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Everything posted by Goober

  1. Goober

    ebay feedback

    i liked What's orange, brown, black, and red? Give up? They're COLORS, dips***!
  2. so you go to community for 2 years and then a university for 2 years?
  3. what are the advantages of going to community college first, and for how long?
  4. hey brian, did you just land a dream job?
  5. whoa whoa whoa, suspend this person
  6. 1) Who will win? (WAS/CHI) (3 points) WAS 2) Which team will turn the ball over LESS? (CHI/WAS) (2 points) CHI 3) How many TD's will Clinton Portis run for? (3 points) 0 4) Which team will have more rushing yards? (CHI/WAS) (2 points) CHI 5) Who will lead the Bears in Tackles? (3 points) Briggs 6) How many FG's for Edinger? (2 points) 2 7) Who will have more tackles, Urlacher or RW McQuarters? (3 points) Urlacher 8) Will Ogun record a sack? (Y/N) (2 points) N 9) Will John Quinn throw an INT? (Y/N) (2 points) Y 10) How many sacks for the 'Skins? (3 points) 2 *BONUS* Combined score for both teams(7 points) 49 Tiebreaker: How many receiving yards for David Terrell. 51
  7. i'd have to go with C. minnysoxfan
  8. Goober

    My Car

    no, i don't want to and you can't make me (sorry for spamming)
  9. sorry, my monitor is still messed up so i guess i cant see green :banghead
  10. i hope they don't. and we're 10 games ahead
  11. are they opening the season at home!?
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