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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. I would tell your parents that you appreciate their interest in your love life but you don't need the help. Ask them if they realize you happen to go to one of the best places to find a boyfriend/bootycall. LoL
  2. EvilJester99

    Feel dumb?

    Well, I guess my idea of space time continuum wasn't good enough for them... sheesh. You can't please some people...
  3. And some how they are all related.... I guess there will be a lot of Congrats to the new Uncle Dad cards down there...
  4. How bad are the Sox if Randy would rather stay in Arizona than come here??
  5. He is trying to wish Jose Contreras a Happy BDay....I think he misspelled Feliz though if my Espanol is up to date lol
  6. Instead of there being a "Disorder" for everything its there is an excuse for everything. Problems are never anyone fault its a disorder that makes them f***tards.
  7. I wonder if Bariod does break the HR record if now they will have a huge ceremony and have Hank Aaron come out to congratulate him.
  8. I will....why not? 1st time in a while it even looks like a real QB back there.
  9. Thing that does concern me about Rex is he has yet to even complete a season. Who knows exactly what kind of QB he can actually be. Rex seems to have the tools but if he can't stay healthy it will be just as bad as him not having the tools.
  10. Great pass by Hutch... Surprise Terrell caught that... He is so concerned with how he wants to celebrate that he drops em.
  11. So far I am surprised by Hutch... esp with the O Line being in shambles as it is. Bears really need to get rid of David Terrell next season.
  12. EvilJester99

    Nerd Quiz

    I got a 1. I don't think I have ever been called "Well Adjusted" b4.
  13. Man some of you guys are making me feel pretty damn old now...I'm 30. Yikes...
  14. Yeah Hugh Grant too lol Yeah Huge Grant would be a porn star me thinks lol
  15. I know I will be there on the 15th only but I have no idea what I will be doing the whole time since its my virgin trip there.
  16. Sorry to hear about your family member who passed. Yeah some of my family don't get into sports as well and if it weren't for shows like this they wouldn't have a clue there are sports still lol.
  17. I am kind of wonder why they are bringing Tony LaRussa in for this... its only been what 20 years or so since he managed the Sox?
  18. That certainly was a very good fake. I was had on that one....sheesh I must be slipping in my old age lol
  19. There I was being self centered again lol. I am sure it holds very good interest for casual fans and those who follow slightly. It is a great way to get the word out to others about what has been going on. It also kind of knocks down a lot of people who young kids may have looked up to as a role model and are now dashed over it.
  20. I guess we will be attacking CanaDUH soon then eh? Damn this is shocking as hell.
  21. Hmmm seems that show is kind of a waste of time eh? What did he say about Marion Jones??
  22. Anything earth shattering in this interview or is it him just nailing the track stars only?
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