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Everything posted by GreenSox

  1. Yep Everett would be okay but we shouldn't pay more than a mid range prospect.
  2. Trade for Randa? A 36 year old career mediocrity who has NEVER hit 20 homers? His OBP is good- until this year (it stinks) And he's on the DL What's worse would be to trade rowand and garland and prospects for johnson I'd be more interested in trading rowand an an okay prospect for beltran (which is about what houston gave up to rent him)
  3. No team better than us on this roadtrip Play ball!
  4. Houston shouldn't expect to come out whole. Dotel was bogus anyway One prospect and someone bogus on our team.
  5. If this disaster were true, it would probably include Crede and move JOse to 3rd. We really don't neeed to take a player the bosox have been desparately trying to dump. Besides, who needs Boston- we'd be paying Unit price in prospcts for NOmar. Let's take unit.
  6. No reson that I can conceive. But I wondered the same thing last winter when by all reports we were completely willing to trade maggs for him.
  7. I've seen Francisco pitch a couple of times, a hard thrower- to put it simply, I think he could outpitch Mike Jackson.
  8. Could someone please explain why a 4. ERA national league pitcher who walks a batter every other inning is so compelling? Did we have one of those once- Todd Ritchie? We need players for the bullpen or for the top of the rotation- not at the bottom.
  9. Except that we're really, really weak at LH hitting. We can't lose the one bat we have.
  10. GreenSox

    holy cow

    Jones offensive numbers have been in sharp decline in 3 of the last 4 seasons. No thank you.
  11. Rowand for Estrada? I would guess Rauch and Borchard and Rowand and Marte for Estrada is closer to reality.
  12. He got hurt after which he was never better than average. At least he pitched in the LCS which is more than can be said for McDowell or Fernandez
  13. A team as strong as the braves??? They aren't strong this year and their prior strength has been largely in pitching. Further, if you count this year, 3 of his past 4 years have been below par, suggesting he may be getting worse. All this for only 13 mill per season- I'll pass. Do we really need Ortiz? He's a 4.00 pitcher (in the NL) who walks a lot of batters.
  14. I'm not sure they can hack it this season. anyone have any Ben Davis info?
  15. We would be stuck with Jones for 3.5 more years at a ridiculous salary of around $13 mill. That makes no sense.
  16. On a team that won 100 games. An ERA of 3.81 with an average of 1 walk every other inning. He's had only 2 seasons with an ERA below 4, and those were closer to 4 than to 3.5. The worst team he pitched for won 86 games - the others won 97,90,95, 100 an 101 (full season). Pretty much the Ritchey credentials.
  17. Wonderful- trade top prospects to rent a slightly above average pitcher. It's called Ritchey Redux. The astros traded one prospect and an overrated closer for an all star center-fielder
  18. A lot of teams break in young starters to be via the pen. The Sox usually don't. But, I like the idea- gives the youngster a new experience before joining the starting 5.
  19. Maybe this will be the year that that dominant Cub franchise posts back to back winning season for, what, the first time since the 1950s? As for pennants, now factor in how many times the Sox finished 2nd to the Yankees
  20. I am glad Cotts and Adkins are up. They have good arms, can pitch in the back of the pen (everyone's back pen sucks) while getting experience
  21. Ozzie himself refused to walk as a major league player They trade for a player that refuses to walk. So the idea is that they will work with him on plate patience, when it meant nothing to the manager when he was a player? I have my doubts.
  22. They are really the key to the offense If they can't get on base, no one to drive in
  23. Just because you win when you have an abundance of talent, does not mean you are a good manager. LaMont was a terrible manager
  24. Only a) makes sense- and that only if it is worked out prior to trading for him. Re B) How can we, at $55 mill, afford a long term contract on a player making$10Mil+? It removes all flexibility. If we are going to do that, why not sign Maggs long-term? Re c) it's obvious that mid-season trades don't provide the yield that they once did- you might get 1 prospect. Work this out now- don't put ourselves under the gun for later. Some obp players would do wonders for the Sox O. We have sufficient power.
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