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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. The only thing the Church could ever do that I'd finally agree with is if they finally came clean and admitted they are a bunch of frauds. We all know that will never happen though.
  2. I don't have kids... hehe but from seeing my nieces and nephews growing up. I certainly say the boys are much easier.
  3. Hopefully, the new board isn't going to be anything like the new ESPN boards because they SUCK....
  4. I guess I would have lost that bet then eh? Another in a long line I guess lol
  5. Doesn't the train go near the park?? I am thinking of taking the train up to the Cell instead of driving.
  6. It has been said the RJ doesn't care much for Schilling. I would be surprised if he goes to Boston. I am still betting he goes to Anaheim or another west coast team.
  7. Have they questioned R Kelly yet on this?? hehehe
  8. Didn't they also say the Yankmees were real close to trading for Freddy Garcia just b4 the Sox got him? I wouldn't believe any of this until a deal is done.
  9. "My name is Lil John...but don't let my name fool ya, because in real life I am real big" That movie had so many damn good lines.
  10. They said on the news supposedly Dennis Rodman ran with the bulls this year. What f*** nuts these people are to want to run with bulls...and they wonder how so many get hurt. Sheesh
  11. Young Frankenstein and Robin Hood Men in Tights were 2 of his best for me.
  12. I know but I meant do to other reasons. Like checking out too much naughty stuff online that causes you to type with one hand....
  13. Talkemoutta....you can't talkemoutta anything....Both of those are awesome. Monty Python is the greatest of all time though. Mel Brooks has some of the best movies as well. I could watch those all the time and never get bored.
  14. Is that because you are typing with one hand again??
  15. The NHL will be making the biggest mistake if they actually lock out or strike. They are barely drawing any attention as it is. They can't afford to be out of sight because they will certainly be out of mind for most people.
  16. Wow Steff is in the middle?? hehe "Gangbang...Everyone jump the Queen". .
  17. I pay $640/6 months for 2 cars. I also carry my home owners insurance with them as well so it saves me about 20% or so.
  18. The Score is reporting this morning that its the New York Times saying its a 3 way deal involving Boston, Arizona and the CUBS for the deal not the White Sox....take it for what its worth though.
  19. Hey do you mean to tell me they don't have a Ben Davis All Star jersey??? Ohhh wait....hehe
  20. The whole "Cubs Suck" thing is funny and all but it just goes to that inferiority complex that most Sox fans supposedly have. Wear something that shows pride in the Sox and forget about the Scrubs.
  21. RJ says he wants to stay close to his Zona home. I would bet he may land with the Angels... that could be scary!!
  22. I wish I could read all these nice posts but since I am so old now its hard to see. hehehe Thanks everyone...
  23. Kotex Boy is a jackass. Why does anyone give a damn what that moron has to say. On Mac, Jurko and Harry, Mac was saying Kotex Boy is now pissed because the Sox took away Kotex Boy's parking priviledges and thats why he is still ranting. Not to mention how MJ&H, they have been ripping the hell outta Kotex Boy as well.....anyway bottom line is forget about him and worry about supporting the Sox.
  24. I absolutely agree that they should take manager out of this. The manager should not be able to pick any player. Like Ozzie said, if he had the chance he would take all of his guys including his back ups. I say take that pressure off the manager of having to worry about picking his own guys. Hell they could let the players vote for the reserves.
  25. Detroit beats Minny and now the Sox are only out a half of a game...WOOHOOOO!!! Thank you Tigers.
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