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Everything posted by SoxAce

  1. I would like Sox better than Socks anyway. Good decision.
  2. Nope, the worst was Shaq when he was pissed after a game and started cursing up a storm. It was great.
  3. Im rockin out one of playas post avis
  4. Didn't you use this 1? I remember this.
  5. I see your bringin it back ey DBAHO? haha
  6. Greasy, I might use that 1 in April Thanx
  7. Damn Grandma's ridin spinners.
  8. Yes, it will be the biggest dissappointment in White Sox history.
  9. Isn't this the second year in a row that A-rod's been hit in the face? Damn the baseball must not like him.
  10. How bout both? I'm supporting Garland and Crede in the majors.
  11. Definitely. The only knock I have on Dusty is how he handles that pitching staff. That's the only thing that he has to work on. I'm hoping Ozzie brings the same impact that can bring certian FAs onto our club cause players like playing for Dusty.
  12. Interesting story cause I thought long about which name I wanted to be. It was between "J.Reedfan8"(which of course won), "Crede'sCrew24" or "SweetGarland23." Of course I was more excited about Reed making it.
  13. I wish age would catch up to Maddux. The man has won at least 15 games i 16 seasons. Obviously he must be doing something right. Look at Clemens. The guy is 40 years old and is still effective. So is Maddux. Clement is alittle above average and as Wite said, would be a number 1 on some bad teams. Zambrano average? Your kidding right? BTW, I don't wanna think it eigher :fthecubs
  14. Nice outing for Garland. Especially against a good Seattle hitting team.
  15. Controlled, have you ever thought of being a poet? :fthecubs
  16. Finally after years of whining, I believe we are witnessing the "mature" Frank Thomas.
  17. Definitely Jackson, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Adkins called up in early May.
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