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Posts posted by WillieHarris2

  1. Here's a Free-Agent update:


    Tait has been officialy signed

    The Bears will reportedly make an offer to Ephraim Salaam

    They are expected to pursue Tony Brackens and Warren Sapp

    They are mulling weather to draft Shawn Andrews or Vince Wilfork while Angelo is leaning towards Wilfork

    i like the idea of signing Ephraim Salaam...i think if we improve most on the weakest part of our team last year then we will be solid this year. im also really happy with the sigining of tait. i think angelo is doing a nice job so far.

  2. Henson was the best pure quarterback I ever saw goig back to seeing Ken Anderson iun 1969  who went on to a long career with the Bengals.


    There was no 2nd place.  Henson was the best pure qb I ever saw.


    Michigan was routinely kicking OSU's ass in football and Ohio's Steinbrenner (as in Steinbrenner Hall, the indoor facility at OSU) offered Henson obscene money to forgo his senior year at UM by playing minors for the Yankees.


    and so it happened.


    Henson's future is in the NFL and the team that has him has something good.


    So Steinbrenner has f***ed up two sports, pro baseball and college football, with his money.  What Henson would have been his senior season had he not been offered such a boatload of money from Steinbrenner, we''ll never know.


    The asshole.


    That is why always bet on Brady, who kept Henson on th bench for two seasons with no compalints from Michigan fans.  Brady had that thing going, could't deny, still does, Mr I will the Game with 1.5 minutes left.


    But Henson was the best quarterback in college ever despite he only started 8 games.  Steinbrenner used his money and what he lost in Henson in baseball,. as a OSU fan he more than made up getting Henson out of UM for what would have been Henson's senior season.

    RIDICULOUS! thats all i got to say.



    oh one more thing....GO BLUE! :headbang

  3. i agree with the fact that going to a baseball games isnt that dangerous of a situation. How many people know when s*** like this is going to happen? exactly no one thats why there called accidents...you dont walk into the ballpark fearing for your life because oh no u might get hit in the head with a foul ball...dont get me wrong it could happen but im just saying.

  4. Golfing.  You bastard  :finger


    We still got snow on the ground up here.  :)

    ya its we havent been able to go outside for our baseball practice yet because the weather is so crappy here. just be thankful your in a spot where your able to golf.

  5. Yeah as far as I'm concerned f*** the Illini. This was a biased question and I'm sick of the Illini fans on this board being so self-centered. Illinois has their own game thread every game they play and that is ridiculous. There are more non Illini fans here than there are Illini fans so let's not talk so much about these damn f***ers.

    good idea...sox winning the world series is the thing i would like to see most in my lifetime w/ out a doubt.





    worst question ever

  6. As a matter of a fact, I would rather watch the Hawks vs watching the Bulls.  At least the Hawks, as undertalented as they are, have never quit.

    at least the hawks have heart and they know that they are professionals and they are payed lots of money. when your being payed that much money i dont think it should be that hard to go out and give it your all night in and night out. Bulls need to get there f***en act together.

  7. It does appear that the NY Yankmees and the press may have been to quick with saying Sheffield would be out for 3 months with a thumb injury. He claims it is not a big problem and he will be playing. Once again, the Yankers have nothing we need and that which we might want is probably in short supply for them.

    i highly doubt a deal with the yankees as well. i also think that injuries could be the downfall of the yankees this year.

  8. This would be the perfect year for the Cubs to suck and for us to take advantage of our underdog-ness.  That would be great to shove it in the world's/media everyone's face (lol, haven't won one in over 90 years and I'm being picky.)


    I really hope we kick some ass this year! :headbang  :bringit

    my favorite part is all the cubs fans who dont know jack s*** about baseball and cant even name one guy on the sox or in the majors. all they care about is the cubs and keep telling me that the cubs will win the world series this year without a doubt. then they tell me that the sox have no talent and dont even have a chance. i laugh because were so underestimated and our roster has the potential to really do some damage. if we live up to that potential then all those cubs f***ers will shut up.

  9. I hope Wright is used in the Bullpen

    Every scout says Wright has Gagne-like stuff if allowed to only pitch one inning and "let it all out"

    it would be interesting to see wright let it all out but i definetly think he belongs in the bullpen.

  10. i read in the daily hearld today that ozzie said something about Bernard it was something along the lines of "i havent gotten a chance to see him yet, but he wont be on my team this year. He needs to start thinking about his future or something" i saw this and realized what kind of opportunity this creates for Borchard and Mario V.


    my apologies if this was already posted

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