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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. and his name is Ian Martin and posts as Showtime. Ian is a hard worker and its great to have him on the team here at Soxtalk. I know a lot of you already gave him a good welcome, but I'm just putting this post back up since we had problems with the original post. Welcome Aboard Ian
  2. Ya, I don't know who locked the thread. I was away from the board all day yesterday so I'm trying to get caught up.
  3. And boy do you have trouble when 420 is calling you a crackhead,
  4. In his defense Rowand should be out there and so should Maggs and I can even buy having Liefer in there. Hopefully Joe plays today, but in all honesty I doubt he starts.
  5. Chisoxfn


    I'm not going to call the division ours because I did that this year and look what happened, but I am going to say one thing, this team if it plays hard will win the division and be very exciting and fun to watch.
  6. Buerhle pitched great, but he didn't get 20 wins. Ya, you could blame the offense on todays game or you could go back and look at a couple games where Buerhle got a ton of support and ended up giving up a lot of runs. He didn't get it this year, but hopefully he gets it next year for our playoff ball club.
  7. I still want to know why this game wasn't on tv.
  8. For Spiff's NFL Contest. Thank goodness I got up just before, lol Dolphins Bears Saints Lions Packers Jaguars Eagles Steelers Rams Cardinals Bucs Raiders Patriots Seahawks Broncos
  9. Hillarious Show. I only caught the end, but absolutely hillarious.
  10. Hey Gary, welcome aboard. I love the optimism on Porzio. If only I could have that same optimism. Hell if I had that kind of optimism I'd be calling Jamie Navarro a cy young candidate.
  11. We haven't figured everything out about it, but I'm excited to getting a Sox Fest thing done this year. We'll be having some meetings this upcoming week figuring everythingout.
  13. I'm confused, I swore this game was supposed to be on WGN, and now I can't find it on tv anywhere. This really ticks me off. Anyway Mark Buerhle is going for his 20th win and is facing Kyle Loshe who has done real good against us this year. The score is currently 1-0 Twins after one inning. The Sox lineup is Jimenez-2nd Manos-ss Thomas-dh Ordonez-rf Konerko-1st Liefer-lf Crede-3rd Rowand-cf MJ-c
  14. I must of missed that while watching the game. Kark, I take it you from the Minnesota area? Thats one thing Olivo has is an absolute cannon.
  15. In a sense if I had a company and the people could see it for free elsewhere and they ended up charging money for it, I'd be pretty mad. It would be like retelevising the game thats on WGN and charing people 10 bucks for it.
  16. The maximum pay cut he can take is 20%
  17. Chisoxfn

    Oh Goodie

    Interesting. I know Blalock is thought of the best 3rd base prospect and that Williams guy is supposed to be good, but how could he be ranked above someone like Brett Myers.
  18. He seemed to look fine behind the plate and must of called a good game for Rauch. I don't think anyone try to steal on him so it was just a usual game. Ya, he failed miserably in a key situation with a man on 3rd and less then 2 outs.
  19. I can watch a couple laps and then I get tired. But what I do like watching is speed vision. Those rally races are so freakin cool when they are just flying through the mountains.
  20. From what I hear both will be back as long as they take their 20% drop. Now Parque may not end up being back if the Sox can find another lefty thats more attractive then him, aka, cheaper.
  21. Chisoxfn


    I'd take the center mark Jackson, but I have no use for the point guard.
  22. Chisoxfn


    Ya, thats right. NHL has some big changes that need to be made cause their salary structure is more ridiculous then baseballs. As you can tell, I'm not a Hockey Expert. I know 3 sports well, and then when it comes to Hockey I know it not so well.
  23. I tend to agree. My question is where does he fit in, cause we also have Biddle and Glover to go with Osuna, Marte, and Foulke and we do need to have another lefty. Thats 5 right there and I don't see us carrying any more then 6, but if we carried 7 then I could see us using Almonte and valentine, but I could also see the Sox using Ritchie in the pen.
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