim their are tons of Sox fans. I'm interested in seeing how many are at Dodger stadium this year.
  5. Spurs are looking really impressive, so is Sacromento and the Nets.
  6. Chisoxfn


    If their is an issue getting beer in highschool then their is something weird about that school. Beer flowed at every party at my school. College is so tame compared to the s*** that went on in highschool, at least where I went. Didn't go to a private school or anything, just a public school where most people were middle class or upper middle class.
  7. Lol, all I can say is you missed an awesome game to watch. I love it when they are on the west coast (Minus all the losing that occurs) because the games are nice and late so I can relax and watch them. Earlier games I can only see parts of because I'm heading home from work at the time.
  8. Yep Fontaine is that guy and Fontaine is the guy I like.
  9. Cluj from what I've noticed Konerko has been pretty consistent the last week to week and a half and has really been getting good swings. He is using the right approach. He had a tough game last night, but when runners were on he was doing all he could to move them over and NOT BE SELFISH and thats what I like to hear.
  10. Thats weird Cluj, mine worked fine, but the game wasn't on ESPN 2 in orange county, could of been on in LA county?
  11. Well if were willing to give up Garland then I'd like a premier type guy, cause Garland is the type of guy that has a ton of value on the trading block. Carlos Beltran would be a superior pickup. Maybe we can work a 4 way type deal out. Lee and Garland leave the Sox Cruz leaves the Cubs Randa leaves the Royals Hillebrand leaves the BoSox. BoSox get Randa and Cruz. Royals get Lee and Garland, Cubs get Hilly, Sox get Beltran. Of course if this is the case, then Lee and Garland could be just traded straight up to KC and I don't see that happening.
  12. The thing is, if we are trading a "unknown" in Garland we better be getting someone we could really count on in return and the thing I fear most about everett is the fact that he is injury prone. If he's healthy he will tear the cover off the ball, but he hasn't proven to be healthy for a long time. I'd rather just do a Lee for Kotsay swap since Lee would be gone either way and this way we keep our pitching staff strong, which to me is key. Then Daubach can play left with Rios getting some time there as well as Borchard (possibly).
  13. Well I don't see any chance that the Rangers would turn down moving Everett. I still believe the Sox could do it for much less. I'd also rather give up Garland for someone like Beltran and make one last attempt at that. As far as Lee for Ponson, I've always felt that would be a rather fair trade.
  14. I am taking Jimenez with Graffy playing against all lefties (Mainly replacing Jose, and will play a few against righties replacing Jimenez). For those that want to bring up DJ's struggles, let me point out the fact that he is still our best leadoff hitter and the fact that during his only slump (He got out of that slump this past week) he was favoring an injured knee. That is direct from the A's announcers who said Jimenez was hurt last week, but was playing through it.
  15. Michelle brings up a great point, a lot of interviews are recorded. If KW is in Oakland, I doubt he would of done an interview. The real answer is if people called in and asked him questions or if they said it was a live interview.
  16. I'd keep playing Harris. The Sox got to figure out if he can play and the only way to do that imo is to keep playing him for about two weeks straight (give Rios a few starts though) and then see how he's doing. Harris has really never had a period where he got consistent at bats to adjust at the major league level. I think we give him one shot to get them, and then if that doesn't work, look elsewhere.
  17. I dunno, you wouldn't think he would go on ESPN radio if he was going to be resinging, then again, if things aren't done, then you have to keep going through things like you are gm. I have to think, if he is gone, the players probably wouldn't know it yet.
  18. I tend to think he's going to be given a second chance. Basically he stays out of the dugout. I still think he did a good job building this team.
  19. Too many forget just how long it takes most pitchers to develop. Some develop almost immediately but that is the exception, not the norm. Garland will be fine.
  20. One step at a time though. Finish this one, then beat Oakland tomorrow then go into Seattle. It would be huge though. I predicted we'd go 4-2 on the swing, but we'll have to wait and see.
  21. I'd let Graffy leadoff again, stick with the hot hand. Put Jimenez in the 8 with Olivo in the 9 hole. I wonder if this lineup has much of a future. With Frank hitting in the 2 hole it definately helps spread the lefties, plus Frank really is getting on base and it will put him in a position to see a ton of fastballs, hopefully getting in a groove.
  22. Exactly. In this case I think D'Ang was benched because of his error. Otherwise D'ang is a better player against lefties.
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