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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. I just got tickets for the 15th... unfortunately thats the only day I can make it there. I haven't been there b4 and one day is better than none I guess.
  2. Hell the Yanks of all teams don't seem to care how high their payroll is as long as they are winning. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out though. You can bet the teams will be lining up and I would highly doubt the Sox even have a snowballs chance in hell to sign him.
  3. I would have to bet that Houston is going to do everything they can to resign Beltran but I would bet the Yankmees will have the best chance if it comes down to strictly money alone.....
  4. I think most people knew Maggs wouldn't be back no matter what, and if you did you were completely dreaming. The knee injury gives the Sox the exact "out" they were looking for. Maggs was great for the Sox but its time to move in another direction. I say good luck to him.
  5. Welcome to the insane asylum...hehe
  6. Yeah I forgot the 3rd pick went to Miami. Thanks for the reminder on that. Still the Bears won't give a 1st rounder for Brees....maybe give them Hutchinson lol
  7. Whos better O Gun or Brees? Hence why the Bears won't give a 1st rounder for Brees.
  8. I seriously doubt the Bears would have to give a 1st round pick for Drew Brees. I would think more like a 3rd if even that good.
  9. Seems kind of a waste but remember in most cases a torn ACL is a 2 year injury. It takes a 2nd year to heal mentally and have confidence in your knee being ok. Maybe the Bears are looking at it like that and want Drew for next season in case Rex isnt fully healed. Just my thought.
  10. I, myself don't worship the Devil. The Devil worships me hehe.
  11. Won't be long b4 our government will want to try and fix this too....sheesh.
  12. I will be more optimistic after the winter meetings and the Sox make a few moves. Right now the Sox have some key guys to build around but need more obviously.
  13. Somehow I bet its the white man's fault......
  14. http://photos.imageevent.com/dreamkast/mlbb//fed.choke.jpg
  15. I am wondering if theres a mistake here.... The Sox fest sold out that quickly? Man did someone mistake Sox fest with something to do with the Scrubs?? I thought the Sox didn't have any fans. Awesome to hear!!!!
  16. Its awesome to see when the Hawks actually had a decent team!!! Not to mention the Old Barn...man I miss that place.
  17. Exactly my thought on these 2 boobs. I don't like the idea of either of these dolts running things.
  18. I know what you mean about it being a joke but for some reason they won't let you on the 1st ballot unless you have seriously insane #'s or they like you a lot. lol Frank's #'s will be good enough to make it. He dominated the early and mid 90's more so than pretty much anyone else.
  19. I think Frank will make the HOF. However, I don't think he will make 1st ballot though.
  20. Very true... it wouldn't be likely those 2 would trade but it could work for both of them. I doubt the Chiefs would want to give the Raiders that kind of potential for Rice and a pick. I would see more the Lions or someone in major need of a reciever swinging a deal for Rice instead.
  21. I agree its time to let Maggs walk. Why tie up huge money in a guy that noone is even sure will be able to play at the level he once did. I also agree Frank probably won't be ready to play if at all next season. Everett will more than likely DH. Hopefully the new CF would be Beltran but more than likely it will be Hairston or someone like that.
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