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Posts posted by WillieHarris2

  1. Whatever else she may have said or done, she was a lot better owner than the clowns who have taken over from her and run the entire Reds team and organization into the ground

    ya the reds were an embarassment last year and all because management basically dismantled there whole team.

  2. Yeah, revisiting the stats Maggs are far better, but I think Maggs would be a median between Vlad and a Jenkins type player.  He's not as valuable as Vlad, but more than Jenkins.  I just throw this out here because I think it will have an effect on what Maggs is worth

    ya i agree with that. maggs definetly isnt worth the 70 million or whatever vlad got but i think hes worth more then jenkins.

  3. I think the future for these super prospects rests in their hands. Reed could just break it open in Spring Training and be the starting CF'er. However, realistically he probbaly needs seasoning in AAA ball and Rowand is the man. I would like to see Borchard step up and be the 4th OF'er. I think he could see plenty of playing time too filling in at all 3 positions and maybe DH'ing a game here and there. Bernard? Haven't heard anyone say much about him, but it's early.

    i agree reed needs some more minor league experience and we got aaron rowand already. I also agree that borchard should be the backup outfielder. He was our number 1 prospect in 2001 and has had a couple of years to play in the minors. i think now is the time for joe borchard.

  4. I know Garland only got "nicked" and bruised, but imagine if he had gotten his elbow shattered or something like that. 


    The lack of depth in our rotation is frighteningly shallow, and if we had to pitch 2-3 rookies in our rotation, then we can only hope they would turn out like the late-80s Braves staffs.  They took their pounding, learned on the job, and turned out pretty good.

    ahhhh thats scary stuff. i would definetly have to give up at that point.

  5. Look what their doing to one of their own is right, especially since it is NOT his fault they did not make the World Series.  But the scapegoat always has to be the innocent one, huh? 


    Hey Cubs fans, ever hear of Alex Gonzalez, Mr. Stonehands?


    What a bunch of b****es.




    i hope every cubs fan burns in hell

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