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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. Madeleine Khan is pretty funny. More of an actress than comedian though. She played some hilarious roles though. Like Young Frankenstein.
  2. Of course they are going to say that. They naturally assume Steinbrenner is going to buy him since his team choked it in the ALCS. They will put the Yankmees for every big FA out there. Which he probably will end up there but I'm just sayin.
  3. Congrats to all BoSox fans.... glad the Yanks lost in such a fashion.
  4. Do you think they'd want Borchard???
  5. I would take Vazquez before Brown just due to health issues alone....Vazquez probably has that stage fright thing about being in NY. BTW is it Vasquez or Vazquez?? or wrong altogether? lol
  6. While I wouldn't mind getting Vazquez, I doubt the Sox would want anything to do with his 9 Million dollar contract. Yanks would have to pick some of that up to make it viable. For that money though I would think Pavano would be a better choice. IMO.
  7. Steinbrenner will be signing all the top FAs he possibly can. He has to be going totally out of his friggin skull.... which doesn't appear like he was that far from it anyway but still. I love the fact the Yanks lost in this fashion. It will be hilarious to see how things turn out now.
  8. I would like to see one time some other country fix their own problems instead of relying on the US to help them out and then in return bash the US and be totally ungreatful for any help that was given.
  9. Halo was awesome so I am sure Halo2 will kick serious ass as well.
  10. My Step son is chomping at the bit to get this game. He has played so far all of them and likes them. I am more of an RPGer myself but they are kewl.
  11. If they can get Vernon Wells, the Sox had better do it in a f***ing heartbeat. That guy is a stud.....
  12. I agree you have to give them credit because after falling down 3 - 0 it would have been very easy for them to roll over and die and they didn't. I commend them for that. One comment about the fans though, I didn't see any of the Yankee fans praying or crossing their fingers even as they were losing last night. I'm just saying here. Although it was total BS with them throwing s*** on the field and all that. Hell imagine how Moronotti would have if that were the Sox instead....Anyway great job by Boston.
  13. I have heard good things about that one. When and where is that one on??
  14. I don't care much for this show but kind of like the "Family Plots" Show.
  15. If they use him in a relief role, it wouldn't be as terrible. He can't be any worse than Thriller was. I don't want to see him as a starter again though...atleast not for this team anyway.
  16. I sure as hell hope not. Geez, that will be the answer to the starting rotation?? Loiaza again? More of the same as usual.
  17. Pavano would solve most of the Sox starting pitching problems and would be too obvious for the Sox to actually sign him.
  18. Why would you want this lazy piece of trash back?? Haven't we seen enough of him? Pass big time.
  19. ELo surprised me with his outting, he did look solid. My first thought when he came in was this game is over..Red Sox win right here!!
  20. I was laughing the whole time watching these morons praying and crossing their fingers and whatever else they do.
  21. A dwarf dressed as a ballerina eh?? That could get interesting lol. Even though I like small women. I think Gidget the Midget would be alittle bit too small ......
  22. Some people find it strange that I need a naked woman laying next to me when I sleep... hehe Since that don't happen I guess I am sleepless.
  23. I guess I know who will be my #14 pick in my confidence pool lol
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