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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. I stick to my belief that it will be more of a group effort with Fontaine JR. doing the bulk of the work. Then in the offseason they will interview some candidates both within the organization and outside of it to find a replacement. Welome aboard Dick Allen. I'm with you, I don't know if the team will all of a sudden get better with KW gone, but if he is really calling all the shots I'm willing to give JM a quick little shot without KW at the helm. After that get Valentine or Backman in here pronto. Also like the idea of Fisk or Kittle, but lets be honest, no way is Fisk going to be working with JR, would he?
  2. Well before everyone writes off Koch, lets remember that he was one of the best closers in baseball last year and he is still extremely young. He's been working his ass off with Cooper and they seem to of solved part of the problem and they believe he wasn't kicking off the rubber right.
  3. I'm assuming it will be something that occurs at the very end of the week, but I'm sitting hear waiting to hear from HSC and Steff.
  4. Cool. I bet the players were playing extra hard considering all those scouts were there. Then again I assume their are scouts at pretty much every game.
  5. I read through it. Sounds like it will be really cool. I don't know one person in Europe. Hope you have a blast and come back home with the opportunity of watching the Sox in a penant race.
  6. Williams was in Oakland. Any idea on why Evans was there? Are they playing one of the Dodgers affiliates? Sounds like our scouts were watching someone. Were one of the big pitchers on the mound?
  7. Well for all their prospects that have suceeded or look to be, there are still guys like Farnie and Cruz that have dynamite arms and are struggling. Then Christensen, Chiasson, and Smyth have been injury riddle and they have really good arms as well. Lets not forget Bobby Hill completely falling on his face. I don't know if he picked things up, but for a long time he was hitting under .200 in AAA Iowa.
  8. I know this is a rather down thread, cause the Sox are playing like Crap, but Cap, I love the avatar. Office Space is a classic.
  9. Thats the one game I already have tickets too, so we'll definately meet up. It should be a blast, a lot of Sox fans will be there. We aught to have some type of gathering there.
  10. He pitched brilliantly after the first.
  11. No one in our organization is even close to being as good as Choi and I speak of that even with our golden boy Borchard. Borchard has the ability to be way better and at a more important position (Center) but Choi is a freaking stud. Great patience, fluid swing, really good defensively and massive power and he's doing it at the major league level already. Rogowski is all we got down there. Two years ago they thought really highly of him. Last year he had a wrist injury which really slowed him down, but if he picks up this year, he'll shoot back up to being one of the best position players in the organization. He's got some decent speed too, think he stole like 20 plus bases last year.
  12. I'll have to meet up with you cause i'll be at every game or I should be.
  13. Konerko has a good approach at the plate and thats why I don't worry too much about him. When he's healthy he crushes the ball to all parts of the field (His homers are typically pulled though)
  14. I don't even want to think about next years lineup soley because if they suck this year, there isn't going to be a next year because almost anyone that is due money will be gone, imo. Buehrle won't be gone, but Colon would be and it would be shame not to have Colon and Buehrle at the top for a long time.
  15. I've yet to figure that one out Cali. I keep calling for him to be called up to Birmingham who could really use some help at the top of the order. Plus Bham is playing Shaffer of all people at shortstop and he stinks. Get the duo of Reyes and Yan back together in AA.
  16. You can hide it if Frank isn't a 3 hitter anymore, thats for sure.
  17. Rip crede all you want, but the guy is still playing great defense. Offensively he will be fine. Had a basehit tonight and really looked a lot better at the plate. Seems to be coming out of his funk. Plus if I recall he's a slow starter typically or at least he was last year. I think he was doing pretty bad for the Knights early on and then just caught fire.
  18. That would be sweet too. I'm with you. I think Konerko will be one of the better first baseman throughout his career. He's a great 5 hole hitter and Kotsay could move into the 2 hole pushing Jose back in the lineup giving the lineup more balance. Defensively we'd be much better. I'd still love to get rid of Frank for anything.
  19. Wagner is filthy and my guess is he will be closing for the Red Sox if the Astros fall out of conention and even if they are in contention he may still be in Beantown. He's definately gone in the offseason though.
  20. Very impressive. Its great to see him get back on track.
  21. I agree with you Koch. The Thomas deal was something I was reachin on, simply because I don't see Thomas as a marketable player unless we take someone on with a high salary a team is looking to dump. The Klesko/Kotsay swap would be a big help for the Sox and I think it would help the Pads. Its one of those deals that would help both teams, imo. I'd really miss Konerko, but since we can't get rid of Frank Konerko would be the one to go. I'm a huge huge PK fan though.
  22. Mainly wishful thinking but right now pretty much anyone with salary could go for the Padres if it would bring in a more established type player that would help draw crowds at the new park. Konerko and Lee could be players to build a franchise around but it was just an idea I came up with.
  23. Damn, should of made my post in this thread. I'd fire Ward and hire Walker. Then I'd trade Konerko, Carlos Lee, and Willie Harris to San Diego for Kotsay and Klesko (if we could land a prospect or somehow pry Ramon Vazquez away then that would be great too) Next up I'd try and move Thomas for Higginson (Tigers could then dump Thomas pretty much and free space. Tigers would probably have to pay part of Higgy's salary. Then I'd be done with the moves. We'd of probably freed up a bit of money and I'd invest that money in the pitching staff.
  24. Gagne, Smoltz and Percy are as filthy as it gets right now.
  25. I like my idea of Kotsay more The problem is, if I'm a general manager I'd probably lock down on this idea. But he's one of those guys I just love to watch play.
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