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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 10:33 PM) shocking but yet he cherry picks them when they suit his misguided purposes. hilarious.
  2. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 08:21 PM) "I dont pretend to know why" well why don't I enlighten you. Black people are more likely to live in urban areas and they're more likely to be lower in socioeconomic status. They aren't violent, and they don't commit crimes simply because they're black - as you believe. They're statistically more violent because shockingly, the poorer people are, the more likely they are to commit crimes due to the desperation of their circumstances and poor parenting and education. Here's the kicker, and you're not going to believe this I know, but poor white people commit just as many crimes as poor black people. Mind blowing. Do some f***ing research before you spout off and show the world your ignorant bigotry.
  3. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 05:37 PM) But they do. I dont pretend to know why but its such a statistical landslide there's no other way to slice it. I honest to god dont value statistics much, but when an identifiable demographic of 7% of the population is committing ~50% of the killings the problem is existing in plain sight. you just happen to think that based on the statistics, that black people just have... a.... genetic predisposition towards violence and crime? that is your view?
  4. Reddy


    QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 05:33 PM) With this philosophy there could not be an America left to get married in, but you'd be OK with that because if there were at least gays would be allowed to get married in it. You're being tricked, bro. They run off with trillions of dollars every year from right under our noses because they've got us caring about issues like abortion (which is going absolutely nowhere if you haven't noticed) and gay marriage. enjoy that tinfoil hat. if the government actually had the best interest of its people in mind, socially, economically, educationally etc, we'd be a much more successful country. Unfortunately as it stands, regardless of who's in control, we're seeing the decline and eventual end of America as a superpower due to the corporate control of congress and the SCOTUS. At least the Dems dont straight up HATE a huge chunk of our population like the GOP does. They may be wrong about a number of things, but equality and civil rights are not among them, and to me those are more important.
  5. Reddy


    QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 06:27 PM) So the country can be repeatedly run against the rocks with out of control spending and a culture of surveillance as long as gays get married and the status quo on abortion is kept? Are you f***ing kidding me? yep. because treating people like human beings is more important than economics. every time. EDIT: also, I think it was GWB who created the Patriot Act. Am I wrong?
  6. Reddy


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 03:26 PM) Hillary's approval ratings have been net-favorable basically since 2001, excluding the 2007-2008 primary season when Obama-supporting Democrats would have said they had an unfavorable view. Post-2009 she's been viewed as highly favorable. http://www.gallup.com/poll/162986/hillary-...s-slightly.aspx shhh, they dont care about facts
  7. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 01:20 PM) I didn't say doesn't exist, I said dismiss. Though it becomes pretty hard to keep dismissing it when our goddamn President split the country along a racial boundary then a wave of race-related killings started taking place. YOU ARE BEING RACIST WHEN YOU SAY BLACK KIDS HAVE AN INHERENT DISPOSITION TOWARDS VIOLENCE.
  8. Reddy


    QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 02:36 PM) Yes, but my point is the democrats could lose by default. Picking Hillary would be a good recipe for the democrats leaving office. She's incapable of getting support, unless, like I said she just doesn't campaign and runs on her name. That would be very very very smart, unprecedented strategy. Put her name in the booth and she might win if people just forget what an annoying, mean person she appears to be on TV and when she speaks. I think Dole is a good comparison. greg you're just wrong about this. Hillary - whether you believe it or not - is the most probably the most popular politician in America right now.
  9. Reddy


    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 01:28 PM) Yeah, I really look forward to the Hillary presidency so i can be called a sexist instead of a racist for a change every time i disagree with her. the irony is that the post I was quoting had nothing to do with her policies and everything to do with her personality. so your post is completely off-topic. Greg wasn't DISAGREEING with her, he was calling her a b**** because she's a strong woman who doesn't put up with bulls***.
  10. Reddy


    QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 12:38 PM) Because Ted Cruz will really alienate hispanics. I think there is a growing sentiment in this country that the way things were, even with all its faults, is a lot better than the ways things are now. People are starting to recognize the havoc the government has wreaked on our daily lives and they want to go back to better times. The key is predicting this s*** isn't to just take a snapshot of the way a majority of people think in this moment right now, but were the general consensus is headed. you think that just because his name is Cruz that he wont alienate hispanics? you realize he was born in Canada right? lol
  11. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 12:30 PM) How on earth could it be wrong? They were brutally murdered for no reason. Its not f***ing racist its reality. that all black teens are killers? really? that's reality?
  12. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 10:30 AM) I bet Christopher Lane and Delbert Benton had wished they'd be a lot more careful around black teens the way Zimmerman had. wow. most racist and bigoted thing I think I've ever read from you. Like that's just plain offensive
  13. Reddy


    QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 11:20 AM) They'd take Michigan, Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina. That's enough to push them within striking distance, especially considering the rate at which Barack Obama f***s up and continually worsens the Democrat's chances in 2016. Michigan? Really? lol
  14. Reddy


    QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 09:34 AM) Doesn't change the fact that you dont need a bunch of experience to win. Hillary Clinton is a colossal b**** and has always presented herself as such. Do you think Michelle Bachmann is a b****? Same standard applies. I think Bachmann is an idiot. Clinton graduated from Yale law. so... there's that.
  15. Reddy


    QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 01:23 AM) Cmon, you know you have to be presentable on TV to stand a chance. Obama is a hunk; Clinton was loved by all women; Reagan had that charisma even as an oldie. Hillary quite frankly looks like the B word, talks like the B word. If I were Hillary I wouldn't even campaign. I'd just say I was running. Once she starts opening her mouth and acting like the B word around hecklers, etc., it'll all be over. She sounds good in theory with the name Clinton, but she's not likeable. She's a very menacing person. If the democrats go with Hillary, they'll be nuts. She's 65 years old, will be 68 when she's sworn in? this post is just so ignorant in so many ways. strong woman = b****? really?
  16. Reddy


    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 10:06 PM) Yes I am questioning her credentials. What did she do in those positions? If she sucked at them, which I contend she did, then merely serving in the positions is no qualification. Her State career is a joke. If you think that is in any way a positive thing to put on her 'resume', you are mistaken. Her Senate terms were unremarkable. And once she runs, they can pull out every subtle age jab that the Dems used against McCain. so if you dont feel her qualified, give me a GOP contender with a better resume - someone who is MORE qualified in terms of experience
  17. Reddy


    QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 09:03 PM) Show me Barack Obama's resume circa 2008. You always fail to remember that I pretty much despise Barack Obama.
  18. Reddy


    QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 07:16 PM) They can't win because there aren't enough billionaires or idiots who think the GOP actually cares about this country to cast votes for them. The RNC HQ is a corporatist whore house. who said we couldn't find common ground
  19. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 07:13 PM) interesting theory. please go into detail. Duke already did
  20. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 07:09 PM) http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/nationa...q-1226700172461 looks like the above was a hate crime. apparently they were bored and looking for a "whitey" to kill. will Obama weigh in on this tragedy? not possible. racism doesn't exist
  21. Reddy


    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 02:18 PM) So what has she done? besides marry Bill? and besides of course being a senator and secretary of state and her health care stuff as you mentioned, right? Are you seriously questioning her credentials? show me Ted Cruz's resume. Or anyone else on the GOP side. Let's see how it stacks up in comparison. I dare ya.
  22. Reddy


    QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 12:14 PM) If there is to be an amended version of what a natural-born citizen is, it will make Ted Cruz a non-citizen. He was born in Canada to a family that had no immediate intentions of returning to the USA. I had no idea you could be considered "natural-born" in that case. He's natural-born by blood only, which is kind of funny. But Obama's Kenyan
  23. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 11:08 AM) And how are you going to fix it? What are you actually going to be able to proactively do to eradicate racism? (You know the answer to that question) i do know the answer, but i also dont pretend it doesn't exist...
  24. Reddy


    QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 11:10 AM) Wont happen. Same thing was said with McCain and Romney, people are sick of it. It's going to be a Paul/Cruz or Cruz/Paul ticket and there's nothing that's really going to stop it. Christie isn't even going to enter the primaries. Christie will enter the primaries, however like I said, he doesn't poll well outside the east coast, where people don't really appreciate his "don't like me, well screw you" attitude. and fortunately Cruz will be easy to beat.
  25. Reddy


    QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 22, 2013 -> 10:43 AM) A shot. Id say Christie, Rubio, etc fall into that category. I disagree. I think it has to be someone no one has heard of yet. Rand Paul is too polarizing, midwesterners hate Christie, Rubio comes off as fake and can't speak, and Cruz is a nutjob. But yes, 3 years is quite a long time in politics
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