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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Reddy


    QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 28, 2013 -> 03:20 PM) I am still curious as to what you equate as a 10 as per you stated in the other thread. What is Hilary on your scale? 11
  2. Reddy


    QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 28, 2013 -> 03:19 PM) Is it true if we bomb Syria, then others bomb Jerusalem of all places? Sucks to be in Jerusalem minding your own business then boom! I love having greg in the buster. also lol @ Jerusalem minding its own business (though maybe I'm watching too much West Wing)
  3. Reddy


    QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 28, 2013 -> 08:39 AM) Greg, not one person will judge you based on your answer. Your preferences are your own and if anyone gives your grief, you just flip them a giant middle finger. oh I'd totally judge him.
  4. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 27, 2013 -> 11:17 PM) She's 25 nearing 26 but perfection in the looks deptment. ah yes, because 26 is completely over the hill in terms of physical attractiveness.
  5. Reddy


    QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 27, 2013 -> 05:01 PM) Chris Christie is a dumb b****. and he's insanely fat. so f***ing fat.
  6. Reddy


    QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 27, 2013 -> 05:32 PM) The U.S. should not bomb Syria. soxtalk seems to be unanimous on this one
  7. Reddy


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 27, 2013 -> 01:43 PM) Modern chemical weapons have been used since WWI if not earlier, and the entire world was on the brink of nuclear annihilation numerous times throughout the 20th century. I don't think the threat the world faces is from weaponry. shhh this is greg logic we're talking about here.
  8. Reddy


    QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 27, 2013 -> 03:00 PM) Too bad none of us have lived in Washington. Certainly there are TONS of people who know if she's a full-fledged b**** or not. None of us have sources. If I had to bet big bucks on it, my guess is she is the B word. Can't prove it obviously. go ahead and vote for Ted Cruz then. although were he a woman, I'd categorize him as a b**** as well. Christie? Oh yeah, TOTAL b****.
  9. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Aug 27, 2013 -> 10:43 AM) There are times that I get texts from people I want to hang out with and I see the text, have every intention of getting back to it later on because I'm busy or something, and then completely space it off. That may or may not be the case here. Shooting a quick text might not be a bad idea. She did just get back from vacation and may have just wanted some time to put stuff away and get the post-vacation relaxation and then, like what happens, spaced it off. yep, but if you're really into a new person you've been seeing, you wont space out.
  10. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Aug 27, 2013 -> 10:22 AM) I sent the text on Sunday afternoon. i know it sucks, but if she were into you she'd have texted back immediately or at least she would've by now. :/ this is why I hate texting, because it gives away all your power. In a phone conversation you HAVE to answer and you HAVE to see the conversation out to the end, but in facebook and text world, you put your happiness and your control entirely in their hands. It's fuggin' stupid.
  11. Reddy


    QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 05:18 PM) I'm not offended by bad language and I have said I thought Ozzie was funny with his use of F bombs. And I am well aware, amazingly, how crude former Presidents have acted in being bullies and using the F bomb. I will say I have known some women to cuss, but I must be really sheltered cause I've never known anybody to cuss like Hillary if those quotes are accurate. If she really said that to Bill when he was around the hot chick, wow. And if she told the Secret Service guy to f*** off just saying 'good morning' I really don't approve of that b****like behavior. Wow. Even if Ozzie did that I'd say he's just flat off wrong. Just because you have power doesn't mean you need to tell a government official who is PROTECTING you to f*** off. I really don't care that much, but a lot of people would say it doesn't reflect well on Hilly. I'm a littls surprised all of you who think Ozzie is such a foul-mouthed evil man would shrug it off, though. I guess we've come so far a lot of people don't see rude behavior as a problem as long as you have money/power. And the fact she cusses like a sailor would not make me not vote for her. I do think she comes across as a huge b---h however. If I'm wrong and she is a whale of a woman, fine, my bad. what are the odds that those quotes are accurate? have you read the snopes article debunking them? probably not. and here's the kicker with Ozzie - none of us cared that he was foul-mouthed, just like none of us should care if Hillary is foul mouthed. I disliked Ozzie for his managing, not his personality. greg, how do you feel about Hillary's track record? How do you feel about her tenure as First Lady, then Senator, then Secretary of State? What are your views of her accomplishments?
  12. Reddy


