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Everything posted by knightni

  1. I'll give it a shot. It might be a few days though.
  2. Aren't the Bears in the NFC North now?
  3. So, no one besides myself was nerdy enough to be on Computer Bulletin Boards before the internet started being mainstream. :banghead
  4. When I was in college in the early 90s, we had Computer Message Boards that we dialed into. I sold sportscards "online" before it was called online. Does anyone else have messageboard experiences before the internet like I do?
  5. knightni

    National Debt

    I wonder. How many people own credit cards or have mortgages, car payments, student loans? Being in debt is pretty normal. There will come a day when the deficit will be paid off, just like the last one was.
  6. knightni

    Living Situation

    Yeah, EVERYONE knows that PHJon is HOT!
  7. knightni

    Living Situation

    You clicked it! ha-ha!
  8. knightni

    Living Situation

    Welcome to http://www.palehosejonnaked.com All the gay guys love it I bet
  9. I want the 'stros to win, but I think the Braves will pull a win in Game 5 out of their ass somehow. :fyou
  10. The Simpsons' Halloween TreeHouse of Horror XVI (16) on October 31. No specifics are known yet, but here is a link to some early TreeHouse episodes. Quicktime is required. No TV and no Beer make Homer go.. something something
  11. They shall try and.... TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
  12. knightni


    I'm guessing that it was the repartee' he had in the Soxtalk awards thread with Ss2k4 and others. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23768
  13. Hawk sucks as an announcer, you guys are just biased homers.
  14. I think that I'd pay $$ to get a panorama picture of that.
  15. Honestly, if it would fix baseball. I would just about favor shutting the game down for a few years to break that union.
  16. Stuart Scott This happened a few years ago.
  17. Then the MLB players union would strike again like 10 years ago and shut baseball down for a long time. Could you handle not having baseball for awhile? Like 3 or 4 years?
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