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Everything posted by GreenSox

  1. QUOTE(joeynach @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 09:50 PM) If Paulie leaves my vote is for a trade to acquire Hillenbrand or Overbay, preferably Overbay since hes younger and has a much higher OBP and walks more. Let Andersen take over after 2006 when Dye's contract is up and possibly let him DH this year. Overbay has insufficient power for 1B. We could compensate for it somewhere else, but we won't - no one available. The Overbays, Graces and Oleruds look good on stat sheets with all of their walks, but they don't cut it unless surrouned by a few guys who can hit homers (as Olerud was in Seattle and Toronto and NY).
  2. Please no. I do wonder what teams are willing to pay for a past his prime player like Damon.
  3. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) Obviously Konerko is the Sox number 1 priority and Thomas is number 2. However I think they have to try to sign Everett. He has been key to this team. he is a leader in the clubhouse and he might be a very good guy to come off the bench. He would also come pretty cheap. He brings an attitude to the clubhouse that was key to this team. Just like Pierzynksi that brought a swagger to this team. I also have a feeling he wants to come back. Git r done Kenny. He didn't have a good 2nd half and he can't play the field. We need to make changes to keep the team fresh. I'd start there and then look to the outfield perhaps.
  4. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 10:50 AM) That comparison doesn't work at all. The move to 1B is one of the easiest around, when players get older and it becomes more of a hassle to move around in the outfield they can find new wind at a spot like 1B where there isn't as much movement. You use Carl moving to CF as a joke, Carl can't play out there anymore considering how much speed he's lost however Dye could go to first pretty easily. Konerko is the same, slow as f***. Dye to first isn't all that far fetched, OF to 1B isn't that tough of a move especially if you have some previous experience at the position. Erstad moved from the OF to 1B and ended up winning a GG last season. Dye doesn't produce enough for an offensive position like 1B. You need a home-run hitter and/or a big time OBP player. Dye produces neither. Makes the Sox significantly worse. That should be plan ZZZZZZZ
  5. Boston has no pitching. Good matchup for us. If we lose, we lose, but pitching trumps hitting. And with their pitching, we'll score some runs ourselves.
  6. I'd like to see ElD on this playoff roster. He's a great postseason pitcher and could be a terror out of the pen for us.
  7. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jul 29, 2005 -> 04:35 PM) With most of the big names not likely to get moved -- AJ Burnett, Jason Schmidt, and Billy Wagner -- I don't think there is anyone on the market worth trading Brandon McCarthy for. Not Aubrey Huff, Eddie Guardado, etc., etc., and definitely not Danys "Blown Save" Baez. One of the posts on here noted that McCarthy has settled down at AAA, with a 1.80 ERA over his last 3 games, including an 8-inning shut out last time out. I think McCarthy could still help us as a last arm in the bullpen if they would let him finish his AAA season and bring him up as a September call up. And I don't want to mortgage the future of the franchise for a mediocre player that isn't go to be the key to the future of this team like Brandon McCarthy could be. Where would we be this year if we'd dumped Jon Garland for the mediocre 1B of the Angels? We'd be about even with the Twins, and likely to fade down the stretch like we did each of the last 3 years. We need to keep core, impact, young ballplayers. As someone said, the best chance to win it all is to be in the postseason every year, not just one out of every 5 years. Sure, we've got an excellent chance this year, and I'm willing to part with non-essential pieces. But I'm going to be sick if we pull another Kip Wells/Josh Fogg type overpayment deal on someone who never contributed a lick to our team. KEEP MCCARTHY (and Politte, Cotts, Sweeney, Young, and Jenks). I concur with your sentiments, but we may need to trade him anyway. But, I'd much rather see us trade an outfield prospect, since we have so many. Fogg and Wells aren't even top rung pitchers, and the loss of them hurts anyway. I think McCarthy is going to be a really good pitcher. We are really set up to contend for a long time. WE have some good, but old, players under reasonable, but short term contracts. They'll roll off, and it sure would be nice to replace some of them with some young players. We'll need to. If we trade 3 or 4 prospects this year, better hope we win it all this year; and that's even more the case if we pick up some bad contracts along the way M
  8. QUOTE(AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Jul 29, 2005 -> 08:10 PM) The lastest from John Marzano is the following as heard on Comcast Sportsnet in Philly: Sox: Wagner Phils: BMac and Marte Don't shoot the messenger.... I hate giving up McCarthy (our only pitching prospect and a damn good one), but that trade's okay in our situation. Better than other proposals I've seen, that have us throwing in 2 other players/prospects, which woud be ridiculous. We need a bat more, though.
  9. QUOTE(hi8is @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 11:59 PM) well last year rojer clemons said of schmidt: "before he got injured, he was the only pitcher up there with me in the cy young race." just food for thought But he got injured.
  10. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 11:46 PM) Jeckle you obviously dont know much about Schmidt if you are this much against him, the guy is a total stud and is just having a slow start, but b4 his last outing he had like 3 pretty dominating starts in a row I think it was like 21-24 innings only giving up 3 runs..... How do you know that he's "just having a slow start"? Wasn't he recently injured? How many "stud" years as he had in his career? Why should we pay a Johnson/Schilling price for Jason Schmidt?
