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Everything posted by GreenSox

  1. Bears need to tank the 2nd half. Need the Eagles out of the playoffs. Don't like the Eagles matchup for the Saints.
  2. I agree; in many ways it's not a great distribution of assets. But it's still better than what they've been doing. For example, last year, the Astros paid a little more than $16.7 million for the bulk of their bullpen (annualized): Rondon, harris, peacock, Osuna, Devenski and Pressly. The White Sox paid nearly $17 million for Soria, Jones, Santiago and Avilan. None of this really has to do with player development (only Peacock, Devenski and Jones really came from the organizations). It's management, evaluation and opportunity. Will Harris was pitching well when cut by Arizona, and the Astros moved on him; still effective and cheap. (2.8 million). Now I left Sipp and his $6 million out of the analysis - he's an obvious overpay. Still they got a lot more bang for the buck out of their $23 million on the pen.
  3. They throw away that money and more on nonproductive aging players ever year. In 2016, it approached $25 million. The production of many of the Sox $4-$10 million players can be found for a fraction of the price. Time for something different.
  4. Well, 10/350 beats that Yankees offer aav and total contract. Would that be enough? Probably not. Re the rumors, it would seem that the national guys could get at least a denial from the Yankees if it weren't true. But then again, Dick Clark is an Australian blogger, and they just may not bother with what he has to say.
  5. The Sox had to offer crazy money to get Machado. If they didn't, they weren't serious. That said, even crazy money may not be enough. At some point there is declining marginal utility of money. He wants to win.
  6. No doubt - they just make numerous times the number of good moves that can overcome the bad. Luhnow has made a number of questionable trades (which is one reason I want Hahn to deal with him). But boy can they identify and develop amateur talent....
  7. Only Hunter Pence was of that age and level and Wade traded him. Also Michael Bourn. They got more mileage out of their trades of 2nd and 3rd tier players, largely conducted by Luhnow. Can't argue with Hahn's returns on the big 3, but the returns on the 2nd tier players have been light - at least a nugget hasn't emerged. The Astros had several (as did the Cubs) from their 2nd/3rd tier trades.
  8. My opinion on the FAs is for the most part distinct from KW and RH. From a macro perspective, these are 2nd/3rd tier free agents who are hole-pluggers. We don't know what the holes will be in 2 years when the Sox should be ready to win. Machado/Harper are different - they are cornerstones and holes are plugged around them. I'm not interested in Pollack because he's a)declined and b)the Sox have CF candidates that should be ready in a year or 2. No interesting Moustakas because I don't think he's anything more than average and he's an OBP killer; Grandal is probably the best of the bunch but he's tied to a draft pick, the Sox have 2 catchers, and much of his skill is based on "framing" a stat that I think has at least some correlation with the quality of the pitchers to begin with.
  9. Tearing down and rebuilding are 2 distinct tasks. Ed Wade conducted much of the Astros tear-down; Luhnow rebuilt them. Hahn's tear down was satisfactory. But I saw how he rebuilt from 2014-2016; his moves in this rebuild, minor so far as they may be, are of similar philosophy. Still behind in analytics. We'll see.
  10. I think that's what most people want. Don't see a lot of upvoting of the rumored Enarnacion interest or other short term fantasy-land moves.
  11. He really wants to play with his brother in law and once he meets and gets to know Rick Hahn and Ricky Renteria, he'll be absolutely enamored and would want to sign nowhere else.
  12. One way to avoid that risk is to stop trading for has-beens. Unfortunately, it's ingrained.
  13. They can afford it. Absorbing contracts in return for talent is a decent way to start a rebuild.
  14. for Bailey and 2 decent prospects. Not really a good deal for the Reds unless they do a great job flipping Wood, Puig et al.
  15. And no chance for the Sox to outbid it? Or is the Cubs offer sufficient such that it doesn't matter to him if others offer more.
  16. Well.... I thought it was silly, but they likely traded for Alonso to help lure Machado here. I don't agree with much of what Hahn has done over the years (other than the main parts of the tear-down) but most seem happy with his work.
  17. They really still don't. None of them have proven to be major league regulars, much less studs. In the minors, only Eloy is close among the top tier (maybe Cease). There are some obvious gaps, like 3B however.
  18. That's so ridiculous...what's he supposed to do? Like you said above, it's the White Sox inflated view of their org and clubhouse culture and/or the importance of that to players, as per Alonso, Samardzija and the putative trade for Machado last year. The ire should be directed to the person who traded for him.
  19. Agree. For a White Sox offer to be competitive, it must beat the next best by at least 20%.
  20. Sonny Gray is a 1 year rent. Why should the Sox be interested in trading prospects for that? Plus, the Yankees want the price as if he's the old Sonny Gray, peddling the "he just didn't like NY". That may be the case, but it may not be. Certainly don't pay a price as if it is.
  21. No, unless they are moving Abreu....and there appear to be openings in that regard if they are so inclined. But still no....the love for aging players on 2 year contracts... And for goodness sakes don't trade pitching.
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