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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. Recap: Garland Struggles in 9-5 Loss By Mario Scalise March 18, 2003
  2. The majority of those people have done nothing wrong. Some may not like the US, but remember. They are getting things forced down there throat and if they don't buy into what the current regime tells them then they are basically murdered. If people ruin Saddams pictures which are posted in different areas then they are murdered. They don't have much options. I also know people that are from there and they are some of the nicest people and they support the US 100% and they say there family members back in Iraq support them too. I feel very sorry for those people, they don't know what life should be like. We are all lucky to live in the US, imo, and I know I'm glad that I was able to grow up in a place like this.
  3. I second that. Whether for the war or against it I think everyone can agree one thing and thats that We wish and hope that everyone makes it home safely. I'll be thinking about you and hoping. To Nuke and CW's Son I wish you the best and I wish everyone else serving the very best. God Bless You All and GOOD LUCK.
  4. I think the only team that would take him are the Padres. They could also use a power hitter, big time. power hitter...*cough* *cough*.. are we still talking about josh paul here??????? lol lol lol lol...i think that the power hitting they need is more likely found in a guy like magglio.......... Please tell me you meant that the Padres needed both a catcher and a power hitter?? Certainly you did not mean JP was both? Hell, we are barely sure he is a catcher. No. Was just mentioning their other need. Carlos Lee would fit over there. We all know I've been a big Brian Lawrence fan for a while, but that ain't going to happen, or I wouldn't think it would.
  5. As far as Charlotte goes, I thought they had a couple winning streaks real late, but it wasn't much. Writing about the minor league teams last season wasn't too exciting, with the exception being Birmingham. We had the rookie team do good, but boy did the other teams really stink. I was always writing about losses and it was horrible, so I could of gotten delusional, lol. They should of been good though considering they had some pretty solid pitchers down there, but none of them produced (Ie Parque, Rauch - struggled for so long while he was there, then finally got rolling,but not till they were way out). Of course Almonte did good and so did Crede. Borchard, although solid, was a dissapointment. It will be interesting to see what happens in Charlotte this year, but I think the other teams will all be interesting as well as the system is getting rejuvenated with more talent, now that most of it is at the major league level. Rex, do you think that the difference in ballparks has anything to do with the teams being so much different from AA to AAA record wise (When it is relatively the same cast the following year in AAA). From what I've read, Birmingham is more of a pitchers park while Charlotte is a hitters paradise.
  6. I have had this package for several years in a row. My memory tells me that youll get to see about 120 sox games. To me, the best thing about the package is getting to see all the OTHER teams on a regular basis. Heaven for a true baseball fan. Ya, I love watching the good pitching matchups and stuff. If Pedro is facing Zito or Pedro vs Schilling stuff like that.
  7. Don't forget that, on top of those 45 days, Saddam has had 12 previous years to disarm during which time he stalled, ejected UN Inspection teams, etc. Those that feel the UN Inspectors need more time must figure that 12 years isn't enough time to fully disarm Nobody likes a tyrant until someone has the balls to stand up to him. Well the 45 days was the original time period set by the UN. Its 12 years later and they've had I think 17 extensions.
  8. It's being reported by CNN that Saddam has issued the chemical shells to those soldiers whom he feels are 100% loyal to him..... the ones that would die for him rather than surrender. Ya, I heard a guy on the radio today who was EX Special Forces. He was being interviewed and he mentioned that all soldiers are prepared to look out for chemical weapons and they are carrying these things that will hopefully signal a chemical weapon attack just before it happens so the soldiers have time to put on their chemical suits. They said that wind and all that stuff could effect it. Also, they mentioned ways to spot out chemical weapons and the biggest way is the techs that are around those areas. He said everyone knows that they have the weapons, etc. Which is proved by the Kurds incident and the documented facts that they had the weapons. Just cause we can't find them when he doesn't comply means they are gone. He never showed us get rid of him (Which he would of done) which means they are there.
  9. One of the games is made up on like April 3rd and the other a couple months later or something like that. It now means the Angels vs Texas (I think its Texas) is going to be the first game of the season.
  10. I think it was good for the safety of the players and your right, here they have pretty much full control, not so there. It would of been cool for Japan if they kept playing, but now just isn't a good time.
  11. They cancelled it today. It wasn't really much of a surprise. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,81469,00.html
  12. Iraq uses Chemical Weapons. They said they will join the war if that happens. Also, Today Tony Blair got the support of Parliment. His own party may not support him (The Labor Party?), but the other party sure seems to. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/18/...cals/index.html In regards to Russia, one of the countries agains the US. Let me also mention the fact that Iraq owes Russia around $10 Billion for weapons that Russia sold to Iraq.
