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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. All I have to say is thankfully Garland has all this f***ing talent. Sheesh :puke
  2. Well Rooney and Farmer were commenting on Borch last night and compared him to Rowand last season and the struggles Aaron had with his hitting. Aaron said he agreed and Borch would be fine once he settles down and gets more ABs. IIRC a lot of people were down on A Row last season and now most love the guy. Lets just see if Borch can get it together or not up in the bigs. If he can great, if not what is lost by this?
  3. I like the Pads team... I would like them more if they can knock the scrubs out of the WC. hehe
  4. I would hardly say you can blame anything on her in regards to Nomar... he looks like he is fine playing for the Scrubs....... I would say its more the thought that Boston tried to trade him in that whole A Rod deal and f***ed up and couldn't get it done. What did Boston think Nomar would think about that? Knowing how sensitive Nomar is and all.
  5. Mia Hamm is awesome... glad to see them still kicking some ass.
  6. What is Peavy's contract status out there? Is there anyway the Sox could get him. He is a stud and would love to see him on the Sox.
  7. FWIW, I think maggs was already ailing from a knee issue before that incident. I don't doubt that in the least. He probably has a degenrating knee condition and it was just noticed due to that collision. Or maybe the bleeding was minimal before that and the crash made it worse. Has it officially been called "degenerative knee"..?? Not that I am aware of. In this case though I would not be surprised in the least if it is however. You are probably right he may have had slight bleeding in the knee and it worsened due to that hit. Most times you if you have bleeding in the knee its not a good sign.
  8. FWIW, I think maggs was already ailing from a knee issue before that incident. I don't doubt that in the least. He probably has a degenrating knee condition and it was just noticed due to that collision.
  9. Who would have thought on that play, Maggs would have gotten hurt that badly. I mean his knee was bent and didn't really get twisted in any real way. I figured soreness and a big bruise. Hell I thought Willie was hurt the worst. Looked like Willie could have broken his ankle on that play.
  10. If people don't worry about post counts...how the hell does one strive to catch 2k4 and his friggin spam..umm errrr post count???
  11. If he did have any back ups you can believe they will end up on the web somewhere.... hehe
  12. Bring back cw...that dude is kewl as hell. Very insightful and would be a major loss if he isn't back.
  13. If there is no season I will be watching the Wolves....
  14. Bend over and grab your ankles folks... we are going to get f***ed hard. They could atleast kiss me first...sheesh
  15. 2K4 = Bully...lol Did I say that outloud just now?? hehe
  16. Doh!! I had to say something didn't I? Don't listen to him... we're all NICE here. hehe
  17. Glad he didn't mention me... I'm such a nice guy...
  18. I spoke to God this morning and he said he still doesn't like me...hehe
  19. LoL Well its a word if you want it to be... Anyone going to the game on the 22nd?? If so you can be graced by my presence.
  20. Did you say more funny looking???
  21. I was caddying and I actually caddied for the Dhali Llama. After the round was over, I ask how about something for the effort? The Llama said " there will be no money, but when you die you will have total conscience" So I have that going for me. hehe
  22. Thing I kind of think of is everyone thought Micheal Barret couldn't hit either. He was hitting like .185 with the Spoes and now he is hitting a lot better now. Who knows Ben could start hitting now that he is in a new enviornment and all that. Plus if he is given some regular playing time he may hit as well. I guess we will see eh?
  23. Then again... I don't lie any more....I don't lie any less either. hehe
  24. I sure hope not... cause I would be in deep s***. hehe
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