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Everything posted by GreenSox

  1. Then why did that "Best pitching in the division" give up 8 games to the twins in the space of about 3 weeks when it counted last summer? The pitching hasn't changed this offseason, except for the new middle reliever and we don't have Frank or Maggs back just like we didn't have them then. And since the Royals, Tigers and Indians have exactly zero pitching, the competition is with the Twins: maybe since they lost pitchers we may have caught them, but I doubt it.
  2. Well we'll know in a few days whether he's a real GM or, as you put it, a "5th grade ESL student"
  3. We'll find out in a few days whether Williams really had a plan here, or whether he was simply hoodwinked (which I suspect he was). Because if there is a plan, the pieces should fall into place As it is, this lineup coupled with the starters we have pencilled in at 4 and 5 will be lucky to win 70 games.
  4. I am confident in saying that if there is an unfair deal out there for the Sox to be had, Kenny Williams will be sure to find it. And that deal is a hell of a lot less unfair than today's deal was.
  5. Yes the media scrutiny had him so frazzled that he read the .313 OBP as .373 OBP on his scouting report
  6. The Marlins are getting Vasquez and Karsay for Burnett We are giving Konerko AND Garland for Burnett That is where the inequity lies Get the Marlins out of the deal and it becomes more reasonable; they are pillaging here - they get a better pitcher AND an extra pitcher.
  7. So the Marlins get Vasquez and Karsay for Burnett and we get Burnett for Konerko and Garland? Is Burnett that much better than Vasquez? karsay and Garland better? I don't think so Why not keep the Marlins out of the deal and give us us Karsay and Vasquez; or give Karsay to the D's and we'll keep Garland
  8. Well, Garland is supposed to be number 5 But if we are digging through that rolodex of options in 3 months we know that kenny williams did a big salary dump move, because this trade makes no sense except if you want to reduce payroll, for whatever reason (sign a pitcher or put money into the chairman's pocket)
  9. We shall see But on its own merits, this trade is nothing but salary dump, because talent for talent, it's ridiculously one-sided.
  10. Well then, what's the point of not naming him? We get our pick of players and aren't sure who we want? Usually PTBNL comes off of a list of minor leaguers Maybe this will be different
  11. The question is, to where will that free payroll go? To Odalis Perez? Or into JR's pocket?
  12. I think the only prominent name the brewers have on their roster is Sheets. And it can't be him so....
  13. More likely, the savings will go to JR's minority investors. Only in Williams world is a willie harris clone worth a carlos lee.
  14. I just think we can get better players for Lee than these 2 from the Brewers; and then take the savings and sign the pitcher. I would love a lead-off hitter - let's find a legitimate one.
  15. Exactly what part of .310 OBP do you not understand. That is bad for a NINE hole hitter! If speed is what counts, then keep Lee and let Willie run every time he gets on base (as Willie gets on base as often as Pods). Doesn't anybody want Konerko?
  16. But he's not a lead-off guy. .313 OBP is 50 points below what you need in a lead-off guy. Lee himself, besides having superior power, has a much better OBP than this guy. Hell, Harris is as good as this guy. Vizcaino is an okay bullpen arm -dime a dozen, really. And from what I can tell, Carlos is a better left fielder than Pods would be. Raines was a multi-year all star and proven lead off hitter, while Ivan was a nice RBI and power guy. Lee is better than Calderon and Raines is 1000 times better than Podsenick. There is no comparison in these deals. If we need to dump salary, then trade him, but get the proper value in return, please. Someone out there can use an excellent hitter like Lee who has 2 more years at around 8 Mill. I'd love a lead-off hitter in return - but get a real lead off hitter, not a fraud This is so ridiculous.
  17. That pretty much sums it up. 10 players like that don't equal a Lee. They can't win you anything, unless you have a surplus of Lees and need some bench help
  18. Lee and our top prospect for a 1 year rent of Hudson and Pods? Hmmm.... I'd rather a different direction Lee has 2 years left
  19. Unless we already spent it on Everett and Dye Perez is a decent pitcher - how much does he want?
  20. Per the brewer board, Pod is a lousy defender; that and his poor obp last year, leave me with doubts. Ginter is a utility infielder. If Pod was a .360 OBP man, I'd do it with Konerko. Otherwise, those 2 just don't excite me.
  21. How about "none of the above" unless it's for Konerko, not Lee
  22. I like the way you think. It's our turn to get an edge, at least on paper. 2 of those 3 might be a good deal, although I don't trust Castillo despite his good numbers
  23. Let's put it this way: this deal is more one-sided in OUR favor than the Lee for Ginter and/or Posednik is one-sided in the Brewer's favor
  24. Konerko and Lee are good players - team should want them. particularly Lee who has power and an improving plate discipline as per his OBP - we need to get a lot for Carlos. Keith Ginter and Posednik for Lee? LOL Ginter is another whom I saw a ton of times as a minor leaguer and plenty of times on TV with Houston - no thank you. And posednik and his .313 OBP? Uh, I don't think so
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