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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. That is a lot more positive than I took out of these games
  2. This is painful to watch.. not much positive from them right now.
  3. Yoan looks better from the right side now than he does from the left.. really pulling off the ball lefty and stayed on that one righty. Lucky break there but needed it.
  4. I don’t care these guys are young.. there is no excuse to not make these plays.. you’re fucking professional ball players act like it.
  5. Timmy has the million dollar talent but 10 cent brain..
  6. And the good ole pen letting them down once again.. shocker really
  7. Why do all the Sox catchers keep trying to backhand every damn thing??
  8. If Covey continues pitching like that hard to not see him sticking in the rotation.
  9. It is.. especially compared to watching Gio pitch and Beck for that matter.
  10. Just got in from cutting the grass and see I can save myself the frustration of watching this dumpster fire...
  11. Zavala on DL as well.. so pretty no one worth bringing up.. not that they would bring him up but an awful time for this to happen
  12. Kevan Smith was here in Charlotte tonight. He was placed on the DL yesterday
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