  13. Alright, I've been doing a lot of thinking on this issue, going to the anti war discussions at campus and trying to learn a lot about both sides. I was pro war before hand, but wanted more knowledge so I understood all sides, etc. Anyway, the point still seems pretty obvious to me for those who claim that Iraq doesn't have any weapons of mass destruction or that this is illegal. First off, remember, only one war was ever approved by the UN and that was Desert Storm. Secondly, way back when, didn't UN inspectors document that Iraq had Chemical Weapons or at least know they did. Not positive on that, but either way my point i'm going to make still makes sense. Even if they had no documented it, we do know that they had Biological Weapons way back when and that during the War the US didn't destroy them all. That being said, since then, those weapons still have to be around. Its not like Saddam simply got rid of them without telling anyone else, cause if he was going to get rid of them, he'd go out on camera and say exactly that to make him look good, and get the pressure off. Obviously the inspectors haven't found them, otherwise they would of said something. That leaves only one option that the weapons are still there, and being hidden cause if they weren't the inspectors would of found him. Wouldn't that be reason enough to know that they have weapons. Also, in Resolution 1441 it originally said that Iraq had 45 days to do it and now they are on like the 17th time and this is how many years later? In this resolution it said that if Iraq didn't disarm then they would be disarmed forcefully, which is what Great Britian, Spain and the US intend to do.
  14. I don't think so, mainly because he wasn't on the 40 man roster to begin with, which was why he was eligible for the Rule V Draft. Not 100% on that though.
  15. Ok, Clujer I did some research. These numbers aren't official, but I'd say they can be pretty accurate. The first total is the number that are eligible to be televised while the 2nd total is the number that are eligible, not including the WCIU games, some of which you'll likely pick up on another carrier (For Example if they are playing Cleveland on Fox Sports Chicago). I added two games one month because you will be able to see all Angel games, considering your in the LA/Orange County Region. If your not in that area, then you should whipe out 2 total from each side during the month of August. April - 21 - 18 - 26 Total in the Month May - 24 - 19 - 28 Total in the Month June - 24 - 19 - 28 Total in the Month July - 21 - 18 - 25 Total in the Month August - 27 - 24 - 29 Total in the Month September - 22 - 18 - 25 Total in the Month Grand Total - 139 - 116 - 162 Remember, in September the Sox have two games that are subject to be blacked out against the Twins and those games could very likely be on ESPN, and I mean VERY Likely. In general, I'd say you'll see a total closer to 139, which is roughly 86% of the games, so I'd say thats way better then just counting on the couple games you get on WGN, but thats my humble opinion.
  16. Ya, if you have the package then you get all the games on Fox Sports Chicago Pretty Much. I'd assume you get something like 120 games or a bit more, give or take. Typically you don't have to worry about Saturdays blackout, excpet maybe once. I forget, the blackout may be Sunday, but its very rare for it to effect you. Also, doesn't ESPN add some games during the season as well? I have had it for the past couple years. Well worth it to get an extra 100 games, easily.
  17. I think the only team that would take him are the Padres. They could also use a power hitter, big time.
  18. Oh I will. I'll update that and the Birmingham one, once the rosters are announced.
  19. Well, since ya live in California, I'd say you get almost every game minus the blackout ones. Basically you'll get every game except ones on WCIU and on Wednesdays. If its Wednesday you have to hope somehow its on WGN or another station that you get or that its on ESPN. You may get some WCIU games depending on whether they will carry it from the other teams broadcast. I'd think the schedule would be out already, but I haven't been able to find it yet.
  20. If I recall they improved a bit late in the season, but as Rex said, they've were dissapointments. They should be much better this season, considering they are getting a lot of players from a very good Birmingham Team as well as keeping Joe Borchard, Edwin Almonte, Jon Rauch, etc. They'll like have a rotation with Rauch, Stewart, West, Diaz, and possibly Adkins or Ginter or Malone. It kind of depends on how the Sox see things, but it should be pretty good. The pen should be real good, with them getting Munoz, Sanders, Majewski to go along with Almonte who was already there and once again potentially Ginter and others. It should be a solid team. Offensively it could have some flaws, but Miles may be there, Hummell should be there, Olivo may be there, and of course Joe Borchard will be there. The big question with the Knights is whether they are going to have some of these guys very long, as many could see the 25 man roster. Oh ya, here's the preview I wrote for them way back when. Its rather outdated, but here Charlotte Knights Preview
  21. Definately. That Baron's bullpen was impressive. Sanders, Munoz, Valentine, and Majewski should all make the big show. I always remember people saying we got nothing for JB, and I've always thought, but we got Majewski and he's got tremendous stuff. I guess it is easy to get overshadowed though, considering how good Birmingham played last year. Rex, what do you think of Clay Eason? In case some of you don't know, he was the 5th guy with an era under 2.65 out of the pen. Could the Sox pen be like that? I sure hope so
  22. Ya, I was going to say the pen is weak. Otherwise the team looks good, you got a lot of depth starting pitching wise, which is key.
  23. I don't know about everyone else, but I for one am glad the Sox are getting Majewski back. This guy is a pretty damn good pitcher and I'm really surprised the Blue Jays didn't hold onto him. I would of thought they could of afforded to keep him on their roster, but I guess they have other guys that they'd rather use.
  24. SN Report: Wright Update; Wunsch's Job Safe By Jason Gage March 18, 2003
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