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Everything posted by EvilJester99

  1. I believe they were saying Billy Chaos is hitting 94... and they figure he will get atleast another couple on it by the time ST is over. I would be happy with 96 or 97 with movement.
  2. This is a guy I would like to see a lot more of. He seems to have some very good stuff. Hopefully he will stick.
  3. Sox 86... would you mind making me one as well... something with Pudge and maybe Crede on it?? I would be very greatful. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hopefully Shingo is just having a little trouble with adjusting and this doesn't become a huge problem.
  5. Welcome to the boards Munkey.
  6. It is going to be hilarious if the Cubs do crash cause all the news people sucking the Cubbie Chubbie will all be crying lol I will be laffing my sick f***ing ass off though hehehe.
  7. God should the people of Chicago call off the parade already?? LoL Cub fans are freaking over this. I love it hehe
  8. The best hit I can remember is when Scott Stevens nailed that pansy Lindros and knocked him out with a concussion. I hate Lindros if you can't tell.
  9. We are in last place in our division this ST. DOH
  10. I think C Lee can out do D Lee but it will be close. Hopefully the big payday doesnt make C Lee slack off.
  11. I would take that deal too. Prior will be nagged by that achilles problem all year and well Wood is Wood.
  12. Compared to those other boobs from KC anyone is good lol
  13. The Sox could be in some serious trouble if Loaiza struggles this year. I am still hopeful he will do fine though.
  14. Yeah I know he struck out b4...just giving ya some s***.
  15. Rowand is going to be a stud this year..woohoo
  16. I think a real sleeper to watch out for is Campos.
  17. I feel it was a very good punishment. Plus not to mention they left it open ended so if they needed to punish him more they could. I also was glad to see he gave a heartfelt apology, although I don't fully believe him for I am sure he meant to hurt Moore just not injure him as he did.
  18. From what I have seen and heard of him... he is very promising. I look forward to the future of this team.
  19. Does anyone think he will make the team this year?? He has played pretty good so far this ST me thinks. Any thoughts?? http://www.suntimes.com/output/sox/cst-spt-sox11.html
  20. Man my guy Stewart sure as hell struggled... back to the minors with ya bastage. LoL
  21. Well I guess I don't need to tune into the season or any other for that matter since I already know now we will never win it. Sheesh
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