Offense: A-
Defense: B-
Manager: B
The relief other than Shingo and Marte has been inconsistant.
The starters are only at a B because of Loaiza's slow descent but the acquiring of Fraddy kept them out of the C range.
I almost want to give the offense a B because of their inconsistencies (hot one moment, cold the next) but they are so high up in the hitting catagories that they deserve at least a low A.
Defense has been good, not great. (Gload in RF, overall defensive mediocrity)
Ozzie gets a B because they are in first place, but he is too loyal to the players to a fault at times and he is still making rookie mistakes.
Overall, they get a solid B from me.
If the team can achieve a better record than the AL wild card team by the end of the season, they deserve at least an A-.