  11. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 08:21 PM) You could give Houston the top 4 prospects in the White Sox system, it will not be enough to get Roy Oswalt. Houston signed him to a 2 year extension this off-season, and I believe he is arbitration eligible after that meaning they control him this season + 2 more. Of course we have no chance to get Oswalt, but the spirit of his post is on the money. If you want to trade your farm system, do so for a quality top notch pitcher, not damaged goods. As for the strikeouts, in cubbie/kerry wood parlance, strikeouts by themselves offer probative value.
  12. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 03:04 PM) I hope not. He's going to get far to much money and he just isn't worth it. I'd rather give Ross or Rogo a shot and use the money elsewhere but that's jmo. Meanwhile the sox got the best record in baseball and who cares about the offseason I agree that he isn't worth the money, but we need to replace his power.
  13. What gives us a better chance to win a WS? Trade our future for 3 month rental of Schmidt? Or keep producing playoff teams for the next 5 years, replacing Dye, the cubans, etc. with cheaper talent (which may or may not be talent, agreed) from our farm system, freeing up cash to pursue free agents and pay the raises that MB et al will deserve and get from someone? I believe that the latter approach is wiser given our budget constraints. Now if he's healthy AND if we plan on signing him, that's another story. But you don't pay a price like we paid for Garcia, short of confidence in him being in the long term plans. And it appears that the Giants are asking more than the Mariners asked for Garcia.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 05:50 PM) well Jason Schmidt is the closest thing we are going to get to Roger Clemens.... Astro's probably wont trade him just because of the fans he brings to the park and Clemens wont go anywhere besides the yanks or rangers. and with how El Duque has pitched, well Id say we definitly need an ace to anchor this staff along side Buehrle.... so Yes to Schmidt No to Lilly If Schmidt is significantly better than one of our top 3 starters, it's something to consider. Don't know his contract status, but if it's strictly a 3 month rent, then we should pay a low price. If we must rent, I would rather the sure bet - rent Clemens. El D and Contreras won't help in the playoffs, except out of the pen.
  15. We need a 5th starter (maybe - hopefully, Duque will get healthy and we won't have to waste resources on a 5th starter, as they don't pitch in the playoffs). Or we need a killer starter like Clemens (and really no one else) - Houston is still in the wild card race, so they ain't dealing him soon. To spend a bunch of players, money on some #3 quality starter makes no sense. Unless his name his Clemens, no pitcher we get will be much better, if better at all, than Garland, Garcia or MB. I doubt they'd be better than Contreras, to tell the truth.
  16. QUOTE(Southside hitmen @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 09:57 PM) I agree Pierre is having an offseason but he has batted over 300 the last 2 seasons with over 40 stolen bases... Think our defense in the OF PodsLF PierreCF Rowand RF Pods is not a good defensive outfielder. We can't give up any power now, anyway.
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 05:05 PM) Joe Randa is not a .260-.270 hitter he's a .285-.295 hitter. Check his career stats. 36 years old, beaten up, no power (although he is having a career power year). Just what we need.
  18. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 11, 2005 -> 05:41 AM) Before you all flame away there is a method to my madness. Back in 2000 we basically won the division in April and May and took the rest of the year off and it showed when Seattle totally schooled us in the playoffs. We got complacent with a big division lead and we fell asleep as a team. Ideally Id like to see Minny stay 3-5 games back for the rest of the season. That way they keep the Sox honest. If that's the case we'll go into the playoffs sharp and on our toes as opposed to 2000 when we basically backed into the playoffs. I disagree - we didn't clinch until the Sunday before the last week of the season. We used a ton of energy to ensure we won that division and had nothing left for the playoffs. We were cooked.
  19. Not real happy because Reynolds says stupid stuff like Konerko should be on the all star team. Well, one problem - he isn' t having an all star year. I like the compliments, but they are hollow when the commentator doesn't really know what he's talking about. Maybe, he could mention our second baseman.
  20. Well, at least he isn't writing latently racist articles anymore, as he did 3 years ago. But is it too much to ask for him to write just one article without carrying on on the obvious agenda?
  21. Guillen did today what he should have done yesterday: let hermanson pitch the 9th.
  22. QUOTE(beck72 @ Mar 5, 2005 -> 08:23 PM) I know. But Baj should get a chance somewhere, if not for the sox then another team in need of a closer We need these young pitchers - every young pitcher we can plug in is one less we have to mash our teeth in a trade or free agent signing. If he can pitch, there will be a spot in the rotation for him soon enough that was the smart thing about only 2 year contracts for our acquisitions - by that time, some young players can be ready and you need some of that to build a ballclub.
  23. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jan 4, 2005 -> 06:22 AM) Atrocious? Have you ever seen him play? Yes I 've seen him play - have you???? have you seen him throw? You do know he can't call pitches either, right? We invest all this money in starters, only to put an AJ behind the plate? I certainly hope not.
  24. Catcher is the one position in which defense is more important than offense. AJ's D is atrocious and his O, frankly, is marginal (lousy OBP and no power - what more would you want from a mediocre hitter)?
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