    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 05:50 PM) Oh my! Why isn't she in the kitchen cooking and cleaning like she's supposed to? exactly.
  13. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 04:29 PM) I agree with the N-word part of his rant. It's pretty stupid that the media censors itself like that, especially when you're talking about racist remarks. yeah I agree with that. point, however, was to show that shockingly enough, racism still exists in America.
  14. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 03:15 PM) Some choice quotes that just made me laugh out loud. "He had made his career as a diversity consultant" /giggle He made his career as a member of the corporate bureaucracy, adding nothing really of value just providing lawsuit insurance against inevitable accusations of racism whenever the company he consulted had to fire a minority. "Hey guys, we aren't racist, we can prove it because this diversity consultant does a power point that all of our middle management guys sleep through!" lol, I dont fault the guy for it, everyone's got a mortgage, but that is one of the sadder excuses for a job I've ever heard. "This is post-Obama" Not yet, unfortunately. "A lazy (N-word)" about a half a page up CNN gets all edgy on us with the... "These stories are honest and frank discussions of race. They may be upsetting to some" How HONEST and FRANK to censor out a word that everyone reads aloud in their head as n*****. They call this f***ing journalism? Either put it in [expletive] if the word breaks decorum or spit it out. This pisses me off the more I think about it, you want an honest (possibly disturbing) discussion on race? Make it so! Dont shelter the reader. f***ing CNN. '"someone who's brown -- that doesn't make them a terrorist." The teacher obviously meant to help her students be more culturally sensitive, but the speech had the effect of making Chakrabarty feel alienated.' Yup, this is basically how it works. Black History Month might as well be retitled You Aint One Of Us And Never Will Be Month. Any kid with half a brain immediately wonders what the other 11 months are for. Once he figures it out one of two things happen: If he's white he thinks he's better than the blacks and if he's black he already feels inferior. I saw this happen, its liberal do-goodery that winds up doing more harm than nothing at all. "Scarpulla began to notice that her brood was attracting "bizarre looks"" Might want to choose a word other than brood. lol. "He says battling those stereotypes has helped him to find his purpose: Writing about social justice." Now we know where diversity consultants come from. ---- I didnt take any of this s*** seriously. Its hard to when its so f***ing bad. Duke "I dismiss racism" NukeEm everybody
  15. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:18 PM) No, I think that is probably very true, Reddy....we're finding out that everyone reacts differently to different stimuli based on tiny differences in our genetics. They are finding that certain people experience tremendous gains from training, while others experience very little. Fortunately, everyone experiences gains from exercise, so you literally cannot say that exercise is "bad" for anyone, but for some people the improvements are pretty limited, which raises the question of whether they should be doing different things, such as diet, to see larger improvements with their limited time and resources than wasting a lot of time on exercise. I think the same probably holds true with nutrition. Some people probably respond very strongly to changes in diets, while others might improve, but not nearly at the same level of magnitude. I agree completely. I'm just saying that there's a lot of money being made off of "metabolic type" diets and books, so there's risk to be taken advantage of as with any new "weightloss" concept.
  16. Not a huge CNN fan, but Nuke, take a read: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2013/08/us/....html?hpt=hp_c2
  17. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:14 PM) A hemp shake does not sound very appetizing well you mix in tastier things duh I don't mind green shakes, but I know I'm in the minority there.
  18. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:11 PM) Right...and quinoa is not exactly tasty, imo. God forbid you forget to wash it first, it tastes like old socks. Interesting enough, not to derail from the thread, but I think eventually we will find that our ability to use certain nutrients is based on genetics, so the basic tenet that everyone is different is probably very true. We all try and find what works best for us. this is potentially true, it's metabolic typing. it's also the reason some people are naturally endomorphs/ectomorphs etc. for example, based on my metabolic type, I do much better with dark meats, organ meats and fattier fish. I don't know a whole lot about it, and it's another "fad" type idea that's become popular lately, but that doesn't mean it lacks some merit.
  19. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:04 PM) There is in certain vegetables, but not a lot. Like I said, if you wanted to get about 28grams of protein from a vegetable rich in protein (take Quinoa for example), you'd be looking at consuming 3 servings of it PER meal. That's a lot of f***ing Quinoa. Here is a rather simple comparison: 1 .50lb (145 grams) chicken breast contains 30g of protein. 1 cup of Quinoa (185 grams) contains 8g of protein. Do the math. but you're ignoring the amount of protein you get from OTHER sources. for instance, say you have two chicken breasts in a day, sure that's a lot of protein, but somewhere you're coming up with 50 more grams of it in bits and pieces from your other foods - same thing with vegetarians. If I eat a couple servings (2 @ 8g) of quinoa a day, a hemp shake (20g), and then you throw in all the protein from your veggies like broccoli/kale/etc, the protein from your grains, the protein from the NUTS AND SEEDS, and you can easily make it to 60-70 grams without even trying. If you want higher, you have to be more meticulous, but a vegetarian/vegan is already willing to be meticulous so it's not an issue. It's not all about quinoa. I was vegan for a month or so (trying it out) and didn't have quinoa very often and still hit my protein goals. It's easily doable.
  20. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 12:59 PM) I'm sorry, I incorrectly listed 0.90g as my goal, that should have read 0.60g per body pound. So, by that, if you followed my exact goals, you'd be shooting for ~99 grams of protein per day. which you can easily achieve with plant based foods. THAT said, I don't do it, and unless you're vegan, you shouldn't either.
  21. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:51 PM) Gotcha. I'm about 165 give or take a few pounds on any given day. I'm pretty toned, but would like to cut a bit more body fat and add a bit more muscle. Not a ton. My entirely uneducated guess, given my normal diet, is that I probably get less than 100 grams of protein per day, considering I really don't eat much meat. Adding a protein supplement adds about 25 grams, once a day a few times a week, but even with that supplement, we're talking 100 grams or so per week. the industry standard is .7-1g of protein per pound of LEAN body mass, not total weight. so it's your weight minus your body fat. the USDA says we don't need more than 55g I believe daily, however I think that's low. Shooting for 100-130 sounds fine to me.
  22. Reddy


    QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:44 PM) Reddy changed his tune after the fact. Until they he was trying a tired partisan argument to make Duke look bad. He is trying to have it both ways by saying after the fact he didn't support them, but yet using the topic to turn it into a republican issue, when it didn't start or end with a republican. it is a partisan slight of hand he got busted on. you're just wrong about all of this. I said: Patriot Acts = GWB and supported by GOP Drone Strikes = Obama and NOT supported by GOP to me, that's hypocritical because the Patriot Acts and drone strikes are one and the same policy. it is EQUALLY hypocritical for democrats to support drone strikes. I have never changed my tune throughout this entire exchange. you're funny.
  23. Reddy


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:41 PM) What is this 55% in reference to? eta: yes, plenty of Democrats are dumb hypocrites on Obama's foreign and civil liberties policies, or they just have terrible policy beliefs of their own. ^
  24. Reddy


    QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:39 PM) I love how you can't answer for anything, and instead just ask questions. OR AM I? i dont know what you want me to answer that I haven't already.
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