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Butter Parque

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Everything posted by Butter Parque

  1. No one is castigating Kopech. People are looking at it through the lens of a White Sox fan. That's probably what White Sox fans should do. As a White Sox fan, this is objectively a bad thing. This hurts the team this year and it increases the odds of Kopech of being able to contribute meaningfully next year.
  2. I don't see how people can call this a good thing. Yes, you receive an extra year of control. But you were most likely going to get that extra year anyway. This is now two full years in which one of your most prized assets has gained zero experience. Next year, you're supposed to be competing to win the division. Everyone on here expected Kopech to be in the rotation from Opening Day onward. No one on here can count on that now. This is a bad thing. No way to spin it.
  3. I’d imagine part of it is we’re morbidly obese as a nation. I’d imagine that’s why a country like Japan is able to succeed with their Public healthcare system. They don’t need to perform gastric bypasses all day, everyday. Universal healthcare is easy when your people are generally healthy.
  4. Signing the groundskeeper’s son. Nice touch. at least they’re taking it seriously.
  5. I get a kick out of ruffling up those who walk around feeling guilty about their skin color.
  6. Everyone is closed minded to the family/self responsibility argument. Meanwhile the Great Society experiment has been ongoing for 60 years with little to no progress. But let’s double down on 20! We can’t lose!
  7. Do you honestly believe that I would care what you think of me? I think your worldview is pathetic. You think my worldview is racist. i think you’re one of the useful idiots that Lenin spoke about. You think I’m a Klan member. At the end of the day, who really gives a fuck? Life goes on.
  8. Give up your money for them. Invite an inner city kid to live in your home. That’s your right. Not my responsibility to take care of them. The “it takes a village” view on life is not mine. Mine is “it takes parents who give a fuck”.
  9. Appreciate it. At the end of the day, my life will keep going as it is. They can wait for Godot to come with a magic solution ton get them out of poverty. No need to work, no need to apply yourself in school. Just keep doing what you're doing and wait for someone else to save you. Good plan. Have fun with it.
  10. Actually the parents said fuck em. They're not my kids. Blame the parents.
  11. Nope. It seems like the grandparents or parents did as well as they could if the grandchild/child has overcome all of this systemic racism/oppression/assault in order to now be sitting in a grad school classroom. Good for that guy/girl. We need more like them.
  12. Kid’s shouldn’t be raised by single parents. That’s the parents’ fault. They’re free to support they’re own minimum quality of life if they’d like. You talk about them like they’re deaf, dumb, and blind. They’re able-bodied as far as I can tell. In NY they’re begging minorities to work in the FDNY, NYPD. Good job, good benefits, better quality of life.
  13. Again. Public schools are shitty. They’re shitty nearly everywhere. But if you have parents who force you to sit and do your HW, who don’t let you stay out on the streets til all hours of the night, maybe you have a shot at a better life. Sympathy? I think the idea is we’re not different. They don’t need sympathy and they want it, they’re already too far gone. These kids can work all day and get their master’s at night. They can do their undergrad while working at a grocery store 6 days a week. That’s what I did. It’s not noble. I don’t need a damn cookie for it. It’s what people do who want to eventually make it to the middle class. You do what you have to. I believe that opportunity exists for everyone. Some of us are raised better than others. Like I said, I feel bad for the kids who come from that. But they’re the only ones who can get themselves out of the poverty cycle. For society’s sake, I hope they do. But at this rate, I doubt it’s going to happen in our lifetimes.
  14. Again, they’re utilizing these “social assistance” programs and yet you believe they’re owed more. Should we give them a house? A wad of cash? We’re now looking at the idea of allowing them to commit crimes without fear of arrest. What more can we do before they become more productive members of society? I’m willing to listen. But the legacy of slavery crap is a bit old in 2020.
  15. I know lol. That was my point. Somehow they left those camps and their descendants are not killing each other on street corners.
  16. That’s great. Now pull up the data on a macro level.
  17. Again, where are my tax dollars going then? What is all that section 8 housing and all those EBT cards for? What about affirmative action? Or the government contracting for minority owned businesses? All that and you still see residents of Chicago blowing each other’s heads off like it’s a weekend routine. The Jews seem to be doing very well overall.
  18. We all have equal rights. It’s guilty whites who don’t believe so. And yeah, someone forcing me into submission...having me pledge allegiance to their warped views or else...kinda messed up.
  19. Yep. Blacks are exempt from personal responsibility. You treat them like they’re infants, yet I’m the racist one. Slavery occurred. Segregation occurred. So going forward, blacks get a pass. Well it’s worked out well for them. so what Asians were thrown into concentration camps in the 20th century...They've largely made it in society because they’re privileged too. It doesn’t have anything to do with the stability of the family and the focus on academics.
  20. Well, they did force me to think for myself. It’s why you won’t see me kneeling or lying on the ground face down in some sort of Holocaust revival as radicals yell at me for the “privilege” of my genetic makeup.
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