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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. Does everyone think we need going into next year? Imo, we need to figure out whose are 2nd baseman and whose our shortstop. Jimenez has got to fit into this role. The other one can either be Hummel, Manos or Harris with one or both of them coming off the bench. If both come off the bench, then I'd assume it would mean no more Graffy and I don't think this will happen unless Tony G has trouble coming back. Other then that I'm pretty happy with a lineup of Jimenez Rowand or Manos(like Rowand cause it has Manos's left handed stick lower) Hurt Maggs Konerko Caballo Manos Crede Olivo Now if we have Harris, playing, then I'd have Harris hit in the 9 hole. Of course you can't doubt how good Manos is hitting in the 2 hole.
  2. So far this season he's pitched pretty good, but he's also had his rough spots as well and has yet to really show he can get deep into games. I think all eyes will be on him tonight(JR and KW's) as they debate whether he will be in our rotation next year, the bullpen or the much much less likely choice of elsewhere.
  3. Think of it this way, that mugshot was a whole lot better looking that Iversons mug shot. Their is one thing I want to know, and thats why did this women sit on his freaking car. It seems to me like this so called "rent a cop" or whatever you want to call her took things a little too far. Does that mean she deserved to get pushed down the street, no. But I got to say, had I been driving, made an illegal u turn and then someone jumped in front of your car and then sat on it, I'd be pretty damn pissed too. Heck, she could of put a dent in his car and I am sure he was driving a tight ride. Moss screwed up but so did she. Trying to go a little far, imo because she should of just tried to flag him over, and if he doesn't, then you write down the plates and let the real cops do the work.
  4. Thats his key, ball down. He hung way too much stuff this season.
  5. August 11-14: White Sox travel to Anaheim for a 4-game set against Troy Glaus and the Angels. They always do this to me. I wish I could get 2 series here so I could see the Sox come into town twice. I guess I have to make sure I go to 3 of those games. Heck, I notice they play in Arizona so I'll be tempted to drive to Arizona for a day and check out their new stadium and see the Sox.
  6. Thats what I was thinking Cerb. First off the air will bolster the offensive production while killing pitchers confidence as well as stats. One real bad thing that can occur when a pitchers stats get inflated is they try to change the way they pitch and in turn could end up screwing themselves up.
  7. Its too bad they didn't sign that super rook that they have or whatever you want to call the guy.
  8. I just saw that. He supposedly bumped a cop with his car. I know one thing, after some jail time he won't be afraid of the balls anymore
  9. I was unable to see the latter parts of the game and was curious to know how he looked. Thanks
  10. When I was a kid it was peanut butter and jelly, hash, or grilled cheese sandwhich otherwise I wasn't eatin. Now I eat damn near everything out there, thats cooked at least and I eat a lot of it.
  11. Hate Oatmeal, man brown sugar and some milk and that stuff is damn good. I down cartons of that stuff a year before school. I remember my mom once gave me that powdered milk crap, now I hope you didn't make your kids suffer through that too.
  12. We'll take the divsion from Spring and just whoop them good. The Sox are back, and they are giong to win the Central for years, and that ain't the only thing they are going to win.
  13. I don't have a clue. I just remember I used to eat that crap when my mom would feed it to me when I was younger. I'll take Oatmeal over that any day of the week.
  14. Thats a good idea Matthew. I know a lot of other people here know the minors so I'd be curious to see your all star team. I love debating stuff and I know with things like this everyone has different views.
  15. Well, they are the one team with a more pathetic owner then JR and you could really see him screw that club up.
  16. The Twins are lousy, imo. They overachieved most of the year, but their pitching isn't that strong and neither is their bullpen.
  17. http://www.soxnet.net/top25prospects.html Was it that?
  18. Ya, it would have to be Arizona league, unless your talking about the story that Chris wrote last week.
  19. Who cares about Howry, he's gone now. I wish he would of found that fastball when he was with us, but oh well.
  20. I don't have a clue what happened. I was out to dinner with my aunt and uncle. I heard the score on my way home and we are losing.
  21. Olivo grounded out in his first at bat.
  22. Lee, Crede, and Rowand due up in the bottom of the second.
  23. Crede turns a doube play, two down now with Daubach up.
  24. Thomas ripped a homer and then Maggs ripped a double. Harris hit into a weird double play after Jimenez started the game off with a single.
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