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Everything posted by SoxAce

  1. As far as which hitter and pitching prospect I hope to see put themselves back on the map and hopefully no more injuries.. Luis Basabe, Bernardo Flores (I would put Alec Hansen here but... yea...). If Jake Burger ever plays, I'd say him too.
  2. And that includes a couple of my buddies lol.
  3. Cowboys are overrated. Packers look like the much better team so far.
  4. The dude who roughed the punter getting crucified on Twitter right now.
  5. No wonder why he isn't more involved. Limited route tree he probably knows.
  6. Where the hell was he throwing that to? Not sure if that was on him or Miller. My money says Miller.
  7. Looks like it's gonna come down to the O to win this one.
  8. I hate these roughing the passer calls. It helped us, but man that's brutal.
  9. That dumb Miller taunting penalty might cost us here.
  10. He almost makes me miss Parkman's shit hot takes on here.
  11. Our players dropping like flies. Wims and now Pineiro hurt on consecutive plays.
  12. Holding, PI.. could've called like 10 penalties there.
  13. That throw wasn't great, but an elite WR catches that ball. Miller has had alot of drops this year already.
  14. I'd put Bray in at this point. At least he can move around the pocket a bit. Chase is a statue.
  15. I was baffled why he had the team travel so late for this game. You can tell which team looks in it and which team looks sluggish.
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