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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. Kotsay is one of my favs too Koch. The scouts are probably right, but I like him to Jim Edmonds, but healthier and with a bit less pop. Him and Klesko would each still 20 bases and draw plenty of walks and make the Sox a much more fundementally sound team. Right now I'd be really happy to move Lee and Konerko for that (Both would be fits) and they would be a bit younger for the Padres. Konerko is the kind of guy you could build an offense around in the Pads new ballpark. I like Konerko a ton, but if we can't unload Thomas, you got to move PK, imo. Could you imagine if we could somehow get the Tigers to take Thomas for Higgy. Then do the other swap. Have an outfield of Higgy, Kotsay, Maggs an infield of Crede, Jose (even though I cringe at the thought), Jimenez, and Klesko with Daubach dh'ing. Jose could also DH plenty with Aaron Miles or Tony Graffanino or even Hummell playing. We may become pretty lefty oriented, but we'd have a few switch hitters and lefty based teams can win, especially when you have a grand old righty in magglio ordonez in the middle of the lineup. Maggs, Olivo/Aloamr and Crede are enough righties to break it up, imo. The thing is, I've never ever heard of a team making this many moves all at once. I think they are all viable, but it doesn't happen in the majors for some reason. Maybe its cause it wouldn't work, but I'd sure as hell love this lineup. Jimenez Kotsay Klesko Maggs Higgy Crede Daubach Jose Olivo/Alomar
  2. A ton of money, but thats the kind of guy we'd have to give up absolutely nothing to get, other then cash of course. I'd rather resign our current pitchers, imo. Womack can play center though right?
  3. probably the big reason was the game was over when jose made his error so at that point it was like so freakin what...had he did that in the first inning and it lead to the 2 runs that it did we all would have been on him too.. plus jimenez 's was a routine pop up...we see guys make throwing errors al lthe time...but NOBODY drops a routine pop up..and it couldnt have caused more damage..3 unearned runs... a real scorekeeper would have given him 2 errors on that play too..first for dropping it..and a 2nd for kicking it rf and letting the 3rd run score.. timing is everything in life The thing is, everyone is so heavily against him it seems. I'd b**** if it looked like he wasn't hustling on it, but he looked up for the ball and didn't look like he was dogging it or anything. I'm assuming he lost the ball in the lights. Its definately inexcusable and I complained about it, but I also complained about Jose's error, because it put the game out of reach and to me ever error matters. Even if they don't score another run a pitcher has to throw more pitches and if that doesn't hur them this game those extra pitches when magnified with all the other errors could lead him to being more fatigued or something along those lines.
  4. He seems to say a ton of things that I'd agree with, so I believe he'd be my style of manager. I also think he's always got the best out of his clubs. Looking back I can't say there was a time when one of his clubs underachieved. I could of said last years bunch, but look at what Howe has done with them. They are even worse and thats after adding Tom Glavine.
  5. Well I just came up with my new idea of the week. Lee, Konerko and Harris for Klesko and Kotsay. We are way better defensively, pick up two great baserunners and fill the woes in center (meaning Daubach can now play left) and can bring up Aaron Miles or Rowand as a backup. We could also use Borchard.
  6. Lets try to think of some guys that are on the market that could help the team. Obviously their is Carlos Beltran, but I think the Sox have too many needs right now to give up so many players to KC. -Bobby Higginson (But he does have a hefty contract He would provide left handed pop and is a very good defensive player. To me he's a big time improvement over Carlos. But only a good move if the Tigers pay a large part of his payroll (They may be willing to do it). He shouldn't be tough to get. -Rafael Furcal I love this guy but I think it would be tough to get him from the Braves. He is super fast and would be great at the top of the order with Jimenez (Jose moves down and becomes DH after these trades; Daubach also plays a lot more sometimes at DH other times in outfield, othertimes at first). Would they go after a swap involving Lee or Konerko? I doubt it, especially since they are playing so good. -Ryan Klesko Doubt we could get him, but he'd be a sweet deal. I'd trade Konerko for Klesko. It would be a rather fair swap, imo. Both are relatively young, not sure what the contract is of Klesko but I think he just signed long term as well. Most importantly Klesko is really smooth at first and can also play outfield. He provides real good left handed power and not looking at stats I'd swear he draws quite a few walks. San Diego could definately be willing to move him. -Mark Kotsay Really good centerfielder both defensively and offensively. Don't think their is much of a shot to pry him away from San Diego, but you never know. A package to land him and Klesko would be awesome, but they'd be nuts to do it for Carlos and Konerko, wouldn't they? Throw in Willie Harris, you could have a deal. -Shannon Stewart Many have talked about him, so I figured to mention him. If anyone else has any ideas, add on, and maybe the Sox will listen or maybe they will catch fire on their own. I'd just like to see Jose move to DH, the Sox drop a few of their righties with other guys that aren't one dimensional (Only offensive players) and pick up better guys.
