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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. Mark, don't worry, we didn't judge you on just that one comment.
  2. Hopefully it will be good. I forget all about it, good thing it don't start for a while for me.
  3. But so does Bonds in a sense. Of course I actually like Bonds and thinks he gets a horrible rap, just like Thomas does. It ain't like I see Bonds or Thomas getting picked up on drugs or anything bad like that or even worse killing someone.
  4. Borchard has a higher ceiling imo, but thats cause he's an awesome all around player. I think Lee can turn into a .300 hitter who hits 25-30 hr's, walks 100 times, and knocks in 90-100 runs in the back of the order or the 3 slot. I kind of see him being a similar version to Frank, not near as good by all means cause Frank at his prime was amazing. I do see Caballo making an All Star game as a DH though. Now Borchard he's going to be an amazing run producer, but may never hit .300 but will be a gold glover.
  5. A Hitter only helps if you have someone like Bonds, Sosa, or Big Mac that is constantly going for a record or putting up amazing numbers, imo. Pitchers, they only help once every 5 games, but if they are really good, then they will help you a ton too.
  6. Do the voices tell you to burn things? They talk to you too? They told Ralph Wiggam to burn things. :metal
  7. A Pitcher. I'd go to see Pedro pitch as often as possible or a guy like Johnson. Those guys are just so so fun to watch. I'm oldschool though, I hate those long games where its walk after walk. I like seeing good d, base-stealing, small ball, and great pitching.
  8. Borchard didn't hit well in September. Joe isn't ready, he's going to be good, very good, but he's still got a ways to go.
  9. Their was Jamie Navarro and Todd Ritchie, and then always our big offensive gun Albert Belle. Yeah, because JR has always tried to go out and get us the big pitching guns.
  10. I even understand questioning D'lo and Crede to a point because they've been here so short, but I think Garland has at least proven he's a middle of the pack starter and he's still getting better.
  11. Until they can do something in games that matter, yes. How does that make them stink? Your going to be so wrong Ian, so wrong!!
  12. I guarantee that we go out and pick up another picture, but it will probably be more of a #2. I hope to land Maddux or Clemens, but it could end up being someone like El Duque or another type of 2nd tier starter.
  13. We know Ian is never the optimist, always doubting things. We all just try to see and think and hope that JR and KW are going to make a great move.
  14. Take the Braves out today, and then win the series in the next game. Its 3-0 right now and the Giants have just had a couple scratch hits.
  15. Heck Ya. I'm hoping the Braves lose, that way maybe Atlanta tries to make some changes and lets maddux and Glavine leave. Of course I still think one of them goes no matter what, since AOL is all cheap.
  16. So Crede, D'Lo, Garland, Rauch, and Borchard stink?
  17. Jose = amazing utlitity player Jose = Crappy Starting Shortstop Keep Jose if he is willing to play 3 or 4 times a week off the bench as well as pinch hit, pinch run, and everything else, otherwise get him out of here and find a permanent second baseman or shortstop and put Jimenez in the other slot. Are you sure that you want D'lo and Willie as your combination? I think D'lo is a possible gold glove 2nd baseman and a possible liability at SS. Thats why I say pick up someone else, like a Freddy Sanchez or maybe try to land Wilson Betemeit, although he's a liability at shortstop as I think he'll end up moving to 3rd. The one guy I'd really love is Rafael Furcal or Christian Guzman but I don't think it will happen. I'm going to go to work and try to think of some shortstop out there we could get, then leave D'lo at 2nd, and have iether Manos backup or Harris back up as well as Graffy.
  18. Jose = amazing utlitity player Jose = Crappy Starting Shortstop Keep Jose if he is willing to play 3 or 4 times a week off the bench as well as pinch hit, pinch run, and everything else, otherwise get him out of here and find a permanent second baseman or shortstop and put Jimenez in the other slot.
  19. I really like what Carlos is turning into. I've doubted him in the past, but after the break I turned and started liking him a lot as a player. Right now I'd save the money and dump Frank and maybe even Foulke to the Red Sox or anyone else looking for a starting pitcher or an everyday outfielder and a shortstop/secondbaseman that could play now and be good. Thats right Heather, I think Carlos is good, you aught to be excited that at least a couple people stopped ripping your guy!
  20. Saints hammered them today while the Rams got absolutely clobbered and even the Eagles lost. I love seeing the Rams and Steelers stink!!!
  21. I still am close to thinking Royce is better then Jose, meaning almost anyone is better then Jose. Jose = Good Guy, Bad Player
  22. I think they can win with him here too though.
  23. I love that Idea! I think Black Thunder sticks or sox would be badass! We need to start winning first though! do they have black? Why wouldn't they? They could make them whatever color possible. Make them black then have the Sox logo in White or Silver on it and I'd think they'd look real sick.
  24. I'll be happy if I never see the Yankees make the playoffs again and I'd never feel sorry for them either. Boy I'd love to see the Devil Rays finish ahead of the Skanks next year.
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