I think the whole Yankees/Garcia/Ben Maller thing was posted a week ago.
The Yankees will have to pull the wool over Seattle's eyes to get Garcia.
Which they could do.
But, the Sox have a better minor league system that they can draw from to make a deal with Seattle than does New York.
I agree, Brando does get under the skin of people sometimes.
I'm sure many people here do from time to time.
Everyone has an opinion... some folks voice it louder than others.
For *ahem* research purposes.. I went to that site.
You have to agree that you are 21 to even get to look at that pic that Jordan uses for his sig.
Not every person here is over 21... and I don't believe Jordan is either.
Yeah, if 20,000,000 people in California vote to drain the Great Lakes and pump it into their water supply.. is it still a good idea?
Just because you have the most people, doen't give you the right to make every decision.
So much pride in being one up on a team that is in 5th place in their division...
We wouldn't have to be worrying about power rankings if the Sox would just stop choking in games and plummeting in the standings like turkeys from a helicopter.