Think of it this way, that mugshot was a whole lot better looking that Iversons mug shot.
Their is one thing I want to know, and thats why did this women sit on his freaking car. It seems to me like this so called "rent a cop" or whatever you want to call her took things a little too far. Does that mean she deserved to get pushed down the street, no.
But I got to say, had I been driving, made an illegal u turn and then someone jumped in front of your car and then sat on it, I'd be pretty damn pissed too. Heck, she could of put a dent in his car and I am sure he was driving a tight ride.
Moss screwed up but so did she. Trying to go a little far, imo because she should of just tried to flag him over, and if he doesn't, then you write down the plates and let the real cops do the work.