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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. When will people learn Bluetooth technology allows the hackers to get in..I am so thankful they don't learn hehe I just hope sometime soon someone hacks Poppy Montgomery's cell phone hehehe.
  2. QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 01:37 PM) I didn't have time to laugh. I was to busy getting told I'm not a good person. I get that all the time myself... I can't imagine why that would be though?
  3. Grabbing popcorn.....this is going to get good hehe
  4. Thats a very nice dress. Simple yet very elegant...Getting remarried Steff?? lol Can you wear white??
  5. Tells me no page... and redirects back to the home page it looks like
  6. Yeah but Kerry has to be great...he struck out 20 people b4.... :banghead
  7. "This is the end of the world as we know it...but I feel fine"
  8. I have never even heard of her but it seems she has some really extreme beliefs and ideas...
  9. Man you guys are killing me with this... I miss the NHL...bastards better be back for next season!!
  10. Wow the Scrubs bullpen is going to get a real workout today eh??
  11. You can bet though some of these hunters won't take the time to see if its got a collar or not though and will shoot first and look second....Hell even if it does have a collar they may still kill it and say oops....
  12. Maybe they should have it open season on some of these hunters....I think that would be more fitting.
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 08:26 AM) We have them for 2 games and I can't wait... Awesome let me know if they are worth it because me and a few buddies were talking about doing this...
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 08:15 AM) $170 all you can eat/drink. Hell me and a couple buddies could make them regret that
  15. This is certainly one of the worst ideas I have heard in quite some time...I would be f***ing pissed if one of these morons shot one of my cats.
  16. There is a special place in prison for these kinds of sick bastards as well...
  17. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 07:03 PM) Good for her, I hope she takes her millions, says F-you to the music industry and moves her family to an island somewhere. Could we possibly get that lucky??? I think not!!
  18. More like wishful thinking on someones part!!
  19. You can believe with the success that most are seeing in the Japanese players that are coming over of late, I believe it will be very tough for the Sox to get a hold of Daisuke Matsuzaka. Even though they may have an inside track with Iguchi and Shingo but a lot of teams will want him....price will probably be very high for him.
  20. EvilJester99


    QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 07:45 PM) No s***? They have the best lanes in town. Thats correct...they always put out a challenging shot instead of the baby shot most others do.
  21. EvilJester99


    QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 06:02 PM) Which lanes? Town and Country Lanes on Jefferson St.
  22. EvilJester99


    Bahhh You're no fun Although, you're killing me smalls
  23. EvilJester99


    QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 01:22 PM) Broadview has a league like this also. We bowled in it last year and got a couple of them. I have a Sox bowling ball also. Do you want to sell one of the pins? If so PM me and let me know. Thanks
  24. EvilJester99


    Is there anywhere else to get that pin without joining the league? I am talking about the actually bowling pin not one for your shirt, just to be clear on it.
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