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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. EvilJester99


    QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ May 9, 2005 -> 02:40 PM) Los Angeles The reason I ask is I believe it was Matt Millen who said the youth of Detroit only have 3 sports to play there...football, baseball and grand theft auto...
  2. Wow imagine that the Cubbie lover didn't think the Sox would make the WS...Kotex boy would have a stroke if the Sox ever made it...if this was the Scrubs in this situation he would be screaming how they will win the WS...
  3. Maybe Frank can play CF...didn't he do that during ST???
  4. EvilJester99


    Is this movie set in Detroit by chance??
  5. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 9, 2005 -> 09:59 AM) Looks like this: Thursday: Garland vs. Chen Friday: Buehrle vs. Lopez Saturday: Garcia vs. Cabrera Sunday: Contreras vs. Bedard Sweet I get to watch Buehrle pitch on Friday!!!
  6. Ibuprofen...I need that for the knee pains I get...too many surgeries...
  7. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 9, 2005 -> 09:51 AM) Hey Jester, My cousin runs Carrer Logix, a company that specializes in exactly this sort of thing. It's family run and they are doing quite well. Maybe you'd like to look them up. As of now, they operate out of Naperville, but are very easy and curtious to deal with over the phone or via email. Here are some of their sites and such, please PM me if you have any other questions. http://www.careerlogix.com/ Yahoo Job Profile Great Contact Info Excellent... thanks Addy and Kap
  8. EvilJester99

    Resume help

    Is there anyone that is good at resumes and would be willing to look mine over and let me know what I could do to brush it up some??
  9. http://playlist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll...qtw=640&qth=400
  10. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 8, 2005 -> 08:04 PM) TRADE FOR OVERBAY! http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/gammons/story?id=2055896 The Sox should do almost anything possible to get Overbay...the kid is a stud!!
  11. I would like the Sox to get Baez b4 Mesa but it would be insane to pay that kind of price for Baez. Mesa would have to be a lot cheaper to get than Baez....
  12. I actually liked Donn Pall and DJ together... it was more like 2 guys hanging out and talking about the game than anything else... its was actually very entertaining to me...
  13. Sox certainly need to bring him back!!
  14. I was having some serious flashbacks to Koch there by Shingo... but he got it done...way to sweep em...
  15. Man Konerko can't buy a friggin hit.. even when he nails one its right at somebody!!
  16. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 5, 2005 -> 12:50 PM) Scotty in scoring position soon. Or Not!!
  17. If Jose could pitch like this more often he would be deadly as hell!!
  18. QUOTE(sec159row2 @ May 5, 2005 -> 11:00 AM) cause arod got the mariners/rangers/yankees to the world series??? the guy's a jinx... A jinx?? What are you a Scrubs fan?? Yeah I'm sure all these teams not making has everything to do with A Rod and nothing to do with the team not being able to perform.... Esp. Texas...they spent all the money on A Rod and couldn't get anyone else who could play a long with him. Who do you blame for that?? A Rod?? I am sure everyone here would turn down 250 Million...if anyone is to blame its Hicks for being that f***ing stupid to bid against himself and ended up paying that much...
  19. Its good to know there will be justice for her and her family!!
  20. Just think next year could be the end of the world... once it hits June 6th of 06' It will be 666!!! Ohhhhhh eerie feeling hehe
  21. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 5, 2005 -> 08:49 AM) I had to ask the question, because I always laugh at all the people getting drunk at Hacienda on the 5th of May, pounding Margaritas and Coronas, yet they have no idea why. I find it pretty entertaining. Hell isn't that like most of the other "holidays"???
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ May 5, 2005 -> 08:15 AM) Oh.. I'll have to leave.. or I'll have to deal with my grama. You do NOT want to mess with a 75 year old Italian woman by getting between her and her gravy... Touche' ......sorry couldn't resist hehe
  23. QUOTE(Steff @ May 5, 2005 -> 08:12 AM) That's what I'm thinking.. but I'll only be able to be there for max 4 innings... decisions, decisions... :banghead Yeah you say that now...but once the game gets rolling... you won't want to leave!!...Oh wait thats not helping is it??
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