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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Confused about this comment. Why would I googly eye Ivanka, exactly? We were all hoping he'd give us one. Also: "As we noted in a recent podcast, Republican Chair Jeff Kaufmann has tried to get Trump-like nicknames to stick with various Democrats running in Iowa, but the pithy insults never seem to have the same effect when it’s coming from anyone other than Trump. The president seemed to take a shine to the “Absent Abby” nickname Kaufmann has attached to Abby Finkenauer, a misleading title suggesting she’s missed a lot of votes in the Statehouse." https://iowastartingline.com/2018/07/26/trump-forgets-rod-blums-name-in-problematic-iowa-trip/
  2. Remember when I got suspended for being too far left and saying "outrageous" things? Now I'm the sole pragmatist in a sea of socialists. Pretty amazing how the world changes so quickly.
  3. We got a nickname ? Firing on all cylinders out here in IA01!
  4. ??intellectual dishonesty is my fav.
  5. He didn't actively seek the WFP endorsement. Actively seeking office he's not interested in holding is a completely different thing. How is this not obvious to you?
  6. By the way Dam, didn't you defend Bernie's behavior in the Vermont sen primaries to keep any other Dem from challenging him?
  7. Who's Donnelly's opponent? Are they further left?
  8. So why is everyone complaining about the November ballot? (obviously that's the race I was referring to)
  9. Lol. So he should either actively commit fraud or die? Maybe Ocasio should just win the damn race instead of complaining. Btdubs have you started knocking on doors and making calls for candidates yet?
  10. He's not running for the office bud. What aren't you getting about this? Lol. If she somehow loses to a man who isn't even campaigning, isn't raising money, has publicly said he's not running and who endorsed her, *maybe* she's got bigger problems. (Maybe she shouldn't be spending campaign funds in Kansas, for instance) Honestly, Ocasio making a big shit about it (then apologizing for being wrong, btw) has probably convinced more people to vote for him because guess what - NO ONE WOULD'VE KNOWN ABOUT IT OTHERWISE. Day after day she continues to make stupid, stupid mistakes. But y'all support her because of her policies despite her inexperience, ignorance, and inability to be tactful. Where oh where have I seen this play out before........
  11. No. It isn't. You're suggesting he commit fraud and run for an office he has no intention to hold if elected? Seriously? Dude's not running. Not campaigning. Endorsed Ocasio. Like... what is your beef? Lol it's pretty pathetic.
  12. You... you realize he can't legally vacate the ballot unless he dies or runs for another office, right?
  13. (you mean like the lie about Crowley running against Ocasio as an independent?)
  14. In fantasy land, maybe, but that's not what happened with Crowley, so... um... bye?
  15. Take it and run with it despite a 24% approval rating? This is how you lose elections.
  16. Joe Lieberman isn't a Democrat. But whatever you want to say to create a false narrative I guess...
  17. Right, when you don't call it single-payer, and you don't call it socialism, people like it. Again. Branding.
  18. Then why are you using and advocating for packaging that doesn't work? What you just suggested IS what the Dem Party is trying to do, but people like you scream at them for not calling it socialism.
  19. 1) it wasn't sold as "socialism" at the time and 2) people are UNWILLING to support the word "socialism" in 2018 in anywhere but the coasts and blue cities. I want to fix things. I don't want to lose again because we're being ignorant to political realities. https://www.newsweek.com/could-bernie-sanders-beat-trump-2020-majority-say-they-wouldnt-vote-socialist-1040676?utm_campaign=NewsweekTwitter&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
  20. Nothing about the Democratic Platform at the moment is tepid incrementalism, unless you think adopting all those Sanders-style policies is incrementalism. In which case I've got a lot more questions.
  21. We have never been at a more stop-the-bleeding moment in American history than we are right now. Do y'all really STILL not appreciate that?
  22. I think it's the exact opposite of that thinking that got us Trump.
  23. I'd love way better. You don't get to way better by skipping what's going on now. If you gash your arm, you put pressure on it and stop the bleeding, THEN you get the stitches. We're in the stop-the-bleeding phase where a dirty t-shirt is just as good as a clean gauze pad if it's they only thing you have around.
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