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Posts posted by WillieHarris2

  1. Cuban is crazy. Basketball wouldnt be where its at today if it wasnt for the Dream Team and the olympics. I think players should be aloud to go play in the olympics for there native countries beacuse its a popular thing. Basketball is the 2nd most popular sport in the world next to soccer. oh yeah and how can Cuban take away a chance for a guy to play in the olympics. The olymipcs dont come by every day you know.

  2. Ya i think buehrle is going to do very well this year. Last year he didnt even do that bad and became the first white sox pitcher to pitch 200.0 IP in 3 straight seaons. Look at his second half numbers. He went 12-4 with a 3.47 ERA over his final 20 starts which is a big improvement over his first half. I wouldnt be surprised if buehrle wins 20 games this year if he pitched like he did during the second half of the season.

  3. Portland is clearly getting the better end of this trade because Sheed averages 17.0 pts, 7 boards and 2 assists while Abdur-Rahim is averaging 20 pts, 9 boards and .4 assists. Sucks for wallace that he has to go to Atlanta now but i guess he deserves it after everything hes done.

  4. Here will be the Chicago media take; Hendry made a run at it as oppossed to if this was the Sox, they played it cheap.

    agreed. and if thats the way it is then neither team got him so whats the friggen difference. Who cares if the cubs offered more, bottom line will be that they didnt get him. KNOCK ON WOOD

  5. Duke clearly has the best team in the nation right now. Standford is barely putting it together out west and St Joe's in a weak conference but still i give props to the best backcourt in the nation led by jamir nelson.


    As i was saying Duke is playing the best right now and they deserve the #1 ranking.

  6. Its my first year as in high school baseball and our tryouts dont start until the first week of march, but we have been conditioning for awhile. Im really pumped for this year not only because its my first year at the high school level but i feel like im in the best shape i've ever been in for baseball. Im trying out for CenterField where you will usually find me. I've played there since i was 10 and i love it.

  7. God i cant wait for baseball season to start beacuse all i have heard about is how good the damn cubs are going to be. I think if Aaron Rowand and Willie Harris can play well and another pitcher emerges as a 10-15 game winner then i think we will be able to at least contend. The only bad part is that the good guys never seem to get out to a fast start. They are always slow out of the gate and before you know it the Twins have captured another central title. I hope Ozzie re-energizes this team and makes them a contender. :fthecubs

  8. I think if Maggs is going to be traded then just trade him now. From what everyone has been saying he's probably not going to take the Sox's offer at the end of the year, so why would trading him now hurt anything. I think the deal would be nice because one of the prospects in the La deal has already been handed the 5th spot in the rotation and its his to lose. So heres my take, trade Maggs now because hes probably not going to do us anygood after this season.

  9. i was also fortunate to see a game at Tiger Stadium. I've also been too Comerica (Detroits new stadium), Atlanta, Sky Dome, Montreal, Millwaukee, The Astro Dome, Philadelphia and i saw 3Comm park when i was in san francisco before SBC was built. Of all those i would have to say Comerica is the best.

  10. The Jays also added depth to their pen by signing Terry Adams, Kerry Ligtenberg, Valerio De Los Santos, and closer Justin Spier.



    Minnesota: In my opinion Minnesota is still the team to beat in this division. The only two key guys that they lost were Pierzynski and Milton. They also acquired a great pitching prospect in Boof Bonsor from the Giants, and re-established their bullpen by dealing Milton to the Phillies.

    I totally agree with you on the blue jays and everyone is underestimating them. Ted Lilly is a solid pitcher that brings a lot of help to the Jays staff.


    As for the Twins, i think there bullpen took a major blow with the loss of LaTroy Hawkins to those f***ers up north.

  11. How the hell do the Twins keep on getting picked for a 1st place finish?

    agreed. the last couple of years the twins have been favored to win our division. Another thing, no one has really ran away w/ our division since we did in 2001. i think it might be another close one this year as well.

  12. Wait a second, the original rumor that I read was Maggs for Garcia, Soriano, and Winn(although I did think it was one-sides and had to be more too it), but Maggs WITH Koch, Cotts, and Rowand for those 3. No thanks. That trade favors the M's.

    Ya i thought this at first too and i thought it would be a solid deal for us but trading koch and cotts w/ maggs would definetly be a bad deal for KW and the Sox.

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