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Everything posted by knightni

  1. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Jun 8, 2017 -> 08:44 AM) "When" not "where." Since he was a boy.
  2. QUOTE (oldsox @ Jun 7, 2017 -> 01:51 PM) When does Robert play? Centerfield
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 7, 2017 -> 10:50 AM) Because of the chaos in Venezuela I keep reading how the kids there are underscouted (people are quite literally scared to scout there) and underpaid because of it. Most of the scouting happens for the kids who can get out of VZ and get into the DR to be seen with the rest of the class. It doesn't mean anything for this kid specifically, but don't be surprised if we see some supercheap signings out of VZ that turn out to be way over their signing bonus in terms of production because of the lack of competition for some of them. That's why they need to have Ozzie Guillen doing the scouting and promotion down there.
  4. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jun 7, 2017 -> 03:54 PM) Wow. Wonder if that is any blowback from the Joe Mixon stuff. That was 2014 and Mixon is gone. I doubt that Mixon is the reason.
  5. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 04:39 PM) http://m.mlb.com/news/article/233792904/pr...opicId=27118122 Lots of great quotes, Robert puts out a hyper aggressive timeline for helping the White Sox in one year's time That article makes me excited. I can't wait to see him in the majors.
  6. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 02:49 PM) 1. What type of support? Just give them money? Give them preference for jobs over others? 2. Will this really help them or just make you feel better? 3. True but what are you going to do about it. 4. Do you do this over other more qualified people? 5. See 2. Everyone deserves equal opportunity. I'm not speaking in a socialistic way; I mean in an "All men and created equal" sense. There are intelligent people out there that deserve an opportunity to succeed in this world. 1. Use your ability and connections to offer opportunity to someone that wouldn't normally have that opportunity. I'm not saying give preference; I'm saying that if someone has the want to learn and deserves a chance, then they should get the chance to use that want to succeed no matter his or her background. 2. There is a fine line between help and enabling someone. If they get help, but choose to not capitalize on the help, I supposed it's up to them whether they succeed or not. Feeling good is nice, but it's done because it's the right thing to do. 3. I was asked what should be done and I'm telling him. This is not just about me - it's about all of us. In any situation, I suppose the simplest way to be a part of the solution is to affect change right where you live. 4. Again, I'm not talking about people that have opportunity. I'm talking about offering new options to people that were never given the chance to even be in a place where they could become qualified. The aim is to not steal jobs from people. The aim is to create more qualified people for those jobs. Give everyone the chance to be eligible. 5. Using what you have for others should not be a selfish act. In fact, I don't see how someone could get anything monetary out of this at all. If you always expect a return every time that you give, how is that healthy or positive?
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 02:40 PM) You could still do all these things and be lambasted by the white privilege gangsters if they approach you. Why? Cause they don't want to hear positive things like this. Would an angry person asking you to state your privilege care or even listen to you as you tell them you've done these positive things? Of course not. I love your post but like most things in life the only thing you'll get out of doing these things is the personal realization you are a good person (which is nice enough). But my point is you could still do all these things and be blasted if you refused to check your privilege or state it when approached by somebody who rudely tells you to do so. I like your post but like most positive things in life, the benefit it personal. You know you are a good person, a better person. But to the privilege monsters? They will STILL blast you. They're not going to listen to you rattle off these good things you've done. They'll just scream that you have privilege by gosh! Honestly, if you're doing what is good and right, who the f*** cares what others say about you? Internet critics are always going to be there no matter what you do. There's no pleasing everyone on everything. Being a good person and helping out your neighbor should be a part of your duty as a citizen of the world. If you're born in the lemon orchard, offer to show people born outside of the orchard not only how to make lemonade, but how to start their own orchards.
  8. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 12:03 PM) Here's the problem though, and someone mentioned this to you before but you never responded: Ok great, we all agree, whites are privileged. They get a leg up. So what? What's the next step? Should white people pay more? Should white people feel sorry for winning the life lottery? Very few people out there believe that we should treat minorities differently than whites. We all object to racism and discriminatory practices. OK, so that's the baseline. What you're suggesting, I guess, is that white people should go beyond that. But the reason why white people (as a generalized whole) object to that is because not all white people are in positions that are well enough to pay more/be discriminated against. That's my objection to affirmative action or minority preferences when it comes to contracting. On a macro level that may seem like a good idea, but on the micro level you're making a victim out of an otherwise innocent person based strictly on their skin color. So, I'm still curious, now that we're all aware that we are privileged, what next? You support those that don't have the same opportunities that you do - or are treated unfairly because they didn't win the "life lottery." You learn everything that you can about other ethnicities, cultures, and classes in America -read articles, talk to people, get to know them and where they come from. Don't pass it off as someone else's problem and don't jump to conclusions and pass judgement on others that don't live the same life as you do. Everything that we are is a product of our environment and opportunities. Go out of your way to use your connections and abilities to help raise someone else up that wouldn't normally have the same opportunity that you do. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and act upon that experience in a positive way.