  7. Thomas is the one person you can't blame Ward for. Ward doesn't do crap with him. Thomas was at least more agressive, but oh well. He got quite a few meatballs today. Konerko was impressing me trying to go opposite field and he has been doing so for a while. Him and Olivo have been about the only guys willing to do so lately. I'm with KOCH 100% in what he says.
  8. The Sox must move one of Carlos Lee, Frank Thomas or Paul Konerko. I'm sick of having all these righties and its time to bring a speed game to the table. Bring in some more lefty bats with speed that can play defense. I'd actually be perfectly happy if all three were gone, but if we moved all three we'd have to get at least two very good starters in return. Plus we'd be cutting a ton of money meaning they can sign the pitchers, and that is key.
  9. Bobby V would be such a great hire.
  10. Graff should play ever game against left handed pitching. Why he wasn't in their against one of the best is proposterous. I know Jimenez made an error, but he is a much better hitter against lefties then Jose. Also, why are so many complaining about Jimenez's error, yet I hear nothing of the sort about yet another error by Jose. Jose's cost the Sox a couple runs too and he makes errors far more often then D'Angelo.
  11. Well what a surprise. Maggs finally drives one opposite field and gets a double. Konerko strikes out on an inside pitch, but that was a tough call. PK was trying to go oppo field the whole at bat.
  12. I have no problem with a dp if the approach is right. The last few I've seen Konerko hit into he's been using the right approach. I really haven't seen maggs try to shoot it opposite field much at all this season. The sad thing is, his entire career he has been willing to do that. What I want to know is what are people telling him. Is Ward telling him to hit more homers or something. If he is he needs to shut up. Homers come. You got to preach to all your hitters to hit to right field and take your hits cause any good hitting coach would know, when you do that you'll get inside pitches to drive and the homers will come.
  13. In this case it will be the firing of the hitting coach and possibily JM or Williams or both leaving.
  14. Well at least Konerko was hitting his to right field on his double play. Magglio is really trying to pull everything. We couldn't get Walker or a new philosphy up here too soon. BRING UP A NEW COACH NOW
  15. Now if only the Sox will show up cause this is getting pathetic. COME ON WHITE SOX
  16. I don't mind finals, I mind all the crap thats due just before them. Imo, finals means the year is finally over and I think I can speak for all of us when I say we sure as hell could use a break
  17. Koch that road trip should be sweet. I did one almost identical to that a few years ago. Only exceptions was the Mets weren't in town, but the Indians were so we saw Cleveland and we also drove up to Toronto. All in all it was a blast. Ton of driving, but it was well worth it. Hope you have a blast when you go on it.
  18. Lol, I'm doing the exact same thing. Hopefully I'll finish all the crap I have to do this week. I've finally gotten my head off the whole Ken Williams stuff.
  19. Ya, I don't quite now how to add a link. I 'm sure its not really hard, I just don't know where in the php coding I'm supposed to make the adjustment. Once school is out I can go about customizing this a lot more and will be able to get those links up. As far now the best I could do was put the chat room link on the main site (www.soxnet.net) and it will take you there. I'll try and remember to post something about a chat every game here though, until the end of May which is when my school ends. Then I'll be able to spend some time and really look at the coding and try to figure it out.
  20. I find it funny that he would be on the road when this happens. Thats the one part that keeps me kind of hesitant on it happening immediately. Of course he could simply be there because he lives in that area (I know he went to Stanford so I'm assuming he lives by there or maybe has a place there). Heck, I dunno, I just know that if its going to happen I want it to happen soon so the Sox can get back to worrying about baseball.
  21. If he is calling the managerial shots then I too hope that it is confirmed. I just hope it happens soon so I can go back to concentrating on this paper I've been trying to work on part of the day, but so far haven't even done a damn thing with it, lol.
  22. I'm assuming this is a move that will take time if it happens. I'd guess their are quite a few lose ends to tie up. Anyword on whether they are considering completely cleaning house (Williams, Manuel and Ward gone)? or do they just want to take it one step at a time?
  23. Welcome aboard. Always great to have another Sox fan aboard
  24. Well if in fact that is Ward's philosphy then I'd fire him immediately and put a major blame on him. This team needs to use small ball. Ya they can hit a ton of homers, but why not also utilize small ball so you can win two different ways (With the homer barrages that ocassionally happen, but also by getting lots of base hits, moving guys over, and taking advtange of every scoring opportunity).
  25. Joe's numbers have slid a bit lately, but hopefully he can get things going. I still think he's a few more months away, probably here near July.
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