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Everything posted by SoxAce

  1. Sorry that was the funny part for me there. It's good to know that Honel has that sense of humor in his journals.
  2. Great site Rauch. I can't get enough of Minor League sites. I'm impressed by one of Honel's articles I read. Here's a good one, and the latest one. He said alot of people have compared him to Mussina. He's learning how to watch him pitch. Interesting.. Kris Honel Journal Kris Honel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Arms in the Playoffs By Kris Honel Oct 15, 2003, 08:16 Email this article Printer friendly page What unbelievable playoff baseball – too bad it is not the other Chicago team playing! Too be blunt, after seeing all the baseball all summer long, part of me wants to get removed from watching any more, but these guys have been incredible. I do think it helps to have the markets of Chicago, Boston, and New York involved. Those people are just so passionate about their teams. It is fun for me to see and watch the different style of pitchers. I am shocked how many power arms are out there – Wood, Schmidt, Beckett, Farnsworth, … It seems that almost every other guy runs it up there mid nineties. I have tried to pay close attention to Mike Mussina and his outings this post season. Ever since I was in high school, a lot of people have compared my in style to Mussina. Frankly, with us playing all the time, I really do not get to see him much. I really now see why some people say that – although obviously Mussina is quite a bit ahead of me level right now. He shows a fastball that sits around 90, good sink when need be, a power curve, and confidence in his change. Our arm angles are similar and I do try to pitch in many of the same sequences as him. Now, if only I can have even a sliver of his success and paychecks! I have already begun my off-season workouts in the Chicago area. I hope to lift and run on a daily basis, and I have added swimming as a way to build endurance and strength. I took up swimming last year, and it put some extra weight on me as well as allowed me to get through the 2003 season stronger than ever. © Copyright 2000-2003 by Star Struck's ATTHEYARD.COM
  3. I called it first from the Free Agent List.
  4. I feel sorry for Urlacher's little bro. Because he sucks and won't even make it in football. Hell, he got cut by the BEARS!!
  5. Sorry PHJ. I'm looking forward to the sox this spring and da grizzlies/denver for basketball even though I've heard of the Rush and have seen a couple of their games.
  6. I'm sure it going to be nothing but positive things to say about Willie Harris from steff..
  7. SoxAce

    Naked Pigskin

    Yea, I would really want to see a naked guy running around at the Halftime show.
  8. I'm sure his son couldn't be as worse as his father (at least I don't think.) He seems like he has a whole different perspective of running the team. But for some reason the last name "Reinsdorf" just scares me.
  9. Exactly. But man, did you see that play when the Patriot reciever (can't remember his name) just absolutely muscued him out the way and got wide open for a big catch. It was like a big brother throwing his little brother to the ground.
  10. Welcome To Soxtalk to you too Rauch611
  11. Those are sweeeeeeeet Cheat Maybe I could win the Rookie of the year 2004 award if I don't have too much post.
  12. SoxAce

    Heather Lee

    Man, and I thought I drank alot..
  13. SoxAce

    Is this true?

    And I will be honored to say the hawk saying for the banners.."THEY GONE."
  14. SoxAce

    Is this true?

    You and me both brotha!
  15. Don't be ashamed to be young tony Loved Robin, Baines, Thomas, Jackson, and the player I looked up to was Durham. (cause I'm short, speedy, and energetic too )
  16. Very nice sig Rex, compliments to the cheat. Well done. Especially love the face of reed on there just like mine. BTW, welcome Rex..er...Hex..er..man I'm confused
  17. Well, you can cross Karros off that list too. He's most likely going to the A's.
  18. Maybe because Reed is a serious bed wetter.
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