  9. Our military leaders ask NATO for assistance in Afghanistan while the president flat our refuses to cooperate with NATO and physically pushes NATO leaders in order to get in front for a picture. Yeah. That won't go well.
  10. It proves one thing. Billionaires don't let their kids have Netflix.
  11. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:34 PM) Is autism also more likely for the child with older parents? I knew downs syndrome but didn't know autism was involved too. I don't think that they've established any connections regarding autism as of yet.
  12. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:09 PM) I listen to Rush sometimes when I'm in the car at lunch hour. I get a kick out of a.) how he'll talk 'maybe' 2-3 minutes and then they immediately 'have to go' to a commercial and wonder how the hell people can listen to a whole program with so many commercials. b.) i am amazed by those those commercials in which that the host reads a testimonial statement in which he endorses the quack product and pretends sometimes he uses the product. That's all you need to know about the host. That he's endorsing some company that will get the IRS off your back or some such ripoff product. Sure. Anything for a buck. Even my idol, Howard Stern, reads these bulls*** ads. If no commercial is on when I click on Rush's show and I'm in the car driving to lunch, yeah I'm a fan of his takes. BTW: TMZ reports: "Trump family sources tell us Barron was in front of the TV watching a show when the news came on and he saw the bloody, beheaded image. We're told he panicked and screamed, "Mommy, Mommy!" As it was put to us, "He's 11. He doesn't know who Kathy Griffin is and the head she was holding resembled his dad." Melania called out Kathy, saying what she did was disturbing, wrong and "makes you wonder about [her] mental health." President Trump also blasted Griffin for posing with the head, saying, Barron was having a hard time dealing with it." Hmmm ... fishy. He was watching a TV show then the news mysteriously came on with the Griffin story?? I doubt that. First of all, what TV show is going to show the bloody picture? You see Greg, Trump lied.
  13. Can't pick against Cleveland. Going to say Cavs in 6 with Lebron averaging 35 a game.
  14. Just because the guy who created the term wants to pronounce the G in GIF (which stands for "Graphics") like "Giraffe-ics", doesn't make him right.
  15. I'm all for this signing, but I'm not so sure about Hahn's preferred pronunciation of the term, "GIF."
  16. Waived and picked up by Tampa Bay in January.
  17. Have a decent year as a backup catcher. Not a prospect anymore.
  18. In my experience, it can be a class or money privilege almost as much as a race privilege.
  19. So, Trump tells Philippines President Duterte that we have subs in Korean waters? http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkor...s-idUSKBN18K15Y
  20. QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ May 8, 2017 -> 02:12 AM) My aunt would always let me watch T2 when she babysat me when I was little. I was 10 when T3 came out, halfway through the movie, me and my mom looked at each other and walked out. Had that same feeling watching Guardians on Wednesday morning, wasn't hung over either. I thought that T3 was okay as a Terminator movie. I haven't seen Salvation or Genisys yet, but I've never had issue with the Terminator films - they're supposed to be fantasy. Changing the time line is pretty much part of the series.
  21. Finally rented and watched Logan last night. I thought that it was pretty good. Still not a huge fan about the angle - but it was a Marvel creation, so oh well.
  22. Obviously, his numbers are '86-worthy at this point. Maybe other managers have him figured out?
  23. Fantasy sports is not reality, but in the leagues that I ran, I always had the teams that just missed the playoffs get rewarded with the higher picks the following year over the bad teams.
  24. QUOTE (bmags @ May 17, 2017 -> 10:49 AM) So here's going to be my offseason thing. I have no idea how value works out. But, I'd like Bulls to keep butler and do whatever they can to get Sacramentos #5 pick. I think there will be great value there. You may ask what they give up. I really don't have an answer there. I doubt it's possible. but i hope it is. Yeah. I don't see how any player coming out this year is equal to Jimmy Butler right now.
  25. Former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, 77.
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